
Showing posts from December, 2018

Describe the United States’ movement from isolationism to expansion-mindedness

Describe the United States’ movement from isolationism to expansion-mindedness Describe the United States’ movement from isolationism to expansion-mindedness in the final decades of the nineteenth century. What ideas and philosophies underpinned this transformation? Please explain these ideas and philosophies. 2. How did the Crusades affect fashion? 3. How did European society change after the Black Death? docx_2 verbs 8u.s._imperialism albert_beveridge ………………..Solution preview…………………….. Up until the late 19 th century, the US had always pursued an isolationist policy. In this case, the US did not want to get entangled in the affairs of other countries. This may be because of its colonial past and the fact it had to fight for its independence from Britain. So, interfering with the affairs of other countries………………………………. APA 1044 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Describe the United

Discuss the importance of fundraising as well as the nature and principle of sport business

Discuss the importance of fundraising as well as the nature and principle of sport business The Fundraising Process Submit a two-page essay entitled “The Fundraising Process.” Your essay should discuss the importance of fundraising as well as the nature and principle of sport business. You may use the textbook, online sources, articles from the CSU Online Library, and/or resources from your local library to support your essay. When writing your essay, please consider the following: Your introduction should be engaging and should clearly summarize the topic. Your discussion should display critical thinking about the topic and use transitions correctly. Your ideas and points should be organized and presented logically. Your writing should be clear and concise with excellent use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You should use APA format for all of your work. A title page and reference page should be present. Opinions can be included; however, first person should not be us

Write one page about Smithsonian Institution Building Museum

Write one page about Smithsonian Institution Building Museum Write one page about Smithsonian Institution Building Museum in DC. Very Simple words. ………………Answer preview………… The Smithsonian institution building in DC provides a glimpse of different interesting aspects of the world. In its totality, the building is a home to around 150 million objects which have significance in terms of history, culture and other aspects of our daily life (Cooper, 2018)…………………….. APA 349 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below   The post Write one page about Smithsonian Institution Building Museum appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Identify the ways that the practitioner used skills to enhance understanding

Identify the ways that the practitioner used skills to enhance understanding What did the practitioner do well in this session? 2. What, if any, mistakes did the practitioner make? 3. Identify the ways that the practitioner used skills to enhance understanding. 4. What are additional ways that the practitioner could have enhanced understanding? Give specific examples of what the practitioner could have said. 5. What two problems do you think the client is most concerned about? 6. Review what you learned in this module about assessing the client’s stage of change. What is this client’s stage of change? What information do you have to support your evaluation regarding the stage of change? What further exploration do you need to confirm that the client is in this stage of change? 7. Discuss the client’s level of motivation . What else would you want to explore to further determine level of motivation? 8. What strengths and resources did the practitioner identify in the client duri

Designing the Death of a Plastic

Designing the Death of a Plastic Current Chemistry Description There is a lot of chemistry going on all around you. If you start to observe a bit more intentionally, you will notice many new discoveries, articles, news stories, and breakthrough research happening everyday. And science can only be useful and keep moving forward if it is shared. For this topic, I want you to find a current article relating to chemistry and share it with the class. At least 300 words. please see The attached photo and please do not pick any of these topics reference the paper This is my topic: Designing the Death of a Plastic   below is the link of the article …………….Answer preview……………… Over the years, plastics have wreaked havoc on the environment given that they decompose at a very slow rate. Given that problem, scientists are working on self-destructing plastics which will act a

Write an essay about the cultural impact of popular music on society

Write an essay about the cultural impact of popular music on society Write an essay about the cultural impact of popular music on society, and how it reflects the social issues of its time of production. Select a popular song from the era of your choice (1950’s – 2000’s), and discuss its cultural impact . Analyze the meaning of the lyrics, and discuss how this song represents an element of popular culture/ American society. The main focus of your essay should be regarding symbolism, and the symbolic nature of the song you have chosen. Give some background into the musician or musical group you have chosen. Then, discuss some of the social and political issues present in American and, if relevant, international culture that were going on at the time of the song’s release. ……………….Answer preview…………………. Often regarded to as the king of pop, Michael Jackson contribution to the popular culture is immense. In today’s culture, many are still studying the effect that Michael had on t

Discuss the problematic nature of attempting to define popular culture

Discuss the problematic nature of attempting to define popular culture problematic nature Discuss the problematic nature of attempting to define popular culture . Why is it such a difficult subject to find a working definition? Give examples of some of the issues encountered when attempting to define and study this complex subject. This paper should be 1 page, in APA style, utilizing the college’s library resources. One scholarly article as a minimum should be included in your essay. ………………….Answer preview……………….. Attempting to come up with a fitting definition for popular culture can at times be an uphill task. Firstly, this is due to the context that the culture is put. In this instance, the culture cannot be applied in the pre-industrial and the pre-science social setup. Hence, this creates some conceptualization difficulties…………………. APA 309 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Discuss the

What are three things you could ask her to increase her sense of empowerment

What are three things you could ask her to increase her sense of empowerment  Suicide attempt Shelley is a 19-year-old college student who was hospitalized after a suicide attempt. You were asked to see her as part of the inpatient course of treatment. What are three things you could ask her to increase her sense of empowerment? …………………Answer preview……………… Firstly, it is by offering advice that she should be optimistic. To achieve the goal of being optimistic in life, she will have to set goals for the recovery process. This will start by achieving acceptance that she is mentally ill and eliminating any form of self-stigmatization. It would also help if she could create the expectation …………………………. APA 323 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post What are three things you could ask her to increase her sense of empowerment appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolv

What is the responsibility of Christians with regards to economic development

What is the responsibility of Christians with regards to economic development Discussion 3 BIBLE READINGS James 1:26–27 Proverbs 29:7 Malachi 3:6-12 Matthew 6 Luke 6:35–36 Acts 5:1–11 Acts 20:35 Romans 12:13 2 Corinthians 8:2–5 1 Timothy 6:18 1 John 3:17–18 After reading the assigned Bible passages, synthesize these passages into a response to the following question: “What is the responsibility of Christians with regards to economic development , leadership within the community, and the mandates of the Gospel?” …………….Answer  preview…………………. As human beings, it is important to appreciate that God put us in this world for a purpose. Hence, our purpose in this world is to be agents of positive change. For that reason, it is paramount that we create an impact on the society in terms of economics and leadership. This should, however, be in line with the teachings………………………… APA 665 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking th

Team effectiveness and decision making in organizations

Team effectiveness and decision making in organizations The eight step decision model that we have studied in this reading is all about the training of disaster groups and how they can work together to bring positive impacts upon the community. The decision model that makes most sense for me is the optimization model and I believe it also fits the eight step model that we studied. The optimization model proposes that although there might be many great options out there but the model that works best is the one which fits all requirements of that organization. Applying this concept to the training model will imply that leaders must focus on working out a training model that chooses a method that befits all components of that organization. They may have to sacrifice some perfect decisions in order to reach for a greater benefit. It is important for the leaders to take insight of the whole picture instead of focusing on one aspect of that training program. They should access the abilitie

What do you know about the role of Black women in the Civil Rights Movement

What do you know about the role of Black women in the Civil Rights Movement 40 writing response regarding Civil Rights As “The Civil Rights Movement in the USA in the 1950s and 60s” article states, Civil Rights are “rights that anyone in a given society is entitled to as a member of that society; the rights that the US Constitution gives to its citizens” (131). Although the 50s and 60s are popularly referred to as “the Civil Rights Movement,” in fact Black people’s struggle for civil rights spans all the way back to when the first Africans were brought to the Americas. However, for this week’s readings and videos, we focused primarily on the latter movement since that was when the largest and most coherent push for increased civil rights by African Americans led to transformative social and political change. Black men are most often depicted as the primary leaders of the Civil Rights Movement . Names like Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and Stokely Carmichael are well known for

What is the origin and meaning of the term “Gilded Age”

What is the origin and meaning of the term “Gilded Age” What is the origin and meaning of the term “Gilded Age”? How does this term characterize American society in the late nineteenth century? In what ways is this characterization accurate or inaccurate (provide examples)? Chapter 21 2. What vestiges (traces) of Progressivism can we see in our contemporary lives — politically, socially, and economically? Which of our present-day political processes, laws, institutions, and attitudes have their roots in the era of Progressivism? Why have these vestiges of Progressivism endured? how_the_other_half_lives the_gilded_age_and_the_progressive_era looking_backward plessy_vs_ferguson Answer preview One The word gilded age was coined by Mark Twain and can be traced from his novel with a similar title which he co-wrote with Warner and was published in the year 1873. By definition, the act of gilding involves covering a metal which has lesser value with another of value with the aim of

Should taxes be just a revenue generator or should it be used to influence social policy as well

Should taxes be just a revenue generator or should it be used to influence social policy as well 411 Discussion Question 2: Should taxes be just a revenue generator or should it be used to influence social policy as well? Support your answer with both text concepts and Biblical examples.     …………………………Answer preview………………… Tax codes have a significant effect on social aspects like housing, savings, and healthcare. Tax incentives can be utilized to directly influence government spending for specific programs or evoke a specific social behavior in a nation. It is important to note that tax codes have a consequent social policy impact, and since…………………………. APA 372 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Should taxes be just a revenue generator or should it be used to influence social policy as well appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team

Joining the Ranks of a Profession

Joining the Ranks of a Profession Joining the Ranks of a Profession This week as you reach the end of this term and program, discuss with your classmates how you have moved closer to identifying yourself as an NP . Specifically, what are some ways that you can support this profession ? APA style, include at least 3 references no older than 5 years ………………………….Answer preview…………………. Nursing Practitioners (NP) impact on the positive outcomes for patients and in health promotion activities including reduced hospital stays readmissions and sustainable recovery. Nonetheless, the dynamic nature of nursing presents challenging or unexpected work encounters demanding high social, professional…………………………. APA 420 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below   The post Joining the Ranks of a Profession appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE

Environmental Law 3 pages of text

Environmental Law 3 pages of text Chapter 2 History, Standing, Local Government Regulation, Risk Management , and Workplace Safety Book name: Schroeder, K. (2007)  Environmental Law . Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. For this chapter, you are going to find a news source covering an environmental issue. And then, From this article you will identify: (1) the parties (including any agencies involved) (2) if litigation occurs, do all of the involved parties have standing (why or why not?) – what is the duration or longevity of the issue? (how long has it been going on, how long is it likely to continue?) – is this a “LULU” (locally unwanted land use) or true environmental issue? – if an identified party is successful in public relations / litigation / etc., what is the result (injunction, remediation, costs, other?) Please submit in APA format a total of five-plus pages (one page of cover, one page of references, 3-full pages of your text). Make sure to use simple and langage, Avoid

Contact your local State Representative to discuss recent and upcoming health policy legislation

Contact your local State Representative to discuss recent and upcoming health policy legislation Choose one of the following ‘projects’: Identify a professional organization you belong to; how are they involved in policy development. Contact your local State Representative to discuss recent and upcoming health policy legislation. State who you contacted and why. What was the result? Use the Internet to research bills or legislation that is before the state legislature; share your insights. Examine newspapers for articles dealing with local, state, or national health policy issues; present the pros and cons of a specific issue. Your response should be 50 – 100 words. APA format and two references not older than three years   ……………………….Answer preview………………………. The New York Times cites an issue where the premium paid in popular plans in the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) is bound to decline by next year. The Trump government is envisioning to replace Obama Care with Short-t

Consider what this means. Are eating disorders solely a product of society

Consider what this means. Are eating disorders solely a product of society Eating Disorder Prompt April Fallon (1990) describes the change in perceptions of attractiveness in the book,Body Images: Development, Deviance, and Change. She writes of the latter Middle Ages that “the ‘reproductive figure’ was the ideal—corpulent, with emphasis on the stomach’s ‘fullness’ as a symbol of fertility. Between 1400 and 1700, fat was considered both erotic and fashionable.” Regarding the nineteenth century, Fallon writes, “At its height in the 1880s, young women in the United States worried about being too thin… Doctors encouraged a plump shape as a sign of health.” This contrasts with our present near-obsession with thinness and provides a perspective that emphasizes the societal factors that may be involved in eating disorders . Similarly, the differences in prevalence in Western, industrialized nations and less developed societies should clearly indicate the social influence on eating disord

Write in APA format a 4 – 5 paragraphs on the History of Volleyball

Write in APA format a 4 – 5 paragraphs on the History of Volleyball Write in APA format a 4 – 5 paragraphs on the History of Volleyball. Include the following: 1. The person who invented volleyball and the year 2. Dimension of an indoor volleyball court (which is the same for men and women) 3. Pick two of the five positions listed and include in your paragraphs their responsibilities on the court a. setter b. libero c. middle blocker d. outside hitter e. right side hitter. Site your sources   …………………………Answer preview………………………. Volleyball was introduced by William G. Morgan in the year 1895, four years after basketball was invented (, 2015). Morgan envisioned volleyball; the called “mintonette” as a game with a blend of tennis, handball, baseball, and basketball. Initially designed as a challenging and unique game for his student………………………. APA 356 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase b

How does culture influence health

How does culture influence health Please answer the following question: How does culture influence health ? Give examples of dominant ethnic and biomedical cultural influences on the health of individuals or populations? Your response should be 150 words.   ……………………………….Answer preview………………………… Cultural is the dynamic life systems for a group of people. They include beliefs, lifestyles, traditions, and behaviors which distinguish a specific population from the rest. Since it is a way of life, culture is an essential factor in health disparities. It affects the way people perceive illnesses, causes of disease, pain expression……………………………………. APA 204 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post How does culture influence health appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT G

Interview a school psychologist about diagnostic assessments and his or her role

Interview a school psychologist about diagnostic assessments and his or her role Interview a school psychologist about diagnostic assessments and his or her role in the process of evaluating individuals with exceptionalities. Your interview should address the following prompts: The criteria and distinguishing factors of unbiased formal and informal diagnostic assessments ; Examples of and how unbiased formal diagnostic assessments are administered to individuals with exceptionalities, including any legal and ethical requirements; Examples of and how unbiased informal diagnostic assessments are administered to individuals with exceptionalities, including any legal and ethical requirements; How the school psychologist interprets information from a unbiased formal diagnostic assessment; How the school psychologist interprets information from a non biased informal diagnostic assessment; How the assessment information is used in making eligibility, program and placement decisions fo

Identify two to three classroom management situations

Identify two to three classroom management situations Classroom Management Read the article  Developmentally Appropriate Child Guidance: Helping Children Gain Self-Control  (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. . Then, identify two to three classroom management situations (e.g. raising hand to speak) that you would be likely to encounter in an early childhood classroom. Describe how you would address these situations in ways that are developmentally appropriate to young children. Your initial discussion post should be at least 200 words in length. …………………..Answer preview…………………. A classroom situation one is likely to encounter is disobedience to the rules. A teacher should make classroom rules in collaboration with the learners by explaining their importance and encouraging them to input their ideas. The participation will evoke moral reasoning and behavior modification not because the learner………………… APA 230 words Get instant access to the full solution from

Define periodization defined as how ones training is broken down into discreet time periods AND its components

Define periodization defined as how ones training is broken down into discreet time periods AND its components Periodization With a minimum of 250 words, Define periodization, defined as how ones training is broken down into discreet time periods AND its components (cycles) i.e. macrocycles, mesocycles, and microcycles. Provide a detailed explanation for how periodization could specifically benefit each of the following clients and how it would assist them in obtaining their ultimate goal(s)/objective(s): 1) college soccer player, 2) A 35-year-old sedentary adult wanting to tone, 3) A long distance runner. Is periodization beneficial for everyone? Why or why not? ……………………..Answer preview…………………….  Periodization consists of three main foundations/cycles; they include (Holmes, 2018); 1) Macrocycles which is the longest period and comprises of four stages; endurance, competition, intensity, and recovery. Macrocycles extend to 52 weeks of an individual’s annual plan; it helps strengt

Growth of Cloud Service Provider

Growth of Cloud Service Provider Growth of Cloud Service Provider Utilizing the topic below, post an original thread of 250 to 450. With the growth of Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and similar services from Google and hundreds of smaller companies, the cloud has become a major factor in how enterprise storage administrators make decisions. Storage the data locally, or in the cloud? These decisions have major impacts on business for a variety of reasons. Given recent data breaches by hackers worldwide and the continuing emphasis on data security , is it a positive that companies are moving to the cloud? Why or why not? Explain your answer.   ……………………….Answer preview……………………… Cloud storage is one of the most preferred means of storing digital data. It is remotely maintained and monitored to allow a user to access their data online via the internet. Cloud adoption is positive for both small and large businesses as it ensures availability……………………….. APA 357 words Get i

Discuss the four lessons of leadership to be learned from the article you read

Discuss the four lessons of leadership to be learned from the article you read QUESTION 1 Discuss the four lessons of leadership to be learned from the article you read, School Shootings and Counselor Leadership: Four Lessons from the Field, by Fein, Carlisle, and Isaacson. As a security administrator, which one approach to leadership from this article has the most applicability to managing a security organization and why? QUESTION 2 CASE STUDY: Chad Collins is the Security Manager of a manufacturing facility in Boise, Idaho. The manufacturing facility needs to expand its operations to 24-hours, which will directly impact (among other areas) the drive-through security check-point used by employees, vendors, and visitors who are entering and exiting the facility during regular business hours (between the operational hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.). Two new work shifts (3:00 p.m. to midnight; midnight to 9:00 a.m.) have been established to meet the growing needs of the manufactur

Practice making arguable claims about how a text addresses context and audience

Practice making arguable claims about how a text addresses context and audience Rhetorical analysis Demonstrate your understanding of travel writing conventions, especially regarding gender and traveler’s persona (self-fashioning) Practice making arguable claims about how a text addresses context and audience (rhetorical analysis) Practice integrating sources purposefully in your writing Develop some potential ideas for your RA essay _requirement   ……………………Answer preview…………………… In “Born to Travel,” Freda Moon narrates about her passion and purpose for travel. Having been born to parents who love to travel and explore new places, she had become accustomed to the lifestyle that she travels even when pregnant as her mother did. Moon travels to Panama to reconnect with her parents……………….. APA 720 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Practice making arguable claims about how a text addresse