Select a poem, by Yeats, Hardy, or some other modern writer, and compare it with another work by that author

Select a poem, by Yeats, Hardy, or some other modern writer, and compare it with another work by that author

3 pages and you have about 7 topics pick one and write 3 pages about it.

1) Compare or contrast any of the Victorian writers with one modern writer on the treatment of women, or on the topic of women’s education. Do they seem to have relied on any of Mary Wollstonecraft’s ideas? If so, which ones do you notice. Do they take the notion of gender equality any further than Wollstonecraft, or are they largely indebted to her insights for their own ideas?

2) In some of Matthew Arnold’s poems, mainly, “Isolation” and “To Marguerite,” compare how he use images from science and geology to discuss the situation of “modern” people. How does this compare to some of Tennyson’s uses in the poems we read from In Memoriam? Offer an analysis of one poem from each writer which uses this type of imagery, OR take one motif (isolation, sadness, loneliness, ocean imagery, nature, or faith) and compare how he deals with it in relation to Tennyson.

3) Having read both “Dover Beach” and “Dover Bitch,” why not let the silent auditor tell her side of the story? Write a verse poem, using Hecht’s as a model perhaps, in which the woman presents what really happened. Submit all draft versions for this, along with your final version.

4) Lawrence’s “The Horse-Dealer’s Daughter” offers some seemingly strange notions about love. After careful reading of the story, would you argue that love really exists between the two main characters, Jack & Mabel, or not? Whichever side you take, defend your response and support the answer by interpreting key passages in the work.

5) Select a poem, by Yeats, Hardy, or some other modern writer, and compare it with another work by that author which we’ve studied OR offer an in-depth interpretation of it. Select a poem which has caught your attention or intrigues you.

6) Read excerpts of J.S. Mill’s “On Liberty” and discuss how he compares with Arnold or Carlyle on this topic of “freedom” in society, OR examine his ideas on “eccentricity/individuality.” Explain them a bit and reflect on whether society today has advanced at all in being able to tolerate difference. Use a few SPECIFIC examples from our culture to illustrate/develop your points.

7) Much of the writing from the Victorian and modern eras focuses on aspects of “alienation.” Take 2 works from both periods to compare on this theme; do the authors offer any insight on why people feel this way? What is it about the modern world that leaves us feeling so disconnected? You might discuss a few pertinent situations or examples from our society to relate to what these writers might have been talking about. Be sure to cite relevant passages from the authors’ works in your analysis/discussion.

8) Your own topic? What interests you to write about that isn’t listed here?

Answer preview to select a poem, by Yeats, Hardy, or some other modern writer, and compare it with another work by that authorSelect a poem by Yeats Hardy or some other modern writer and compare it with another work by that author


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