
Showing posts from September, 2018

How do early personal experiences influence the positive or negative ethnic identity

How do early personal experiences influence the positive or negative ethnic identity How do early personal experiences  influence the positive or negative ethnic identity of persons of color? Can you think of a best example? Provide a scholarly reference to support your response. ……………………..Answer preview………………….. Ethnic identity is a concept which illustrates how the sense of belonging to a certain culture develops in people. People tend to associate with traditional beliefs and feelings that are connected with their heritage in the course of ethnic identity. Early experiences are essential components in youths’ sense of self especially people……………………… APA 341 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post How do early personal experiences influence the positive or negative ethnic identity appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK H

Create 8-slides presentation with speaker notes/references that provides a non-technical explanation of each graph

Create 8-slides presentation with speaker notes/references that provides a non-technical explanation of each graph Use the internet to find one example of each of the following graphs: Line graph Bar graph (horizontal or vertical bars are acceptable) Pie graph Suppose you were presenting these graphs to a group of people (clients, co-workers, friends, etc.) who are not mathematically savvy. Create 8-slides presentation with speaker notes/references that provides a non-technical explanation of each graph. Remember, you are addressing people who probably do not like or understand mathematical terms . For each graph, include the following: Screenshot of your graph. For the line graph, what are the labels on the horizontal and vertical axes? For the bar graph, what labels are on the bars? What is being measured in this graph? (Hint: look at the axis label.) For the pie graph, what is the title, in other words, what is it measuring? How would you improve each graph if at all? Is

What are some issues Uber faces if it classifies its drivers as employees

What are some issues Uber faces if it classifies its drivers as employees The Payroll ,Register, Employee’s Earning Records, and Accounting System Entries Discussion Topic 1: In the Real Word: Scenario for Discussion An ongoing discussion among business managers is the return on employee investment (ROEI). Employers want to maximize business profitability, and employees are a significant part of organizational success. An example of this issue faces Uber®. The company has a cadre of drivers across the United States who are demanding to be classified as employees. What are some issues Uber faces if it classifies its drivers as employees? How could these issues affect ROEI and company profitability?     ……………………..Answer preview………………….. The International Revenue Service (IRS) under common law dictates that anyone who performs services for another person be deemed as their employees. However, this has not been the case with Uber Technologies that classifies its drivers as indep

Explain the virtue of magnanimity and two other moral virtues from Book IV.

Explain the virtue of magnanimity and two other moral virtues from Book IV. Directions: The answers to the essay questions should include a  critical  analysis and an in depth examination of the issue in question. A  critical analysis  should NOT be simply an explanation of the arguments or of the view in question but should also include your assessment of whether the author’s arguments are good or bad, and why. It should also include an explanation of your personal view and a philosophical defense of it. Format: The document should have 1-inch margins. The answer should be in Times New Roman size 12 font and double-spaced.  Please write out the complete question . The questions can be single-spaced and bold. The answers MUST be double spaced! Please make sure you put your name, the assignment #, the title of the course, and the date. Also number your pages. Book IV More Virtues Explain the virtue of magnanimity and two other moral virtues from Book IV. Explain them in as much det

What are the fundamental differences between the Nasdaq and the NYSE

What are the fundamental differences between the Nasdaq and the NYSE 1. What are the fundamental differences between the Nasdaq and the NYSE? Do firms and investors need these markets at all? 2. The WorldCom and Enron accounting scandal involved the firm classifying operating expenses as capital investments . Discuss the impact on Enron and WorldCom’s operating cash flow and their overall cash position. Did the financial statements contain any clues that could have warned investors of the fraud? Could the Enron debacle have Been Prevented? What actions could have been taken by auditors, regulators, and lawmakers? GIVE PEER RESPONSE Student reply 1: 1. What are the fundamental differences between the Nasdaq and the NYSE? Do firms and investors need these markets at all? The Nasdaq is a dealer’s market, where market participants are not buying from and selling to one another directly but through a dealer, who, in the case of the Nasdaq, is a market maker. The NYSE is an auction m

What were the sources of the American economic recovery of the 1980s and 1990s

What were the sources of the American economic recovery of the 1980s and 1990s Please answer one of the following questions: What were the sources of the American economic recovery of the 1980s and 1990s? Who benefited from it and who did not, and why was that the case? What were the main issues in the various culture wars of the 1980s and 1990s? Why were those struggles so intense? In what ways did Bush’s policies depart from traditional conservatism? Can you explain why President Bush was reelected in 2004? ………………….Answer preview……………… Towards the 2004 general elections, the state of the American economy and the Iraq war posed a potential threat to President Bush’s re-election. However, the events of the 9/11 may have presented a lifeline for his political strategy to exploit Americans’ perceptible belief that the Republicans had what it took to protect the nation from terrorism to secure a second term in office (Danner, 2005). According to Gary Langer…………………. APA

Discuss the concept of communication when working with diverse populations.

Discuss the concept of communication when working with diverse populations. Discuss the concept of communication when working with diverse populations. There are many skills involved in order for effective communication to occur. This week, we will focus on verbal and nonverbal communication differences. This video will provide some tips on how to communicate successfully with individuals from different cultures. After you view this short video, please share with the class your thoughts. What did you learn from this video? Are you able to see the differences within cultures? Are there any challenges for you in regards to communicating with clients from diverse populations ? Here is the link below:     …………………Answer preview…………………………. The difference in how we communicate with one another is highly influenced by our cultural diversity. The narrator notes that different cultures have different ways of communicating and the interpretation of one sty

Prepare a report to address all aspects of the case study/assignment : security architecture and Design

Prepare a report to address all aspects of the case study/assignment : security architecture and Design Course  : security architecture and Design Deliverable : Prepare a report to address all aspects of the case study/assignment. This report should be no less than 10 pages of content. You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources. You must have at least 10 references, 5 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In addition to the 10 pages of content, you will want a title page and a reference sheet. This report needs to be in proper APA format. Be prepared to present a 10 minute presentation on this assignment. Students must submit both written assignment and presentation slides in the folder labeled “Make Up Assignment” in your iLearn course. + Assignment Topic “The Interplay of Threats, Defense against the Threats, and Security requirements” Assignment Discuss different approaches to balance these three different criteria. In your di

ENG 122 Module 4 Submission: Summarizing Guidelines and Rubric

ENG 122 Module 4 Submission: Summarizing Guidelines and Rubric Overview: When you use sources in your paper, you will need to either quote, paraphrase, or summarize the information. Summaries are used for longer passages; they provide a concise, holistic overview of the source’s meaning, using new and unique phrasing. The purpose of summaries is to provide basic context of a source, but not to go into explicit detail. Prompt: Summarize the following original text in a paragraph of 5 to 8 sentences: Kirkpatrick, David D. “Saudis Expand Regional Power as Others Falter.” New York Times, 25 January 2015, Click here to read the article online. Don’t forget that with summaries, you want to place at least one in-text citation at the end of each paragraph. However, when a source does not have page numbers, as with the article from The New York Times, you will not be able to include a page number with your citation. Be sure to make it clear that you are referenc

Describe the behavior of a student who has become an independent learner

Describe the behavior of a student who has become an independent learner Assignment 6 Required Readings Gradual Release of Responsibility: I Do, We Do, You Do The gradual release of responsibility (also known as I do, we do, you do) is a teaching strategy that includes demonstration, prompt, and practice. This article provides a good overview. Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility, 2nd Edition – Chapter 1. Learning, or Not Learning, in School As you read this chapter, consider why it may be named “Learning, or Not Learning, in School”. Do you have students coming to school every day who may not be learning? Required Videos Gradual Release Model Watch this nine (9) minute video as an overview of the Gradual Release Model. Accessibility Alternative for Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Visually

Write one substantial paragraph offering at least one take away from the lessons offered by sociology

write one substantial paragraph offering at least one take away from the lessons offered by sociology Write one substantial paragraph offering at least one take away from the lessons offered by  sociology C. Wright Mills, one of the most influential sociologist in America argued that human liberation begins with understanding the relationship between what he termed “personal troubles” and public issues”. The defining concern of sociology is to help us see the relationship between our personal lives and the social forces that structure society. To achieve this goal, requires the courage to confront long-held beliefs and traditions in a quest for truth and intellectual enlightenment. For our final discussion, please write one substantial paragraph offering at least one take away from the lessons offered by sociology during our time together. You can choose to comment on a preferred reading, an interesting sociological theory or concept that invited you to reflect about a social issue

When have you felt most satisfied with a meeting you attended

When have you felt most satisfied with a meeting you attended Question description: When have you felt most satisfied with a meeting you attended? Why? When have you felt most dissatisfied with a meeting you attended? Why? How would you complete the following: I [usually, almost always, often, almost never, never] enjoy meetings that I attend. Provide reasons for your answer. If you were writing guidelines about how to facilitate a meeting, what would they be?     ………………..Answer preview………………… I feel most satisfied with a meeting when it is straight to the point and participative. Most specifically, the last sales and marketing team meeting at my company was satisfying because it engaged these two attributes which made it exciting and enjoyable. The meeting was an analysis of all the achievements in the team and a plan………………………. APA 546 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post When have you

Primary source essay about Battle of Passchendaele in 1917

Primary source essay about Battle of Passchendaele in 1917 Primary source essay about Battle of Passchendaele in 1917 This primary source essay will analyze the experience of Canadian soldiers who fought in the Battle of Passchendaele in 1917. At least need 1000 words, double space. The require is in the picture, and the additional information is already upload. Have to read the additional information, and use the sources from files. At least need 3 references. additonal_information_for_primary_source_essay   ………………………Answer preview…………………. The battle in Ypres planned by the British was to reduce the pressure on French Forces already in the area [1] . The intentions were to pump in greater capacities to defeated German troops and deter their influence. Australia and New Zealand Forces (ANZAC) summoned to the area before Canadian troops also failed due to unfavourable climatic/weather [1] Matthew Hughes and William J Philpott. 2005. The Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendae
How does the Veterans Health Administration’s philosophy of care differ from private health care Difference in Philosophy 350 word response to the following questions: How does the Veterans Health Administration ‘s philosophy of care differ from private health care in regards to rationing health care, discretionary medical procedures, integrated health care of the payor, and plan and provider under the same structure? Hw can the transparency of price, quality, and safety change the way a consumer selects health care choices? 200 word feedback or suggestions on your thoughts of this topic. Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Format to APA guidelines.     ……………………..Answer preview………………… The Veteran Health Administration (VHA) is the prime integrated health care system in U.S. (U.S Department of Veteran Affairs, 2018). Veterans care systems work better if not similar to the private care system in safe, quality and effective health delivery (O’Hanlo

Safety and health are essential to all children

Safety and health are essential to all children Safety and health are essential to all children. According to the textbook,  Physical Examination and Health Assessment , the following are all normal findings in school-aged children: Gross motor skills (runs, jumps, climbs, rides bicycle, general coordination), fine motor skills (ties shoelace, uses scissors, writes name and numbers, draws pictures), and language skills (vocabulary, verbal ability, able to tell time, reading level). However, there are environmental factors the predispose school-aged children to illness, injury, and death, especially when linked to poverty. Children from poor families or neighborhoods are more likely than other children to have serious health problems. According to 2014 Census data, an estimated 21.1% of all US children younger than 18 years (15.5 million) lived in households designated as “poor” (Pediatrics). Poverty can lead to adverse health outcomes in childhood affecting physical health, socioemo

Write a Block Business Letter from the perspective of company management

Write a Block Business Letter from the perspective of company management Block Business Letter Choose one of the professional scenarios provided in Blackboard under the Student Center tab, or click  here  to view them in a new window. Write a Block Business Letter from the perspective of company management. It must provide bad news to the recipient and follow the guidelines outlined in Chapter 7: Delivering Bad-News Messages in  BCOM9  (pages 116-136). The message should take the block business letter form from the posted example; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course shell. The block business letter must adhere to the following requirements: Content: Address the communication issue from the scenario. Provide bad news from the company to the recipient. Concentrate on the facts of the situation and use either the inductive or deductive approach. Assume your recipient has previously requested a review of the situation via email, letter, or personal mee

Motivation can come from intrinsic or extrinsic sources. Which is better and why

Motivation can come from intrinsic or extrinsic sources. Which is better and why Psychology Essay Motivation can come from intrinsic or extrinsic sources. Which is better and why? (450-500 words). Read chapters 9 & 10. sexuality_and_gender_ch10 ………………………Answer preview…………………………. Intrinsic motivation has its sources or stimuli occurring within a person. An individual performs/ do things for one’s own sake or personal reward. For example, a child may play football because it is enjoyable. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is that whose motivating stimuli is sourced from outside. Usually, an individual does things to receive a reward or avoid punishment………………. APA 613 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Motivation can come from intrinsic or extrinsic sources. Which is better and why appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team

To improve learning and behavior; children must develop strong self-regulation skill

To improve learning and behavior; children must develop strong self-regulation skill Self-Regulation Regardless of a child’s unique qualities, one thing remains the same; to improve learning and behavior , children must develop strong self-regulation skills. Read the article from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), “ Developing Young Children’s Self-Regulation Through Everyday Experiences .” The marshmallow experiment is a famous test conducted by Walter Mischel at Stanford University and discussed by Daniel Goleman in his popular work. In the 1960s, a group of four-year-olds were given a marshmallow and promised another only if they could wait 20 minutes before eating the first one. Some children could wait and others could not. The researchers then followed the progress of each child into adolescence, and demonstrated that those with the ability to wait were better adjusted and more dependable (determined via surveys of their parents and teachers)

Do you believe that the media’s glamorization of violent acts helps to teach children to behave violently

Do you believe that the media’s glamorization of violent acts helps to teach children to behave violently Discussion – Glamorizing Violence : yes or no? Before answering this week’s discussion, review this post from CNN. Do you believe that the media’s glamorization of violent acts helps to teach children to behave violently? In particular do you think that video game violence and some forms of music contribute towards the rise in aggression among children and teenagers? Why or why not? Should their be stricter regulations on these forms of entertainment? If so, what would that look like?   ……………………….Answer preview……………………….. I believe that media’s glamorization of violence provokes and encourages children into violent behaviours. A study investigating violent video games in relation to children aggression coping strategies and habitual game participation reveals that; children exposed to long watch time o

Apply appropriate management principles to best utilize available resources

Apply appropriate management principles to best utilize available resources Apply appropriate management principles to best utilize available resources within a healthcare organization  or system Instructions: Your boss, the Director of Community Relations at a large health organization, has asked you to fill in for him while he is on vacation and to host a meeting of community leaders. The goal of the meeting is to consider ways to disseminate important community health bulletins. Many cultures are represented at the meeting and there is a discussion about how to meet the language needs of more than 20 different languages spoken in your organization’s service area. The meeting becomes tense when you must announce that your organization is only prepared to disseminate material in English and Spanish. Prepare a one page memo for your boss briefly summarizing how you concluded the meeting. More importantly, recommend to your boss a course of action for your organization moving forwa

How much research has been done on this skill

How much research has been done on this skill Pick one of the advanced skills (CBT, _____) discussed in this module to research. In a 1-full page paper summarize your findings. How much research has been done on this skill? IS there empirical evidence ? What type of client/issue does this work best? Provide references in APA format.     ……………………………..Answer preview………………….. Stress Management skills are done to in the first phase of CBT tests to determine possible internal and external stressor that can be linked to stress reactions in a client (Center for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 2017). Stress Management assists people to cope and overcome emotional and mental distresses healthily……………………………. APA 455 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post How much research has been done on this skill appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . C

What kinds of resistant client behavior will most intimidate you

What kinds of resistant client behavior will most intimidate you Resistant client behavior What kinds of resistant client behavior will most intimidate you? What is it about these specific resistant behaviors that you find particularly difficult? How do you plan to deal with resistant clients ?     ………………………….Answer preview…………………… Resistance is an issue that can potentially cripple the counseling process or bar positive outcomes. It interferes with a counselor’s efficiency and motivates the client to curtail the change process. While I am well prepared and expect to face resistance, one particular form of resistance that is most intimidating……………………………. APA 370 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post What kinds of resistant client behavior will most intimidate you appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100%

How could your poem or story be used in a helping context

How could your poem or story be used in a helping context albert ellis Share a poem or story that has significant meaning for you. How could your poem or story be used in a helping context? 150 words   ………………………..Answer preview……………………. A poem with a significant meaning is Mirror by Sylvia Plath because it is about self-image. It explores the distress people go through for refusing to accept their physical appearance. For instance, the woman in the poem refuses to accept her aging and diminishing beauty reflected by the mirror, a………………….. APA 172 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post How could your poem or story be used in a helping context appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM