What are forward leaning firms doing to rearchitect and become AI-powered firms

What are forward leaning firms doing to rearchitect and become AI-powered firms

Essay Assignment – Please respond to all of these questions:

1. What are forward leaning firms doing to rearchitect and become AI-powered firms?
2. What changes do you perceive will occur relative to the role of management, including human capital management, because of the rise of AI-powered organizations?
3. In your judgement, are the abovementioned changes good for people, organizations, and society?
4. What questions surfaced for you after completing Lesson 4?

Please use APA Style for references.
Please include page nos. from the text for all references.
Please refer to the additional readings attached herewith -The Rise of the Talent Intelligence Platform.
I will email Chapter 4 – Rearchitecting the Firm in a separate e-mail.

Masters in HRER 870 – HRER in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
Textbook: Competing in the Age of Al 2020; Author: Iansiti, Marco / Lakhani, Karim R.; Publisher: Harvard Business School Press

Lesson-4-Commentary The-Rise-of-the-Talent-Intelligence-Platform

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What are forward leaning firms doing to rearchitect and become AI-powered firms


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