What feelings do you have about discharging a client

What feelings do you have about discharging a client

DQ#1: How and when do you begin preparing your client for discharge from therapy?

According the the policy at my site a client is able to get 17 sessions of treatment unless they self termination after missing three consecutive sessions at that point we create a termination summary.  As we start to get 3/4 of the way through the process we start to discuss  termination and start to gear them up to handle situation own their own, in some cases we have used the last 10 minutes of the session to go over techniques we have discussed or learn in the prior session a reminder of how to problem solve.  and towards the last session is provide them with information that they can use as a resource for them to problem solve  and to use and self help reminders.

DQ#2: What feelings do you have about discharging a client? Are you happy to see them go? Satisfied? Saddened? How do you address these feelings?

Hello Professor Krupp & Class,

In counseling, terminating a service to a client is a process that is carried out with significant and ethical implications. The Code of Ethics Standard 10:10 requires that a psychotherapy relationship be ended when the client is not benefitting from treatment, is not likely to benefit from it, or is likely to be harmed from it. I will not call seeing a client go “sad” but would say that the client would be “missed”. . The client then feeds off the therapist and not the therapist feeding off he client. If a therapist is feeling sad then there may be more issues that were not addressed during counseling. The therapist must remember that the relation with a client is artificial and one-sided. The client feeds off the therapist and not the therapist feeding off the client. The therapist knows a lot about the client and the client knows a little about the therapist. Yes it is sad to see a client say goodbye but the therapist should be happy to see them go off to live their lives. Honestly, I think that I would miss them and let them know how much I learned from them and the strengths I have seen within them. Yes, counseling can affect a therapist emotions but the trick is managing normal and natural feelings with the ending process.


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What feelings do you have about discharging a client


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