
Showing posts from October, 2018

Chapter 5: Exercises 5-1, 5-3, 5-5, and 5-6 (page 87 of the text)

Chapter 5: Exercises 5-1, 5-3, 5-5, and 5-6 (page 87 of the text) 5-1: Indicate the different ways an individual could forecast his or her weight 10 years from now. Do these methods change based upon whether the individual is 5, 14, 24 or 45 years old? If so, why? 5-3: Provide examples from the field of health services management of phenomena that are probably best forecasted using genius forecasting. Why? 5-5: Calculate the expected number of infants needing neonatal intensive care in a hospital if the historic rate is 5 per 1000 birth, and you expect 575 births per year. 5-6: If the annual death rate from smoking is 154 deaths per 100,000 persons, and the annual death rate from firearms is 13.5 deaths per 100,000 persons, how many deaths from these causes would you expect in a community of 1 million people?   The post Chapter 5: Exercises 5-1, 5-3, 5-5, and 5-6 (page 87 of the text) appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Tea

MAT 543 Week 3 Homework Chapter 3: Exercise 3-3 (Page 61 Of The Text) Chapter 4: Exercise 4-1 Through 4-4 (Page 72 Of The Text)

MAT 543 Week 3 Homework Chapter 3: Exercise 3-3 (Page 61 Of The Text) Chapter 4: Exercise 4-1 Through 4-4 (Page 72 Of The Text) 3-3 Using the following narrative, create a general system flow chart. When a patient arrives at the clinic the patient first sees the receptionist, who checks to see if the patient was seen before. If so, the receptionist pulls the medical record from the file. If the patient is new, the receptionist has the patient complete the necessary forms and creates a medical record. Patients are seen by the physician in the order they arrive. If one of the two examination rooms is empty, the nurse escorts the patient to the examination room and records the complaint. The nurse performs routine tests. The nurse writes the complaint and findings on a medical examination form, a form that will be subsequently filed with the patient’s medical record. The physician examines the patient and orders medical tests, if necessary. A diagnosis and treatment plan is presented to

Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter had very different foreign policy challenges to face

Compare and contrast the following to the United States’ health system

Compare and contrast the following to the United States’ health system Assignment 1 (Weeks 1-2): Research the health systems of Canada, Great Britain, and Germany. For each, compare and contrast the following to the United States’ health system : 1. The financing and delivery of healthcare services; 2. The financing and delivery of public health services; 3. Government intervention in healthcare and public health Please fill in the following table as you answer questions 1-3. Provider brief explanation for each item (not simply answer Yes or No). You will need to find material outside of the course to answer some of the questions, so be sure to reference everything appropriately. Canada UK Germany US Health Care Financing Do individuals pay and how? Does the government pay and how? Do employers pay and how? Health Insurance required? Is it private or public insurance? Who pays for the insurance? Health Care Delivery Are the providers public or private? Are the hospitals

Reaching the target audience to answer questions on the design and implementation of a questionnaire.

Reaching the target audience to answer questions on the design and implementation of a questionnaire. Questionnaires are used in public relations to gain information to create a public relations plan. Your Assignment in this unit is to use the guidelines in the text for questionnaire construction and reaching the target audience to answer questions on the design and implementation of a questionnaire. To complete this Assignment: Think of a public relations topic about which you could create a questionnaire. The topic should be related to a real world situation at your work or an organization with which you are involved or volunteer (your own start-up company, a product that you know well, etc.). Think of what information you would need to expand the client base, improve efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, improve public impression, or other public relations purposes. For instance, what changes does a bank need to make to improve customer satisfaction rates? Or how can a multi

Discuss the relevance of one particular leadership theory/approach to you and your career path.

Discuss the relevance of one particular leadership theory/approach to you and your career path. Leadership Theory Paper – Week 5 Throughout this course, we have explored various psychological theories of leadership and approaches to the psychology of leadership.  This assignment requires you to explore and integrate the concepts learned throughout this course. Submit a 2000 word paper (excluding the title page and reference pages) in which you select three distinct psychological theories of leadership and evaluate each one in terms of its foundational philosophical assumptions and values.  Finally, reflecting on each theory’s underlying principles, identify one that you feel would be particularly important to your career (current or future). This paper should be a minimum of 2000 words or 7-12 pages long (excluding title and references pages) and include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and references page. APA formatting should be used for the paper. Utilize at least 5 sou

Write agency policy regarding mandated reporting

write agency policy regarding mandated reporting For this section of the course project you will be asked to write agency policy regarding mandated reporting. Under what circumstances must a worker report abuse, neglect, danger to self or others etc..? Will there be a chain-of-command in the reporting process ? Within what time-frame must hotline calls be made? What are your rules concerning documentation? Within what time-frame should it be completed? What types of documentation are not appropriate? Be specific. Give examples. The submission should be approximately 1  pages in length.   …………………….Answer preview………………………. Whenever a worker, in their objective professional capacity or within the context of their employment, observes or is aware of any form of abuse, neglect, or any danger to self or others, he or she should immediately report it using the established codes used in the organization. The reporting should be done as soon as possible to prevent further……………………………

In a 1-2 page paper compare and contrast the two codes.

In a 1-2 page paper compare and contrast the two codes. Click on the link where you will find copies of both the  NASW code of ethics  and the  NOHS code of ethics . In a 1-2 page paper compare and contrast the two codes . Discuss whether you believe one…  than the other. Are there any parts of the codes that impressed or surprised you. Be specific. Give examples.……   ………………………..Answer preview………………… Both the NASW code of ethics and the NOHS code of ethics provide guidance to how social workers should carry themselves. The preamble section of both codes provide the mission of each organization and the ethics. NOHS preamble introduces the concept of human services which includes the historical perspective of the profession………………….. APA 344 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clickin

Compare and contrast methods for selecting projects.

Compare and contrast methods for selecting projects. Compare and contrast methods for selecting projects . Describe problems that may arise during the project if the manager does not understand the selection of the project and the impact it could have on the project. Your paper should be 3 pages in length and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbooks, PMBOK and Project Management, a Managerial Approach (9th edition)     ………………………….Answer preview…………………….. Projects can be selected following numeric or non-numeric models. Numeric models are based on statistical analyses while non-numeric models are based on subjective criteria. The most common non-numeric methods of project selection include the sacred cow, operating necessity, competitive necessity,……………………….. APA 978 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Compare and contrast me

Conduct research online to determine the challenges and issues that are related to (IT) management

Conduct research online to determine the challenges and issues that are related to (IT) management Conduct research online to determine the challenges and issues that are related to information technology (IT) management . Discuss the specific controls, environmental factors, competitive factors, and people and organizational factors that are challenging for IT managers. ………………………………….Answer preview………………………. Information technology is a rapidly transforming concept. The technology that powers IT is dynamic. IT managers have to constantly update their knowledge of IT infrastructure to remain in business. Often, keeping up with technological advancements is not easy. There are resources to be used and time to be taken to learn new technologies…………………………….. APA 445 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Conduct research online to determine the challenges and issues that are related to (IT) managem

How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities

How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities toward their status in American society ? Be sure to include as much information as possible to support your answer. Each answer should be 3-5 paragraphs in length. Be sure to cite your sources.   …………………………Answer preview………………………. The Second World War had a drastic impact on the position of women and other minority groups. Most importantly, it changed how they felt and thought about themselves. The status in the society were lifted. The existing perspective of women and minority people as less socially active people was changed and a whole new understanding of their societal significance was adopted………………………….. APA 698 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assign

Explain how Peter Drucker’s statement  about how one company’s back room

Explain how Peter Drucker’s statement  about how one company’s back room Case study in business informations systems As a manager of an organization, you will often need to find ways to cut costs. One way to cut costs is to outsource by hiring another organization to perform the service. Consider the scenario below. As a manager for the public outreach department, you realize that the current system for managing outreach issues is outdated. You would like to have a new outreach system developed using the Cloudera platform to help manage big data. However, no one in the organization has the expertise. You will have to outsource the project to save on costs and avoid management problems. Two companies have sent in a bid—one from Vancouver, Canada, and one from Mumbai, India. The bid from India was slightly lower than the bid from Canada. Compose a response that includes the elements listed below. Define what is meant by outsourcing. Explain how Peter Drucker’s statement (covered i

Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the security

Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the security Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications II. Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications: In this section of your final project, you will finish your preparation by reviewing and explaining the ramifications for the organization if it decides to wait on addressing its recent violations regarding technology use. A. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the finances of the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples. B. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the daily operations of the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples. C. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the security of the health information in the institution if these vi

Describe one to two different kinds of tests that can be performed for the Disaster Recovery Plan

Describe one to two different kinds of tests that can be performed for the Disaster Recovery Plan Describe one to two different kinds of tests that can be performed for the Disaster Recovery Plan Include at least 250 words in your reply. Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. You can use your textbook or current research articles. Please see the rubric for information on how I will assess your discussion post.     ……………………….Answer preview……………………. Disaster recovery (DR) plans refers to specific strategies put in place to ensure that in the event of disasters- natural or manmade- critical functions of the organization will not be severely affected. More especially, they are strategies used to protect data and/or facilitate data retrieval in case of unexpected disasters………………………. APA 342 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Describe one to two different kinds of test

Review the six competition scenes below. Label each behavior as being either “acceptable” or “unacceptable”

Review the six competition scenes below. Label each behavior as being either “acceptable” or “unacceptable” Review the six competition scenes below. Label each behavior as being either “acceptable” or “unacceptable” based on your own ethical standards . (e.g., 1. acceptable, 2, unacceptable, etc) 1. A defensive linebacker on the local football team has been repeatedly criticized by his father for not “pushing” receivers in his zone. He vows to satisfy his father. In the next game, he delivers as hard a “hit” as he can to a receiver who is in mid-air, flipping him, knocking him unconscious and out of the game. Is the defensive back’s behavior acceptable or unacceptable? 2. A young woman tennis player has been beaten badly in the singles final. She is also in the doubles final and again facing her singles opponent, whom she thoroughly dislikes. She gets a weak and high return of serve at the net and smashes it at her opponent with obvious delight. Is this young woman’s behavior acce

Apply that concept to a sport of their choice to assist an imaginary athlete improve their performance

Apply that concept to a sport of their choice to assist an imaginary athlete improve their performance Concept and Application Paper The aim of this exercise is for the student to take any sport concept as covered in our text (e.g goal setting, anxiety, anger etc) and apply that concept to a sport of their choice to assist an imaginary athlete improve their performance. The length of the paper should be between 4-6 pages double-spaced and include at least 3 journal articles relevant to their sport. (You only need to cite the references and NOT submit them with the assignment-HOWEVER, you should have the references as I will be asking them from a random sample of students based on their paper). The paper should focus on the athlete’s inability and how your application of goal setting theory (for example) will addresses the problem and enhances the athlete’s performance .   ……………………………Answer preview………………………… Joshua is a two-time world champion in the male 2km race. Other than tha

What are some creative ways to facilitate client care between many different types of agencies

What are some creative ways to facilitate client care between many different types of agencies List some typical obstacles that interfere with the clients’ ability to access services across agencies. Be very detailed What are some creative ways to facilitate client care between many different types of agencies (e.g., food bank, mental health agency, welfare to work)? Often agencies have service-specific rules and laws that they must follow. Remember that most agencies must now follow HIPAA regulations; think about how you can use this knowledge to your advantage. What suggestions do you have for helping agencies in your town to streamline the intake process? Are there ways to facilitate access to services by eliminating some of the intake procedures? Why or why not? How does this plan eliminate the identified obstacles that interfere with the clients’ ability to access services at different agencies? hn499_unit_6_writing_assignment ……………………Answer perview………………………… One of the p

Discuss which company you would outsource to and why. Does distance matter

Discuss which company you would outsource to and why. Does distance matter As a manager of an organization, you will often need to find ways to cut costs. One way to cut costs is to outsource by hiring another organization to perform the service. Consider the scenario below. As a manager for the public outreach department, you realize that the current system for managing outreach issues is outdated. You would like to have a new outreach system developed using the Cloudera platform to help manage big data. However, no one in the organization has the expertise. You will have to outsource the project to save on costs and avoid management problems. Two companies have sent in a bid—one from Vancouver, Canada, and one from Mumbai, India. The bid from India was slightly lower than the bid from Canada. Compose a response that includes the elements listed below. Define what is meant by outsourcing . Explain how Peter Drucker’s statement (covered in the textbook in uCertify) about how one co

What is the problem for which this technology is the solution

What is the problem for which this technology is the solution Choose three sentences from the essay by Leo Marx that struck you as important for our understanding of technology, and describe what they mean in relation to Marx’s argument and to your own understanding of technology in general and writing in particular. Initial posts of at least 200-300 words… 2. choose a question in the research project list and answer it in relation to an issue in literature and technology that is covered in week two’s learning resources. Questions: What is the problem for which this technology is the solution? Whose problem is it? Which people and what institutions might be most seriously harmed by a technological solution? What new problems might be created because we have solved this problem? What sort of people and institutions might acquire special economic and political power because of technological change ? What changes in language a

Describe the ethical dilemma faced by the participants. As you explain the ethical issues

Describe the ethical dilemma faced by the participants. As you explain the ethical issues Unit VI Case Study Case Study Providers, patients, and caregivers are often faced with very difficult healthcare decisions . For the Unit VI Case Study, you will review and respond to the below case. You can access the case by visiting the following website: The Center for Practical Bioethics. (n.d.). Case studies. Retrieved from… From this page, please locate and read the below case study:  A Sister For Joshua BHA 4201, Health Care Law 4 Using the questions at the end of the case study as guide, describe the ethical dilemma faced by the participants. As you explain the ethical issues, provide possible resolutions and your opinion on the scenario. Make sure you apply the ethical decision-making principles, processes, or theories discussed in this course so far. You are not to just answer the questions presented, but use those question

Chapter 2: Exercises 2-1 through 2-5 (page 48 of the text)

Week 2 Home Work Mat 543 Chapter 2: Exercises 2-1 through 2-5 (page 48 of the text) 2-1: Your organization collects data on individual patients shown in Appendix Table 2. Identify whether each variable is measured nominally, ordinally, or as an interval/ratio variable. 2-2: What statistical measures would you use to summarize the variable for age? What about for gender? For convenience satisfaction? How would you present these graphically? 2-3: If you are interested in whether scoring satisfaction differed by the amount the individual paid as a co-pay, how would you state this inquiry as a testable hypothesis (the null and alternative?)? What statistical test would you run to test the hypothesis? 2-4: Perform the test defined in Table 2-3. State your conclusions. 2-5: Compare gender and having RX coverage. State your hypothesis. Perform the appropriate statistical test and interpret.     Answer Preview 2-1: Your organization collects data on individual patients shown in Appe

Why did the US withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement

Why did the US withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement Why did the US withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement ? H1) Iran nuclear agreement is a threat to the nearby countries. H2) The current US administration views Iran’s actions in the region as hegemonic. H3) The current US administration believes the development of the nuclear weapon will give the Iranians the power to invade Saudi Arabia.     …………………………Answer preview………………….. The Iranian nuclear agreement, formerly dubbed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, is an agreement made by five countries with Iran in July 2015. The agreement limited Iran’s efforts to create nuclear weapons under its nuclear programme. In return, the other countries in the deal including the US, would lower economic……………………………. APA 1490 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Why did the US withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement appeared first

Explain if you agree or disagree with the definition of ethics as defined in the text

Explain if you agree or disagree with the definition of ethics as defined in the text Throughout this course, there are many discussions where you have the opportunity to respond to fellow classmates’ opinions and comments. After you have completed your reading for the week respond to the questions below. Discussion responses should be on topic, original writing, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to course materials and the textbook. Topic 1 of 1 Part 1 Explain if you agree or disagree with the definition of ethics as defined in the text. How does the definition of ethics change depending on context (for example, industry, culture, country)? Review the three basic philosophical positions to ethics in the text – Absolute, Existential and Situational. Which best fits your approach to ethics? Explain with support from the text. Part 2 When companies operate in other nations, should they adhere to the standards of their home count

Why does being relevant in business communication require customized messages

Why does being relevant in business communication require customized messages What purposes do visual aids serve? Why are visual aids critical for both local and international audiences? How do you keep your audience engaged? Support your answer with direct evidence from the text or other peer-reviewed resources. Self Assessment 7: Why does being relevant in business communication require customized messages that are important to the targeted audience? Why must you always understand your audience’s needs and preferred method of communication ? How can planning and reviewing the content of a business communication heighten the relevance of the message and the message’s meaning? When do peer reviews assist in the quality and content of a message being communicated? When should business communication contain content that gets and retains the attention or action by the targeted audience ……………………..Answer preview……………………… Customizing messages in business is crucial because without

Discuss various places you found your personal information online

Discuss various places you found your personal information online One-page essay explaining how you present yourself online Google your name. Discuss various places you found your personal information online . Did anything surprise you? In what ways can your personal information online influence personal of professional opportunities? How does this illustrate that Goffman’s dramaturgy approach applies to one’s own digital footprint? Note: It is acceptable if you found very little about yourself or found many websites with people with your same name. Just do your best to discuss what resulted when you tried searching your name online. Part B: Open your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or another online social media networking site. Discuss how Goffman’s theory or view on presentation of self applies to how you present yourself in social media. How does the way you are managing your self-presentation on social networking sites influence your personal and professional opportunities? Alt

Which of these four texts is the BEST example of the blurring of national boundaries

Which of these four texts is the BEST example of the blurring of national boundaries All of the authors included in Topic 8 have multiple national identities , what some may call global identities. For example, Rushdie has been characterized as Indian, Pakistani, British, and American; Kincaid has been described as Caribbean and American; Ngugi has lived in Kenya, Uganda, and America; Walcott has been described as Saint Lucian and British. Write your own definition of “ global literature .” Then, show how at least one work from Topic 8 can be applied to your definition using specific examples from the text to make your point. 2. Which of these four texts is the BEST example of the blurring of national boundaries? Which is LEAST effective in showing the blurring of national boundaries? Use specific examples from each text to support your points. 1. Norton Anthology of World Literature Read “The Perforated Sheet,” by Salman Rushdie, in Volume 2. Read “Girl,” by Jamaica Kincaid, in V