Explain the virtue of magnanimity and two other moral virtues from Book IV.

Explain the virtue of magnanimity and two other moral virtues from Book IV.

Directions: The answers to the essay questions should include a critical analysis and an in depth examination of the issue in question. A critical analysis should NOT be simply an explanation of the arguments or of the view in question but should also include your assessment of whether the author’s arguments are good or bad, and why. It should also include an explanation of your personal view and a philosophical defense of it.
Format: The document should have 1-inch margins. The answer should be in Times New Roman size 12 font and double-spaced. Please write out the complete question. The questions can be single-spaced and bold. The answers MUST be double spaced! Please make sure you put your name, the assignment #, the title of the course, and the date. Also number your pages.

Book IV More Virtues

Explain the virtue of magnanimity and two other moral virtues from Book IV. Explain them in as much detail as possible. Your answer should address the following questions: What are the extremes that we should avoid? How are pleasure and pain related to the intermediary or mean? How and in what way is the intermediary (or mean) contextual, particularistic and relative?

Book V Justice

Explain the moral virtue of justice. Your answer should address the following: In what way is the moral virtue of justice different from the other moral virtues? Is it a special virtue? Why or why not? What are the species (the different kinds) of justice?  What is the difference between justice and decency and which is better?

…………………….Answer preview…………………….
Magnanimity is the character of a person who views himself or herself as worthy of great honors. I agree with the author that such people, despite their willingness to accept the deserved honor, it is always apparent that they do not accept extreme pleasure in those honors. Conceit and pusillanimity are the extremes of magnanimity……………………
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