
Showing posts from April, 2020

Post 2–4 paragraphs about the types of costs that decision makers may fail to consider

Post 2–4 paragraphs about the types of costs that decision makers may fail to consider For this discussion, post 2–4 paragraphs about the types of costs that decision makers may fail to consider when looking at a potential expansion. Include in your discussion: What other expenses might be commonly forgotten when considering the costs of an expansion decision (for example, trash removal, water)? Would these expenses make a material difference in the decision? What processes might be put in place to assure that these seemingly small expenses are considered when planning an expansion project? Review the following article for details on including energy costs as part of business expansion decisions: Energy costs factor into business development, expansion decisions.  (2017, February 15).  Energy Monitor Worldwide Answer preview to post 2–4 paragraphs about the types of costs that decision makers may fail to consider APA 436 words Get instant access to the full solution from yo

How effective would a border wall be between Mexico and the U.S. in stopping the smuggling of illegal drug substances

How effective would a border wall be between Mexico and the U.S. in stopping the smuggling of illegal drug substances Select one of the following essay topics and develop into a 3-4 page essay. Please remember to use sources and cite accordingly. For a paper based on any of the following topics, it is recommended that you examine between 4-5 sources and be able to extract information from them in a concise and cohesive manner. 1. How effective would a border wall be between Mexico and the U.S. in stopping the smuggling of illegal drug substances and illegal migration when every stage of prevention has eventually been overcome? 2. What are the greatest concerns in regards to immigration policies for the upcoming half century? 3. How has immigration policies changed in the United States in the last century? What were the biggest factors leading up to those changes? 4. What effects would deportation of illegal immigrants have on family members living legally within the United State

Talk about which group you tend to have low expectations for

Talk about which group you tend to have low expectations for Write a 250–word post, referencing the Marzano article as the foundation for your submission. Talk about which group you tend to have low expectations for and explain how you will address that tendency. The video should be less than two minutes. Be sure to list all scholarly references that you utilize in a written list in the body of your discussion posting Connect your discussion to the identified needs specified in Haycock’s article, including having high standards, a challenging curriculum, and good teaching skills. This course was designed to be integrative. Thinking as a new professional school counselor, identify the single most insightful activity from this course, and describe how it changed or challenged your ideas about your profession. Secondly, address how you will start every classroom guidance lesson , with the explicit goal of challenging your students. Describe how you will achieve the same outcome with s

Establish a positive atmosphere and relationships with other students

Establish a positive atmosphere and relationships with other students ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (Domain/Standard): Domain: Personal/Social Behavior Standard- Social Skills : Establish a positive atmosphere and relationships with other students Learning Objective(s) (aligns with competency): Students will gain knowledge on respecting each other. Students will display different ways to show each other respect. Students will learn what empathy is and how to show it to their peers. Materials: Students will watch a skit by a diverse group of students. The skit will entail the group having a conversation which will lead into an argument. 2 out of the 4 students are going to show respect and empathy while the other two still wants to argue. The students will also be given handout with the definition and examples of respect and empathy. Procedure: After the skit the students will have a discussion with the counselor about what they understood from the skit. She will explain the

The Role of Research in School Counseling

The Role of Research in School Counseling The Role of Research in School Counseling While at a school counseling event , a graduate student sitting next to you says, “I just don’t know why we have to learn about research. I mean, it just can’t be that important.” Using the guidelines from the Jones, Jones, and Vermette article about creating an engaging lesson plan, imagine that you and a coworker have to create a one- to three-slide PowerPoint lesson describing what makes research critical to our field. Examine the data collection concepts of process, perception, and outcomes. Attach your PowerPoint presentation for review. Readings Use the Capella library to complete the following: Dweck’s 2010 article, “ Even Geniuses Work Hard ,” from  Educational Leadership , volume 68, issue 1, pages 16–20. Kaffenberger’s 2012 article, “ A Call for School Counseling Practitioner Research ,” from  Professional School Counselin g, volume 16, issue 1, pages 59–62. Jones, Jones, and Vermette

Create an imagined transcript of a motivational interview

Create an imagined transcript of a motivational interview A challenging experience working in schools can be seeing students who are more motivated to skip doing their work than to put forth the effort necessary to succeed. How can you help a student who is not interested in school? Think of a student in any grade, K–12, who is disengaged. Academically, the student is capable, but there is little desire for this student to do well in school. Using the articles from this unit’s reading as a guide, create an imagined transcript of a motivational interview. You get to determine what level of change your student is in. For example, if you have a precontemplative 12th grader, be prepared to roll with the resistance and show that you are okay when the student decides not to be successful enough to graduate (believe us, this will happen in real life). Or perhaps you have a fifth grader who just needed to think through consequences of their choices and is in maintenance. Explore change tal

Imagine you are running your own school counseling program

Imagine you are running your own school counseling program In preparation for entering the field as a professional school counselor, you will examine your new identity by exploring the role we play and how we develop a comprehensive program that aligns with the ASCA national model. Each section of the model will be considered as you develop and solidify your own ideas about how you will present yourself as a fully capable and skilled candidate. For this assignment, imagine you are running your own school counseling program. You are fully versed in the ASCA national model and want to create a recognized program (RAMP). You will describe your ideal program, including the vision, mission, success competencies, and SMART goals. For templates, you are welcome to search the Internet for actual RAMP application examples. You will find many different options for completing this assignment and the one in Unit 9, enabling you to create a submission that best reflects your training and identif

Select one of these four theories and explain how using the particular theory would be effective

Select one of these four theories and explain how using the particular theory would be effective Counseling Theories School counselors are generally drawn to Reality, Solution-Focused, Rational Emotive, or Cognitive Behavior Therapy theories due to time constraints in the school setting. For your initial post, select one of these four theories and explain how using the particular theory would be effective for you as a school counselor . Provide one scenario that illustrates how the selected theory would be beneficial in a school setting. In a school setting, counselors use a variety of theoretical orientations to support the academic success of their students; however, the most popular theoretical orientations are solution-focused, REBT, reality, and cognitive-behavioral. For your initial post to this discussion: Create three comments or questions for each of these theories that you would use with a student called to your office to address a significant drop in his or her grades.

Imagine that you are establishing the mindset and behavior goals for your students.

Imagine that you are establishing the mindset and behavior goals for your students. Competencies For the two discussions in this unit, you will be familiarizing yourself with related resources on ASCA’s Web site: the “ASCA Mindset and Behaviors for Student Success ,” and the associated grade-level competencies that support the standards. You will choose one of these items to develop more substantially for your Unit 5 Plan Outline assignment. Imagine that you are establishing the mindset and behavior goals for your students. After reading through the mindset and behavior document and using the ASCA Web site as your resource, consider the imaginary school where you work. Determine what activity you will include in your classroom guidance lesson plan, or small group session, to target a specific competency. It may be helpful for you to go to the ASCA Web site to search for competencies as you consider the rest of this prompt. You are going to decide which competencies you will addre

Create a narrative that addresses how the competencies and indicators were selected

Create a narrative that addresses how the competencies and indicators were selected The introduction for this unit will help guide this discussion. In this discussion, you will write a narrative that may ultimately be used in your assignment for Unit 5. Select  either  the “Student Standards Competencies and Indicators” or the “ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success” document. Once you have chosen a resource to work from do the following: If you are using the “Student Standards Competencies and Indicators,” create a narrative that addresses how the competencies and indicators were selected and how they serve as the foundation for classroom lessons, small groups, and other school counseling activities. In addition, address how the competencies and indicators are reviewed or revised each school year. If you are using the “ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success ,” create a narrative that addresses how the mindsets and behaviors were selected and how they serve as the

Development of a series of group counseling sessions that target a particular population.

Development of a series of group counseling sessions that target a particular population. The project for this course is the development of a series of group counseling sessions that target a particular population. Imagine that you are making a presentation to a group of colleagues about your population, the need for group counseling, and how you are going to prepare and design your groups. Include specific details such as how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the group. Your group counseling presentation should be in reference to your future field of study; for example, school, mental health, and so on. This project will become an important part of your overall counseling portfolio and can be implemented, if you choose, during your practicum. Be sure to choose an area of concern that has practical interest to you. There are guidelines to help you develop your final project, but ultimately, you will need to decide what considerations best fit the needs of the particular group y

Post a reflection on outcomes associated with social issues confronting LGBTQ youth

Post a reflection on outcomes associated with social issues confronting LGBTQ youth Your initial post (approximately 200-250 words) should address each question in the discussion 1.Post a reflection on outcomes associated with social issues confronting LGBTQ youth and also on the sex trafficking of children. a paragraph defining sexual orientation and categories of sexual orientation, 2) a second paragraph describing issues that affect LGBTQ youth and the effects and 3) a third paragraph describing sex trafficking of children and the effects. (MLO 5.3) 2. Post a reflection on specific aspects of American culture associated with major illnesses and diseases in the United States. Conceptualize the reflection through the concept of the ecological model. 3.The word “reasonable” surfaces repeatedly in respect to the constitutional expectations we have for police officers.What does it mean? Does the definition of it change with the circumstance? 4.Do the exceptions to the Fourth Amen

Explain the theories of adult learning principles.

Explain the theories of adult learning principles. Once the training analysis is completed, the organization and employee development human resources specialist uses adult learning theories to turn the training needs into training materials, courses, and instructional design. 750-800 words Address the following elements of understanding the adult learning model: Explain the theories of adult learning principles. Compare the differences between child/adolescent and adult learning models (pedagogy and andragogy). Discuss the concept of learning styles, personalities, and how these concepts are combined with adult learning in organizational training and development programs. Explore the options that organizations have in applying adult learning to a comprehensive training and development program. Answer preview to explain the theories of adult learning principles. APA 919 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button

Consider the different ways of presenting data that you have been reading about.

Consider the different ways of presenting data that you have been reading about. Descriptive Methods Using Data Analysis Discussion Resources Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2019).  Basic statistics for business and economics  (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Chapter 2, “Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation.” Beginning with a scenario about how a large corporation uses statistics and analytics to support business decisions, this chapter also includes instructions on how to create descriptive statistics such as frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, histograms, and frequency polygons (line charts). Instructions For this discussion, consider the different ways of presenting data that you have been reading about. Based on the context of the business in which you work or have interest, provide one example of the kind of data that may be best presented in a graph and the type that may be best presented in a ta

Post a response of your view of the information as seen from a macroeconomic point of view.

Post a response of your view of the information as seen from a macroeconomic point of view. Watch The Realities of Trump’s  Trade Wars . Post a response of your view of the information as seen from a macroeconomic point of view. The post is NOT about a battle of political ideology, but of economic principles and observations of the trade policy .  (Instead of Free Trade) It is required to post a 200 word response to the question. Attachments area Preview YouTube video The Realities Of Trump’s Trade War | VICE on HBO The Realities Of Trump’s Trade War | VICE on HBO Answer preview to post a response of your view of the information as seen from a macroeconomic point of view. APA 266 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Post a response of your view of the information as seen from a macroeconomic point of view. appeared first on Y

What feelings do you have about discharging a client

What feelings do you have about discharging a client DQ#1: How and when do you begin preparing your client for discharge from therapy ? According the the policy at my site a client is able to get 17 sessions of treatment unless they self termination after missing three consecutive sessions at that point we create a termination summary.  As we start to get 3/4 of the way through the process we start to discuss  termination and start to gear them up to handle situation own their own, in some cases we have used the last 10 minutes of the session to go over techniques we have discussed or learn in the prior session a reminder of how to problem solve.  and towards the last session is provide them with information that they can use as a resource for them to problem solve  and to use and self help reminders. DQ#2: What feelings do you have about discharging a client? Are you happy to see them go? Satisfied? Saddened? How do you address these feelings? Hello Professor Krupp & Class, I

Comparing gender roles in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles with gender roles in the 21st century.

Comparing gender roles in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles with gender roles in the 21st century. Write an APA-formatted essay of 1000 words comparing gender roles in Susan Glaspell’s  Trifles  with gender roles in the 21 st  century. The play can be found at the following site: (Links to an external site.) This essay should: Please follow the requirements below . make specific and obvious points of comparison between the two topics be 1000 words long have an explicit thesis statement, with the main idea (the topic of the paper) and a controlling idea (what you, as the author, is saying about the topic)2 include an integrated, direct quote from the text to support the thesis in each of the body paragraphs be written using APA formatting guidelines use APA guidelines for citation, both in-text and on a References page write in 3rd-person only be submitted as a MS Word .docx file Submissions: Responses will be submi

Explain how this strategy shows Bezos as a systematic and intuitive thinker.

Explain how this strategy shows Bezos as a systematic and intuitive thinker. Case Analysis Questions Answer the following in up to 300- 350 words each. Bezos once said, “Amazon may break even or even lose money on the sale of its devices.” The company expects to recoup the money later through the sale of products, with a further boost from its annual Prime membership fee. Explain how this strategy shows Bezos as a systematic and intuitive thinker. It seems like everyone is streaming these days and there are a growing number of providers. Amazon is a player in the digital entertainment market, but hasn’t taken a clear lead. Determine, based on the strengths of the company, what decisions should be made to ensure that Amazon jumps ahead and becomes the “No. 1” source for digital content streams. Compare the latest initiatives coming out of Amazon with those of the actual or potential competition . Conclude whether or not Bezos is making the right decisions as he guides the firm

Critically evaluate evidence based and best practice treatment interventions.

Critically evaluate evidence based and best practice treatment interventions. Assignment 2: Intervention Treatment Plan According to the Council on Social Work Education, Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice: Social workers understand quantitative and qualitative research methods and their respective roles in advancing a science of social work and in evaluating their practice. Social workers know the principles of logic, scientific inquiry, and culturally informed and ethical approaches to building knowledge. Social workers understand that evidence that informs practice derives from multi-disciplinary sources and multiple ways of knowing. They also understand the processes for translating research findings into effective practice. Walden’s MSW program expects students in their specialization year to be able to: Critically evaluate evidence based and “best practice” treatment interventions. Compose clinical intervention plans that are

Interpreting Graphical Data Representations in Articles or Reports Overview

Interpreting Graphical Data Representations in Articles or Reports Overview Interpreting Graphical Data Representations in Articles or Reports Overview Business administrators and managers are often called upon to interpret data that analysts have provided to them. In this first assignment, you are asked to locate any report or periodical article used in a business context that interests you and that contains at least two different graphical representations of data. You will interpret the graphical data representations and present your findings in a brief PowerPoint deck, as if you were presenting during a company meeting . week_2_discussion__assignment (1) Answer preview to interpreting Graphical Data Representations in Articles or Reports Overview APA 538 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Interpreting Graphical Data Representations in Articles or Reports Overview appeared first on Yourho