Chapter 2: Exercises 2-1 through 2-5 (page 48 of the text)

Week 2 Home Work Mat 543

Chapter 2: Exercises 2-1 through 2-5 (page 48 of the text)

2-1: Your organization collects data on individual patients shown in Appendix Table 2. Identify whether each variable is measured nominally, ordinally, or as an interval/ratio variable.

2-2: What statistical measures would you use to summarize the variable for age? What about for gender? For convenience satisfaction? How would you present these graphically?

2-3: If you are interested in whether scoring satisfaction differed by the amount the individual paid as a co-pay, how would you state this inquiry as a testable hypothesis (the null and alternative?)? What statistical test would you run to test the hypothesis?

2-4: Perform the test defined in Table 2-3. State your conclusions.

2-5: Compare gender and having RX coverage. State your hypothesis. Perform the appropriate statistical test and interpret.



Answer Preview

2-1: Your organization collects data on individual patients shown in Appendix Table 2. Identify whether each variable is measured nominally, ordinally, or as an interval/ratio variable.

Gender – nominally

Age – Interval/ration

Convenience Satisfaction- Ordinally….

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