Reflect on what was important to your future success and professionalism in the chapter and write about it.

Reflect on what was important to your future success and professionalism in the chapter and write about it.

Read the chapter, peruse the PowerPoint, then reflect on what was important to your future success and professionalism in the chapter and write about it. There are no right or wrong answers, as long as you tell me WHY THIS INFO MATTERS TO YOU. Again, I want to know why it matters to you and YOUR future. Go deep into reflection and critical thinking. Be sure to use in-text citations.

You can discuss your listening style(s) and what that looks like and will look like in your life and career path. Listening is KEY to communication and building relationships…EVERYONE loves a good listener. One thing I want you to reflect on today is the difference between listening to understand and listening to respond…they can live together in harmony, but you MUST MUST MUST ALWAYS try to listen to understand BEFORE responding. If you perfect this now, your personal and professional relationships will blossom and thrive!!!

Just a reminder that our formatting is formal for the paper (APA) but the writing is from the first-person point of view.

Page 1: APA Cover Page: page numbering in header, your title (bold), subtitle (bold), your name, university name, course number and name, Professor\’s name and date of assignment.

Pages 2-3: Two pages of APA formatted double-spaced writing critically exploring your own experiences, goals and career path. You should discuss how the assigned readings could enhance your personal journey, your future career path and your professionalism. Use subtitles to separate intro, body, and conclusion. APA formatted in-text citations are required. (250-500 word count for intro, body and conclusion)

Page 4: References in APA format. (Cite textbook and any other source you used) Do not include references not cited in in-text citations.

Requirements: Everything is explained in the box

Answer preview to reflect on what was important to your future success and professionalism in the chapter and write about it. Reflect on what was important to your future success and professionalism in the chapter and write about it.


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