
Showing posts from March, 2023

Compare and contrast matching on potential confounders versus including them in a regression model.

Compare and contrast matching on potential confounders versus including them in a regression model. Module 4 – SLP UNIVARIATE VS. BIVARIATE ANALYSES AND REGRESSION Interpret the two models that appear below, and address the following additional questions as they pertain to each. Diabetes (1 unit) = 1.3 + 2.4 (BMI) + 2.3 (family history diabetes ) + 1.7 (gender) + 1.4 (age) + 1.7 (race) + 2.6 (income) + 3.4 (height), p<0.05 Allergies = 4.5 + 3.8 (Family History Allergies) + 2.1 (gender) + 1.4 (age) + 0.8 (race) + 1.5 (weight), p<0.05 What about confounding? Which of the variables are potential confounders? Compare and contrast matching on potential confounders versus including them in a regression model. SLP Assignment Expectations Length: SLP assignments should be at least 2 pages (500 words) in length. References: At least two references from academic sources must be included (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). You may use any required readings from this modul

What does it mean to be a transformative leader

What does it mean to be a transformative leader What does it mean to be a transformative leader? How do these ideas trickle down through the organization? Discuss with your class the insight you have found in your research. I need 175 words reply to this Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: How will you employ a transformational leadership style in your service? What policies, procedures, and/or incentives will be used to make your leadership transformational? How will these approaches keep your program inclusive and entrepreneurial? Due Monday Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional. Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Responses (0) Answer preview to What does it mean to be a transformative leader APA 431 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button belo w The post What does it mean to be a transformative le

Select peer-review journal articles on one of the 4Ps – Place.

Select peer-review journal articles on one of the 4Ps – Place. For this module’s discussion, you will select peer-review journal articles on one of the 4Ps – Place. Keyword search terms might include one of the following:  marketing channel strategy, distribution, retailers, internet, or supply chain. Once you have selected your peer-reviewed journal articles, post a synopsis of the major points from the research you read. Instructions Threads For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly authored citations in current APA format, with at least one new reference from a Marketing Journal to support the topic researched. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years, except for the Bible. The exceptions are as follows: Discussion: Product Thread must cite, in current APA format, at least four articles, including the three articles listed in the prompt and a new Journal article on PRODUCT; Discussion: Disruptive Marketing

As the workforce continues to become more diverse, so do points of view and opportunities for interpretation

As the workforce continues to become more diverse, so do points of view and opportunities for interpretation Questions 1. As the workforce continues to become more diverse, so do points of view and opportunities for interpretation. These can take place at a variety of levels, including identity and ideology. Diversity can take a variety of forms, including but not limited to race, class, gender, age, and physical ability. How have you seen one or more of these issues surface in your experience in the workforce? To what extent do any of them play a role in the upcoming case study you will address at the end of Topic 4? 2. Identity and difference are often thought about in terms of hierarchical relationships, in which one person in a position of power makes judgments about another person who is not. At the same time, identity and difference also play a role in communication among peers. In your view, what are some of the ways in which identity and difference play out in a situation

What does Keller mean when he claims that work is intended for both cultivation and for service

What does Keller mean when he claims that work is intended for both cultivation and for service BUSI750 – CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW IN STRATEGIC HR & EMPLOYMENT LAW CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW IN STRATEGIC HR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS Write a 1,500-word paper that applies, reflects, and synthesizes the following questions: 1.      What does Keller mean when he claims that work is intended for both “cultivation” and for “service?” Why are both purposes critical for us to consider as Christian business practitioners and academics?  Especially relative to HR? 2.      Hardy provides a quote from the Apocrypha (Ecclesiaticus or Sirach 38:34, NOT canonized as part of the protestant Bible) as introductory to his book, and the title of his book is pulled directly from this quote. How does this quote, along with Genesis 1:27-28 from the protestant Bible, provoke Christian worldview thinking regarding HR as a key focus for any business organization? 3.      Analyze

Prepare a code of ethics for a department within a health care organization

Prepare a code of ethics for a department within a health care organization Apply and promote ethical standards of practice by applying the principles of beneficence, fidelity, and tolerance. For this assignment, you will prepare a code of ethics for a department within a health care organization. This document will serve as a guide for ethical behavior and conduct in your department. Your document’s content should reflect thoughtful research on codes of ethics and professionalism in the health care field/specialty area. You will use your own professional ethics, reflection on experience, and research to write content. Prepare A code of ethics for your department. Your role: Department administrator Audience: Employees of your department Department Type: Choose from one of the following. State your department/audience in the introduction portion of your document. Health Information Management [Any specialty] clinical department Patient Access Patient Accounts Document

Discuss some key takeaways of conducting qualitative research

Discuss some key takeaways of conducting qualitative research Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: Discuss some key takeaways of conducting qualitative research . How might these help you as you continue to develop into a scholar-practitioner? Using APA 7th ed, cite the source of your information, and then add a reference list at the end. Answer preview to Discuss some key takeaways of conducting qualitative research APA 368 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button belo w The post Discuss some key takeaways of conducting qualitative research appeared first on . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Discussion 1 – Researcher Bias

Discussion 1 – Researcher Bias Wk 8 Discussion 1 – Researcher Bias Please refer to this week’s learning materials. They are intended to help you engage effectively in this discussion Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: Discuss the concept of researcher bias. What are some ways a researcher might address these issues? Using APA 7th ed, cite the source of your information, and then add a reference list at the end. Designing a Qualitative Research Project: Final Mock Study Proposal Barusch, A., Gringeri, C., & George, M. (2011, March). Rigor in qualitative social work research: A review of strategies used in published articles.  Social Work Research, 35 (1), 11-19. Cooper, H. (2017). Conclusion: Threats to the validity of research synthesis conclusions. In  Research synthesis and meta-analysis  (pp. 318-334). SAGE Publications, Inc. Gioia, D. A., Corley, K. G., & Hamilton, A. L. (2013, February). Seeking qualitative rigor in inductive research: Notes on t

Many envision a US healthcare system that includes the ability to productively engage patients about their health care.

Many envision a US healthcare system that includes the ability to productively engage patients about their health care. Many envision a US healthcare system that includes the ability to productively engage patients about their health care. Patient portals can serve as a tool to electronically interface with patients and Meaningful Use has explicitly included several areas to address. But just as electronic health records need to work for those at the point of service, so do systems to engage patients. Lay out a strategy to drive patient adoption by offering compelling functionality that is not included in the Meaningful Use requirements. Include the following elements and provide details and examples of the following: What specifically might portals do to engage patients? What types of digital functionalities do you believe patients desire? Do you believe that patient portals could reduce or aggravate disparities? How and why? How do you see patient education as a component of

Reading and writing are reciprocal learning processes.

Reading and writing are reciprocal learning processes. Reading and writing are reciprocal learning processes. Using these skills interchangeably in a classroom promotes language development. Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” create a literacy lesson plan that demonstrates the reciprocity between reading and writing. Base the lesson upon one reading and one writing ELA standard from your state, and the students in your field experience classroom. In the Summary section of your lesson plan, briefly explain why it is important to teach explicit literacy skills and how you will connect and extend these learning progressions in the home. In the Differentiation section, identify specific researched-based support strategies for one student with exceptionalities and tie the strategy to the lesson. For example, if students are learning how to write the letter T, provide a dotted letter T for students who struggle with writing, or provide a pencil grip for students struggling to hol

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity Review the National Academy of Medicine’s 2021 report, “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity,” located in the topic Resources. Write a 750‐1,000-word paper discussing the influence of the report on nursing practice. Include the following: Review the recommendations of The National Academy of Medicine 2021 report and explain why health equity is significant in this report.   Define social determinants of health. Discuss one of the determinants and how this impacts health equity. Describe the role nurses have in improving health equity and impacting social needs. Discuss the significance of self-care to decrease nursing burnout. What self-care and evidence-based strategies are available for nurses to maintain personal and spiritual health? You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be appropriate for the assignment an

Capital budgeting is utilized to determine if a project is worthwhile

Capital budgeting is utilized to determine if a project is worthwhile Capital budgeting is utilized to determine if a project is worthwhile. The net present value (NPV), payback period, and internal rate of return (IRR) methods are used to rank and select which project to undertake. The following video outlines the NPV and IRR method of capital budgeting: In this assignment, you are required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation reviewing 3 projects. You will calculate the NPV, IRR, and payback period for each project. Utilizing the capital budgeting calculations, you will need to select the best investment for the company. These calculations will be based on the following scenario: AIU Industries has 3 potential projects to consider, all with an initial cost of $1,250,000. The company prefers to reject any project with a 4-year cut-off period for recapturing initial cash outflow. Given the cost of capital rates and the future cash fl

Discuss the changing family patterns in your family and the impact that has had on all family members: parents

Discuss the changing family patterns in your family and the impact that has had on all family members Discuss the changing family patterns in your family and the impact that has had on all family members: parents, siblings, grandparents. How can a mental health worker prepare to assist your family’s needs?  Discuss early childhood developmental tasks and the impact (cost, resources, stress, time, work, relationships, etc.) of these tasks on the family system. If you have children ( four children) yourself, discuss the impact it had on you. If you have not had children, discuss impact you have seen on others having children (friends, family members, or your parents during your childhood).  How does sexuality develop and are there any differences between heterosexual development and homosexual development as well as any gender differences? How does sexuality and the family life cycle interact? What beliefs/messages about sexual orientation were transmitted to you through your own fam

As an advanced-practice social worker, your toolbox should include tried and true interventions for use with adults

As an advanced-practice social worker, your toolbox should include tried and true interventions for use with adults Assignment: Practice Toolbox: Adult Intervention As an advanced-practice social worker, your toolbox should include tried and true interventions for use with adults (like cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT]) but should also make room for emerging interventions that could be promising. Virtual reality therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), mindfulness-based stress reduction, and trauma-informed care have all been developed relatively recently, for example. As you stay abreast of developments in the field, you may even want to gain certification or training in new therapeutic interventions . This is all part of being an informed, competent practitioner who desires to hone their knowledge and continue to evolve. In this Assignment, you explore interventions for use with adults. To Prepare Access the  Clinical Social Work Interventions  link in t

Locate two academic articles from a professional, peer-reviewed journal related to the topic of guidance issues

Locate two academic articles from a professional, peer-reviewed journal related to the topic of guidance issues Locate two academic articles from a professional, peer-reviewed journal related to the topic of guidance issues (can be positive guidance, discipline issues, punishments, positive reinforcement, and the like). Be sure to completely answer all questions in each prompt below. There should be two sections, one for each numerical bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. The essay should be 1650 – 1800 words and should include proper citations for the two articles being reviewed. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment. Summarize both professional, peer-reviewed articles by addressing the follow for each study. Repeat this sequence for each article.

You have been asked to forecast the upcoming year’s operational budget for Krona Community Hospital.

You have been asked to forecast the upcoming year’s operational budget for Krona Community Hospital. As a member of the finance team, you have been asked to forecast the upcoming year’s operational budget for Krona Community Hospital. Click here for last year’s budget. After reviewing specific data, internal input, and external input from various sources, you find that the executive management team would like the budget to reflect the following: 10% increase in inpatient revenue 15% increase in outpatient revenue 5% increase in pharmacy revenue 15% increase in home health and hospital revenue 10% increase in payroll and benefits Additionally, provide discussion on the following: How do you think that revenue would increase in each of the areas? Think outside of the box, and perform research to determine current trends in those areas. Why would there be a forecasted need to increase payroll and benefits? Explain the role of key leadership in the budgeting process, from the c

In 2020/2021, the COVID-19 pandemic was a force that changed the world

In 2020/2021, the COVID-19 pandemic was a force that changed the world In 2020/2021, the COVID-19 pandemic was a force that changed the world. Reflect on this external force when answering the? Questions below. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Identify an organization that initiated a project in response to COVID-19 . Then identify the project initiation force(s) at work that caused the organization to initiate that project. What organizational goal was achieved by this project? In Topic 1, project categories and types were discussed. Which category and type of project does the project you identified above fit into? Why? In Topic 2, project structures in the organization were introduced. Considering your response above, which project structure did the organization likely implement to complete the project? Why? Offer 2 other organizational benefits that the project identified might produce. Answer preview to In 2020/2021, the COVID-19 pandemic was a force th

What role within the field of criminal justice do you hope to pursue following graduation

What role within the field of criminal justice do you hope to pursue following graduation Write a 700- to 875-word reflection in which you respond to the following questions: What role within the field of criminal justice do you hope to pursue following graduation? (Working in a courthouse as a judicial clerk) What role do you hope to have within 5 years? Within 10 years? What have you learned in this program that will benefit you in the role(s) you aspire to? How have your perceptions about the field of criminal justice changed during your time in this program? How might you implement best practices that you’ve researched during this program in a future career? 3 Pages Answer preview to What role within the field of criminal justice do you hope to pursue following graduation APA 887 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button belo w The post What role within the field of criminal justice do you hope to purs

Which type(s) of data analysis might be most appropriate in your qualitative mock study

Which type(s) of data analysis might be most appropriate in your qualitative mock study Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: Which type(s) of data analysis might be most appropriate in your qualitative mock study, and why? Using APA 7th ed, cite the source of your information, and then add a reference list at the end. Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least 1 in a minimum of 150 words (cite and reference sources in APA 7th ed to support your discussion). Explain why you agree or disagree. Then, share an example from your professional experience to support your assertions. Answer preview to Which type(s) of data analysis might be most appropriate in your qualitative mock study APA 350 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button belo w The post Which type(s) of data analysis might be most appropriate in your qualitative mock study appeared first on .

Identify an example of a current event that impacted public policies for one of the 3 criminal justice components

Identify an example of a current event that impacted public policies for one of the 3 criminal justice components Identify an example of a current event that impacted public policies for one of the 3 criminal justice components (law enforcement, courts, or corrections). How did the event impact criminal justice policy making? What best practices, professional standards, and values changed as a result of the impacted policies? Do you foresee any issues or have any concerns about the changes made? 2 Pages Answer preview to Identify an example of a current event that impacted public policies for one of the 3 criminal justice components APA 730 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button belo w The post Identify an example of a current event that impacted public policies for one of the 3 criminal justice components appeared first on . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team