What additional training or ideas do you have regarding how they can achieve each of their developmental goals

What additional training or ideas do you have regarding how they can achieve each of their developmental goals

Guided Response: Choose two peers to respond to from the perspective of a management superior. If this peer was your employee, how would you help them advance their career based on their completed IDP? Review their completed IDP and their explanation before responding. Respond to the following questions and please remember to be professional with your feedback. Do not forget, you are taking the role of their superior here and your feedback should show them you are committed to their growth as an employee.

What additional training or ideas do you have regarding how they can achieve each of their developmental goals? Make sure to provide ideas for each goal individually. If you need to, do some research to give them additional ideas to consider.
How else can they use their strengths listed to achieve their goals?
Based on their justification for their goals, is there any other commentary or idea you have for them as their superior?

John Harrison
YesterdayNov 17 at 8:10pm
My Clifton Strengths:





Restorative (1)

Achiever (2)

Belief (3)

Responsibility (4)


Activator (1)

Communication (2)

Relationship Building

Developer (3)

Connectedness (4)

Strategic Thinking

Strategic (5)

My top four Clifton Strengths are in the Executing domain, with the fifth strength in the Strategic Thinking domain. This revealed to me that I have opportunities to develop skills as a leader in the Influencing and Relationship building domains. In my IDP the goal is to become a Director of Operations or Regional Director in five years. Each year I will be focused on building on one of the Clifton Strengths over the next four years.

Each year will focus in one opportunity identified that will help me grow as a leader and position myself to qualify and earn the position my goal has been set on. In the development of each year, I will use the strengths within the Executing domain and build a plan for each year using my strategic strength as a Strategic Thinker.

Activator: turning thoughts into action and making things happen

Communication: put thoughts and ideas into words and be able to present them convincingly

Developer: cultivate the potential in others

Connectedness: being socially aware and pull groups together for a common goal

“There is room for infinite growth within our areas of greatest potential — areas in which we use our strengths.”(McGuire, 2017). By using my strengths I can develop my opportunities to position my skills in line with employers who are looking for transformational leaders who can step into a leadership position and be immediately effective.


McGuire, C. A. (2017, January 17). Creating strengths-based goals (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://coaching.gallup.com/2017/01/by-carol-anne-mcguire-whether-its-new.html

Answer preview to what additional training or ideas do you have regarding how they can achieve each of their developmental goals


What additional training or ideas do you have regarding how they can achieve each of their developmental goals



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