Pre-assessments help guide instruction.

Pre-assessments help guide instruction.

Pre-assessments help guide instruction. Educators use pre-assessments to identify current student knowledge and identify student needs. This data can be used to set learning goals and guide instruction. Assessment in an early childhood classroom is often done in a small group.

For this assignment, you will pretend to administer a pre-assessment of your choice for your group activities. Pretend you are working with your mentor teacher to identify a group of 3-5 students to administer the pre-assessment.

After administering the pre-assessment, create a table that includes:

*Grade level
*Description of the pre-assessment
*First name of the student
*Analysis of the pre-assessment results
*One learning goal based on the pre-assessment results
*Next steps to achieve the learning goal
*Share the information with your mentor teacher and determine if one of the group activities could be adapted to help students achieve the learning goals identified. Arrange a time to implement that activity with the small group during a future field experience.

Below the table, write a 250-500 word reflection reviewing the strategies you discussed with your mentor teacher. Include what you learned from the experience of pre-assessing math skills and how you will use this in your future professional practice.

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Pre-assessments help guide instruction.

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