Discuss how privileges, oppressions and power intersect in this scenario between the characters at the agency.

Discuss how privileges, oppressions and power intersect in this scenario between the characters at the agency.

Read the following scenario:

It is March 2020 and two placement students are working at the front-desk of a community agency. Carol, a young white Canadian woman who identifies as lesbian, is in a university social work program. Wole, who is a 52 year old father of three and recently emigrated from Nigeria (where he was a professor of community development) is in a college Community Service program – He does not have the resources to re-qualify at the university even with the extra shifts in his part-time job in grocery delivery. Both are supervised by Gary, who used to work as an Indigenous Counselor on the Six Nations Reserve. A client, who is white, male and homeless and has been diagnosed with several mental health issues, arrives at the agency. He begins to shout at Wole, who is on desk-duty. Wole tries to calm the client and mentions he may have to call security. However, Carol steps in, takes the client’s information and ends up listing the client as one of her cases. The client seems happy with her. Wole tells Gary that this is not the first time Carol has taken over. Carol says that she is just trying to give clients immediate assistance in “a more straight-forward manner”. She mentions that Wole has had a problem with her from the moment they met, even refusing to take phone messages for her (including those from her partner), when she’s away from the desk. Gary considers terminating Wole’s placement agreement. Things are tense.

Using the Mullaly reading, class lecture, group discussion and your own critical analysis, please write your reflection to questions a, b and c on the scenario. Please ensure that your answers are clear and logical and written in full, Should be no more than 2 pages in length:

Identify and discuss the intersecting oppressions and/or privileges of any two of the characters in the scenario (before they arrive at the agency).

Discuss how privileges, oppressions and power intersect in this scenario between the characters at the agency. Remember (social, political, economic, environmental) context should also be considered.

How would you apply an Anti-Oppression analysis to the situation at the agency?

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Discuss how privileges, oppressions and power intersect in this scenario between the characters at the agency.APA

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