Case Study with critical analysis and thinking (Master’s Degree level)

Case Study with critical analysis and thinking (Master’s Degree level)

Case Study with critical analysis and thinking (Master’s Degree level)
The Course is Healthcare Emergency Management
The final paper is required to write a 6?9 page (approximately 3000 words) case study on a Sunrise hospital and Lasvegas healthcare infrastructure response to a mass shooting incident. The case study must include a detailed analysis of the Sunrise hospital and Las Vegas healthcare setting, the disaster/crisis, assessment of site/location capabilities, evaluation of response challenges and outcomes, and your proposed solutions to the identified challenges. Do NOT just regurgitate the event details, provide solutions and be persuasive. The final paper should demonstrate knowledge of the event and the critical thinking skills needed to respond and recover. Format should be APA in 12 Point Times Roman font; double spaced.
The mass shooting event that happened in LasVegas on 2012 Sunrise Hospital, LasVegas, on the evening of October 1, 2017, when a lone gunman opened fire on a crowd of thousands at the Route 91 Harvest music festival in what would be the largest mass shooting event in US history. Discuss in this case study
– the preparedness plan of Sunrise Hospital and
– how they act in response to this MCI.
– How do they receive, triage, and manage the victims?
– What was their surge capacity plan to accommodate patients’ surge plan?
– Impacts on the healthcare infrasturcture since so many hospital were impacted in this mass shooting incidents.
– Finally, to take lessons learned from this incident.

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Case Study with critical analysis and thinking (Master's Degree level)


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