Discuss various places you found your personal information online

Discuss various places you found your personal information online

One-page essay explaining how you present yourself online

Google your name. Discuss various places you found your personal information online. Did anything surprise you? In what ways can your personal information online influence personal of professional opportunities? How does this illustrate that Goffman’s dramaturgy approach applies to one’s own digital footprint?

Note: It is acceptable if you found very little about yourself or found many websites with people with your same name. Just do your best to discuss what resulted when you tried searching your name online.

Part B: Open your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or another online social media networking site. Discuss how Goffman’s theory or view on presentation of self applies to how you present yourself in social media. How does the way you are managing your self-presentation on social networking sites influence your personal and professional opportunities?

Although references and APA formatting for citations are not required for this assignment, please make sure to include citations and a reference list if you choose to use any source material for this assignment. (Tip: The following textbook material can be useful in helping complete the assignment. Goffman: Presentation of the Self, pages 72–73; Mass Media and Technology, page 78; and Online Social Networks, pages 105–106).



…………………………..Answer preview…………………..

When I Google my name, I was surprised that there are many people with the same name. Most of the information on the results are collected from social media handles. However, I found my personal information on LinkedIn. I created a professional profile over at LinkedIn a while ago and it is interesting that such information can be accessed over search engines. The profile shows where I have worked before, my areas of expertise………………


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