What are the legal, attitudinal, and strategic considerations that compelled the justices to grant review

What are the legal, attitudinal, and strategic considerations that compelled the justices to grant review

This assignment covers the 1970, 1971, and 1972 terms in The Brethren by Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong. You must answer both questions on the attached assignment.

Your answers should demonstrate an understanding of the reading material. Your answers should be succinct and address all parts of the question. You will lose points for overly short and overly long answers — the goal is to concisely, yet thoroughly answer the question, not write a treatise on it. A thorough answer includes examples from the text to support your answer.

Your answers should NOT include long direct quotations from the Woodward and Armstrong book. If you paraphrase something from the book or cite a fact from it, then provide a citation in parentheses. If you are referencing material from The Brethren you can simply include the page number in parentheses. Do not worry about citing lecture. You should only use the course material and the Woodward and Armstrong book to answer the questions.

Please type your responses with the following specifications. Failure to follow any of these will result in a two-point deduction for each error.

Times New Roman 12 point font

1″ margins on all sides

Double spaced

Each question begins on its own page

Identify the question by writing “QUESTION [X]” at the top of each page.

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This assignment ONLY covers 1970, 1971 and 1972 terms- do not use any other sources


(1) Using The Brethren, please identify a case that discusses the decision to grant review to a case. What term is this case from and what is the case? [One paragraph]. What are the legal, attitudinal, and strategic considerations that compelled the justices to grant review? Did any justices vote to deny review? What were their considerations? [One -two paragraphs]. If the Court granted review, did the justices who strategically voted to grant review ultimately obtain the outcome they wanted on the merits? [One paragraph]. (2) The 1970’s brought change to social values, and with this change the Supreme Court began to deal with a wide range of issues such as obscenity, abortion, racial and sexual discrimination etc. Do you think the Supreme Court made a decision that diverged with existing precedent? [One paragraph]. What justice embraced this change with enthusiasm? (one paragraph) Which justice seemed to resist it the most? [One paragraph]. What other social issues do you expect to see in the upcoming chapters and how do you think the Court will decide these issues in the future? [One paragraph].


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What are the legal attitudinal and strategic considerations that compelled the justices to grant review


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