Qualitative study of cloud security controls for Small Businesses

Qualitative study of cloud security controls for Small Businesses

1. Identify a topic in your specialization. 

   Topic: “A qualitative study of cloud security controls for Small Businesses”.

2.  What is the cited problem? The problem you want to address has to come from the literature, 

    and be cited, who are saying there are problems.

3.  What is the population you would like to address?

    About 10 Information Security Managers of small business

4. What methodology are you planning on using? (qualitative study using interviews or surveys).

   Provide details (1 page).

5. Locate at least one article related to your topic (Look for a very recent reference from the 

   dissertation  list below). 

   What was the research question in the study? 

   Who were the participants in the study? 

   What findings were reported?

==Most Relevant Dissertations==

Hitchcox, Z. (2020). Limitations of Cybersecurity Frameworks that Cybersecurity Specialists 

must Understand to Reduce Cybersecurity Breaches. Doctoral dissertation. Colorado Technical University. 

ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2020. 28086762.

Romero, L. D. (2020). Security Architecture Components Cybersecurity Specialists Need to 

Establish a Limited-Budget Cybersecurity Program: A Qualitative Study. Doctoral dissertation. 

Colorado Technical University. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2020. 28149198.

Knight, S. (2020). Strategies to Reduce Small Business Data Security Breaches. 

Doctoral dissertation. University of Walden. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=9737&context=dissertations

Smith, W. (2019). A Comprehensive Cybersecurity Defense Framework for Large Organizations. 

Doctoral dissertation. Nova Southeastern University. College of Engineering and Computing. (1083). 


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Qualitative study of cloud security controls for Small Businesses


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