Human resource management (HRM) should develop strategic responsibility management (SRM)

Human resource management (HRM) should develop strategic responsibility management (SRM)

Preston Anderson
MondayNov 23 at 5:09pm
The Social Responsibility of Business

An excellent reputation for quality will lead to profit. It will allow one to obtain the best employees, gain their trust within the organization, and retain them with the care they have for the employees. It will inspire the employees to better themselves and support the organization that cares about them. The increase in employee performer will create profit for the organization. Organizational responsibility will attract and retain customers as well. Creating the best possible products will develop a clientele that will continue to trust the organization and purchase from them. An organization that cares about supporting environmental efforts and community needs will resonate with consumers’ emotions and desires for the environment and community, which will gain the affection from these consumers and likely increase sales with them (TEDx Talks, 2015).

Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRM) should develop strategic responsibility management (SRM), which includes creating a vision, identifying and prioritizing expectations, developing initiatives, raise employee awareness through training, measuring and rewarding processes and results, and openly reporting corporate reports (Cascio & Arguinis, 2019, p. 457).  HRM must establish an organizational vision that portrays support for its stakeholders. The employees need to be treated honestly and genuinely, so they will openly receive their expectations with a desire to exceed them. Employees should be trained to ensure they understand the organization’s OR and how it assists them and their careers. Employees need to feel they are respected and desired within the organization to continually produce at a superior level and stay with the company. HRM needs to supply its employees with competitive pay, benefits, and development to retain these essential employees.

Example of Social Responsibility

Netflix offer 52 weeks of paid parental leave for its employees. It can be taken at any time, whether it be for the first baby or another time. The benefit supports the work-life balance for employees by offering them extended time to support their families (16 Brands Doing Corporate Social Responsibility Successfully, 2019). Netflix is supporting its employees’ work-life balance with the intent to produce motivated and loyal employees.


16 Brands Doing Corporate Social Responsibility Successfully. (2019, November 15). Retrieved November 23, 2020, from

Cascio, W.F, & Aguinis, H.  (2019). Applied Psychology in Talent Management, 8th Edition.  Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

TEDx Talks. (2015, July 9). The social responsibility of business | Alex Edmans | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool. [Video File]. Retrieved from


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Human resource management (HRM) should develop strategic responsibility management (SRM)


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