Rachael Carson and Greta Thunberg represent different eras and different approaches to environmental activism.

Rachael Carson and Greta Thunberg represent different eras and different approaches to environmental activism.

Rachael Carson and Greta Thunberg represent different eras and different approaches to environmental activism. After watching Thunberg’s speech, reading through the article on Parrhesia, the excerpt of Carson’s” Silent Spring,” what difference between the two social change writers do you find the most interesting? Do you think the difference is a matter of style, training, background, generation, ethos, or medium (the means of conveying the message—print, speech, circulation on YouTube, etc.)? What can we learn from these differences about how to approach environmental arguments? Use all of the assigned readings this week to write your answer

Rachel Carson\’s Silent Spring | PBS LearningMedia

WATCH: Greta Thunberg\’s full speech to world leaders at UN Climate Action Summit – YouTube

“How Dare You”: Greta Thunberg, Parrhesia, and Rhetorical Citizenship – Present Tense (presenttensejournal.org)

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Rachael Carson and Greta Thunberg represent different eras and different approaches to environmental activism.


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