
Showing posts from April, 2021

Different leadership styles, organizational behavior “tools” that leaders can use

Different leadership styles, organizational behavior “tools” that leaders can use Throughout this course, we’ve talked about different leadership styles , organizational behavior “tools” that leaders can use (structure, job design , leadership’s impact on culture, leadership style, etc.) As we have seen, in order to be sustainable, organizations need to evolve. To evolve, transformational leaders are needed. Here’s a short video from that covers the basic concepts of transformational leadership…a good synopsis as we close out this class. Prof. Goodman Transformational Leadership. (2018). YouTube 8-1-Discussion_-Organizational-Behavior-Going-Forward-OL-342-J3127-Organizational-Behavior-21EW3 Answer preview to different leadership styles, organizational behavior “tools” that leaders can use APA 187 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below   The post Different leadership styles,

Explore transformational opportunities in leadership models further as discussed in the article.

Explore transformational opportunities in leadership models further as discussed in the article. After reading the article ” Let’s Drive a Stake In the Heart of the Industrial Age ” discuss the following organizational behavior (OB) aspects: How do you plan to use the OB tools that you learned about this term to assist the transformational process in organizational models? Explore transformational opportunities in leadership models further as discussed in the article. Respond to two of your peers. Were there any similarities or differences in any of your peers ‘responses that provide insight to trends in perspectives on OB tools? Did your peers provide any insight into the transformational opportunities you may have overlooked? Explain and discuss with your peers in your follow-up posts. 8-1-Discussion_-Organizational-Behavior-Going-Forward-OL-342-J3127-Organizational-Behavior-21EW3 Answer preview to explore transformational opportunities in leadership models further as discu

Globalization has some detrimental effects on the employee-employer relationship in the United States.

Globalization has some detrimental effects on the employee-employer relationship in the United States. Globalization has some detrimental effects on the employee-employer relationship in the United States. Globalization hangs this threat over American workers that if they ask for too much the company can just move off-shore. Government policies made it so that there was little impact on companies who did decide to move off shore, and there is no sure-fire way for unions to protect employees from this. I believe that this is another way the the company holds power over it’s employees. When Americans take a step back and look as globalization has whole, it’s not bad (actually holds a lot of benefits) but I do think it puts a unspoken strain on the employee-employer relationship . Globalization could have negative effects in terms of job loss or pay cuts. 8-2-Discussion_-Globalizations-Impact-OL-318-J3074-Employee-Labor-Relations-21EW3 Answer preview to globalization has some detrimen

How does globalization affect employee-employer relationships in the United States

How does globalization affect employee-employer relationships in the United States 8-2 Discussion: Globalization’s Impact How does globalization affect employee-employer relationships in the United States? Does globalization have only bad consequences for American workers ? 8-2-Discussion_-Globalizations-Impact-OL-318-J3074-Employee-Labor-Relations-21EW3 Answer preview to how does globalization affect employee-employer relationships in the United States APA 311 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below   The post How does globalization affect employee-employer relationships in the United States appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Have a firm understanding of communication. Often time communication is considered

Have a firm understanding of communication. Often time communication is considered Advice for management : 1. Have a firm understanding of communication. Often time communication is considered being able to get your point across, but that’s just not it. This one piece of the puzzle could make or break negotiations. This means listening to employees concerns and continuously fostering a workplace environment where open communication is valued and appreciated. 2. Understand employee rights. This is so major to me, understanding that could save you and your company from a nasty law suit. This helps to a work place where employees can come forward about issues before they get to a strike stage. Advice for employees: Understand what your bottom line is and stick too it BUT be flexible. I think this is especially important in the private sector. You have to be flexible because ultimately strain on the company can trickle down and become strain on employees. 8-1-Discussion_-Advice-for-

Provide at least two observations/points of advice for management and two for employees.

Provide at least two observations/points of advice for management and two for employees. We have covered many subjects related to creating a balance between employees and management for the long-term benefit of the business or organization. From all the readings and articles we have discussed, what are a couple of observations you have made related to activities that management could do better and that employees could do better? In this topic, provide at least two observations/points of advice for management and two for employees. The result should be that if your suggestions are implemented, the workplace would be much better for everyone. Format your response as follows: Advice for Management: 1. 2. Advice for Employees: 8-1-Discussion_-Advice-for-Management-and-Labor-OL-318-J3074-Employee-Labor-Relations-21EW3   Answer preview to provide at least two observations/points of advice for management and two for employees. APA 364 words Get instant access to the full solu

You are working in an Obstetrician’s office. A 45-year-old woman that is at the end of the first trimester has just transferred to your office

You are working in an Obstetrician’s office. A 45-year-old woman that is at the end of the first trimester has just transferred to your office Topic: You are working in an Obstetrician’s office. A 45-year-old woman that is at the end of the first trimester has just transferred to your office. A c hromosomal analysis has been requested by the patient. In the first part of this assignment, you need to describe process of sampling and examining the fetal chromosomes. The result of the analysis indicates that the child has down syndrome. The mother becomes distraught upon hearing the results and blames herself. Specifically, she focuses on a single event where she consumed cookie dough ice cream (which contains raw eggs) during the second month of gestation. For the second part of this assignment, you need to compose an explanation that refutes the mother’s supposition and provide a more logical (but also empathetic) reason for the trisomy. In addition, craft a detailed explanation of ho

Pick a disease that results from a chromosomal abnormality and describe the characteristics of the disease

Pick a disease that results from a chromosomal abnormality and describe the characteristics of the disease Being euploid does not necessarily mean that the chromosomes are complete. Pick a disease that results from a chromosomal abnormality and describe the characteristics of the disease , the type of abnormality that occurs, and the chromosome number and section that is abnormal. Answer preview to pick a disease that results from a chromosomal abnormality and describe the characteristics of the disease APA 348 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Pick a disease that results from a chromosomal abnormality and describe the characteristics of the disease appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PL

What is DNA methylation? Describe how this mechanism regulates the expression of genes.

What is DNA methylation? Describe how this mechanism regulates the expression of genes. Discussion Question: What is DNA methylation? Describe how this mechanism regulates the expression of genes. What can happen when the DNA is hyper-methylated? Pick and describe a disease that results from DNA hyper-methylation. Answer preview to what is DNA methylation? Describe how this mechanism regulates the expression of genes. APA 475 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post What is DNA methylation? Describe how this mechanism regulates the expression of genes. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

What is a current phenomenon in our society that serves the same goals as the ancient Greek chorus

What is a current phenomenon in our society that serves the same goals as the ancient Greek chorus Write a 500-word essay focusing on lessons from the Goldhill PDF. In Simon Goldhill’s chapter on choruses in ancient Greece he explains that chorus participation went beyond its performance in the Festival of Dionysus. It was representative of a larger cultural experience. In your essay first focus on what that larger cultural experience was, according to Goldhill. Then offer a modern-day equivalent. What is a current phenomenon in our society that serves the same goals as the ancient Greek chorus? If you cannot identify one, then propose one. What is something that all citizens could participate in that would yield the same results as the ancient Greek chorus? Whether you chose an actual event/experience or a proposed one, please support your answer. How does your idea connect to the reading? Finally, consider the purpose of collective action. How might we further use connection

Write a 500-word essay focusing on lessons from the Wole Soyinka’s essay Theatre in African tradition.

Write a 500-word essay focusing on lessons from the Wole Soyinka’s essay Theatre in African tradition. Write a 500-word essay focusing on lessons from the Wole Soyinka’s essay Theatre in African tradition . In Soyinka’s essay, he focuses on the impact of colonization on indigenous cultural expression . He also provides myriad examples of the persistence of indigenous cultural expression in the face of such oppression. In your essay, focus on a two specific sections of the essay which exemplify either:? An example of the impact of colonization as presented by Soyinka.? An example of art/theatre continuing to flourish despite colonial restrictions. Explain why your selected paragraphs/sentences are significant. Lastly, consider ways in which those in power continue to attempt to erase cultural expression. Suggestion how, if you were the creator of art/theatre that was attempting to be erased, you might respond in order to make your voice and the voice of your people heard. Answer

In Chapter 12, the textbook describes two different types of health care: Western Medicine and Complementary Medicine.

In Chapter 12, the textbook describes two different types of health care: Western Medicine and Complementary Medicine. In Chapter 12, the textbook describes two different types of health care: Western Medicine and Complementary Medicine. Each type has a number of different categories listed under it. 1. Tell us, in 3-4 paragraphs,- Which of the two types of health care you are most likely to use (why?) and which type you are least likely to use (why?).- Which category under the main type (Western or Complementary) are you most likely to use and which are you least likely to use. Do not use definitions of the types in your answer.- Given the cost context of Chapter 12, how might the different types of health care be useful in addressing the concerns expressed in the World Health Organization Social Determinants of Health  (Links to an external site.) (WHO) \”SDH?\” Why? Be specific: do not use the definition of the SDH as y

Analyze the Jungian concept of self-realization or individuation.

Analyze the Jungian concept of self-realization or individuation. Essay Question:  In a minimum of five paragraphs, analyze the Jungian concept of self-realization or individuation . Need: Introduction Body Conclusion Reference: Theories of Personality Jess Feist, Gregory J. Feist, and Tomi-Ann Roberts, 2018Mc Graw-Hill Education ISBN.13: 978-0-077-86192-6 Answer preview to  analyze the Jungian concept of self-realization or individuation. APA 648 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Analyze the Jungian concept of self-realization or individuation. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Identify and research one not-for-profit organization and provide the Web link to the most recent financial report of the organization. 

Identify and research one not-for-profit organization and provide the Web link to the most recent financial report of the organization. ·         Identify and research one not-for-profit organization and provide the Web link to the most recent financial report of the organization. The organization identified should include business and investment activities. ·         Contrast the treatment of business-type activities in the financial report of the not-for-profit entities and identify one significant difference in accounting for investments by the not-for-profit and a for-profit business . Answer preview to identify and research one not-for-profit organization and provide the Web link to the most recent financial report of the organization. APA 378 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Identify and research one not-for-profit organization and provide the Web link to the most recent financial rep

Describe the stretch shortening cycle and how it relates to exercise.

Describe the stretch shortening cycle and how it relates to exercise. Write a 250-word essay response to the following question. Describe the stretch shortening cycle and how it relates to exercise. Write a 250-word essay response to the following question. Analyze two athletes performing a power clean and a power snatch. Do a detailed technique analysis of each lift. List the critical elements of each lift and note any technique deviations . Answer preview to describe the stretch shortening cycle and how it relates to exercise. APA 677 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Describe the stretch shortening cycle and how it relates to exercise. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

How would you describe the organization of your company’s top-management team

How would you describe the organization of your company’s top-management team DECENTRALIZED VS CENTRALIZED DECISION MAKING How would you describe the organization of your company’s top-management team? Is some decision making decentralized and delegated to individual managers? If so, explain how the decentralization works. Or are decisions made more by consensus, with all co-managers having input? What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of the decision-making approach your company is employing? Requirements: 400 words   my organization company is CHEVRON Answer preview to how would you describe the organization of your company’s top-management team APA 514 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post How would you describe the organization of your company’s top-management team appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLI

What would you recommend to your management/leadership based on these concepts

What would you recommend to your management/leadership based on these concepts On a weekly basis, learners are expected to submit a Weekly Summary of topics learned, objectives achieved and a conclusion as to the practical relevance of the subject material covered. The Weekly Summary should include the following \”Five Points\” as \”Headings (similar to Chapter Titles)\” and run about 1-2 pages, due by Day 7. The \”Body\” should take the form of a \”Q/A\” format.: What are the most important concepts you have learned from this course? What would you recommend to your management/ leadership based on these concepts? (e.g., change of direction, new systems, re-engineering). Think of this from the perspective that you are the senior executive in the organization with the authority to impact change. How will these concepts impact you personally and professionally? What is the value-added from these concepts or what difference can these concepts make to your organization? (e.g., finan

What do you think is the most pressing issue in higher education today that will require proper planning by university administrators to adequately address

What do you think is the most pressing issue in higher education today that will require proper planning by university administrators to adequately address After all our discussions on trends in higher education and preparing to address these areas through assessment, evaluation, and strategic planning, in this discussion you’ll discuss the most pressing issue faced by Universities. Prior to completing this discussion read Chapter 7 in Clawson & Page (2011). Initial Post: Create an initial response that addresses the following: Part 1: Identify What do you think is the most pressing issue in higher education today that will require proper planning by university administrators to adequately address? Please be sure to explain your selection. Part 2: Outline Outline a series of objectives for addressing the issue. Be sure to identify at least three objectives. For each objective, list at least two tasks that would need to be carried out by the university to accomplish that ob

Nurses play a pivotal role in providing care within the boundaries of their organization’s budget.

Nurses play a pivotal role in providing care within the boundaries of their organization’s budget. Payment Mode Analysis Nurses play a pivotal role in providing care within the boundaries of their organization’s budget. In order to become a leader in the field to improve quality care and reduce cost, you need to understand the nuances of the way health care organizations are paid. Complete the table to analyze each payment mode . Apply what you’ve learned to complete the activity following the table. Complete the  Payment Mode Analysis  worksheet. Cite at least three scholarly sources in an APA-formatted reference page. Submit your assignment. healthcareweek2worksheet Answer preview to nurses play a pivotal role in providing care within the boundaries of their organization’s budget. APA 996 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Nurses play a pivotal role in providing care within the bounda

Research 2 agencies, departments, or bureaus that function in the field of criminal justice.

Research 2 agencies, departments, or bureaus that function in the field of criminal justice. In Week 1, you learned about a few aspects of thinking critically. As you build your critical thinking skills each week, consider the different fields within criminal justice and how important critical thinking skill are for someone in that role. The criminal justice field has many different career paths, positions, and departments and agencies. Some of the departments and agencies include the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Research 2 agencies, departments, or bureaus that function in the field of criminal justice. Select 1 position within each agency, department, or bureau that you selected so that you have 2 total roles selected. Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary in which you address the following questions: What are

Choose a health policy issue in your workplace or community that is related to health care cost

Choose a health policy issue in your workplace or community that is related to health care cost Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Choose a health policy issue in your workplace or community that is related to health care cost, quality, or access, and then discuss the following questions: What are the principal features of U.S. health policy, and what are the various stages in the policy cycle? What is the role of public opinion in policy making? What strategies and tools can be employed by various stakeholder groups? What is the relationship between states and the federal government in policymaking ? What has been the impact of presidential leadership on health policies? How and why have health reform proposals been unsuc

Many people throughout the United States face significant barriers to health care access.

Many people throughout the United States face significant barriers to health care access. Key Assignment Many people throughout the United States face significant barriers to health care access . As policy makers and other stakeholders consider ways to address challenges related to access to care, one key area of focus involves those who lack insurance or have inadequate coverage through insurance. Submit a PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides including 100-200 word speaker notes in which you address the following:   Consider the different stakeholders and perspectives impacted by health policy . How does access to insurance differ from access to care? Provide 1 specific example from your personal or professional life or from current events to support your response, and explain why this distinction is important. How did the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 address access to insurance? How does current enacted legislation impact access to care? What do yo

Discuss whether or not your organization has ISO 27001 certification.

Discuss whether or not your organization has ISO 27001 certification. From your research, discuss whether or not your organization has ISO 27001 certification . Outside of overall protection from cyber-attacks, describe, in detail, some other benefits your organization will achieve in obtaining this certification. If your company does not have this certification, how can they go about obtaining it? Present your discussion post as if you were presenting to senior leaders of your company. Write in active voice only, no past tense. APA style. 550 words minimum.   You may use some of these points. –pros of ISO 27001– 1. Facilitate third party/vendor security assurance, reduce time to respond to  third party/vendor security assurance, questions. 2. demonstrate security posture to potential and existing clients, procurement checklist 3. facilitate compliance with data protection laws such as GDPR and DPA UK   by showing 4. speed up compliance with other frameworks such as Cyber Esse

You have a female friend and her father has muscular dystrophy.

You have a female friend and her father has muscular dystrophy. Discussion Question: You have a female friend and her father has muscular dystrophy . Her mother does not. She is concerned that she may both contract the disease and/or possibly pass the disease to her children. Explain to her why this is not possible. What would have to be different for her to be concerned about contracting the disease ? Answer preview to you have a female friend and her father has muscular dystrophy.   APA 524 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post You have a female friend and her father has muscular dystrophy. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Chapter 15: Emerging Infectious Diseases.  

Chapter 15: Emerging Infectious Diseases. Chapter 15: Emerging Infectious Diseases . A neighbor, who is 3 months pregnant, asks to talk to you because she has felt tired for the last 2 days, has a headache, a rash, and does not feel like eating. You take her vital signs and find that she has a low-grade fever . She has recently traveled to an area where there is risk for Zika virus disease. To what could your neighbor have been exposed, and how could the exposure have occurred? What advice would you give your neighbor? Minimum of two references, not older than 2015. I am a nursing student in Florida and I am hispanic (cuban) in case you need to know for this paper. Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph (125 words per paragraph minimum) Format: APA style 7th Edition. Please make sure it is in 7th Edition and if the references have any doi or URL include it. Thank you Requirements: 125 words per paragraph/ 3 paragraph