Identify an example of dualism related to the kinesiology profession

Identify an example of dualism related to the kinesiology profession

Chapter 5 introduces dualism and materialism.  In addition to identifying different types of dualism and materialism, it also looks at some of the challenges of dualism and materialism for kinesiology.  How we conceptualize the nature of persons has importance implications for kinesiology.  The textbook authors discuss mechanisms for removing dualism and materialism.

Here are two more examples:

1. Removing dualism: The video “Do Schools Kill Creativity? (Links to an external site.)” is, in part, a funny and interesting critique of a dualistic approach to education.

2. Removing materialism: The article “Learning to See, In Order to HealLinks to an external site.” is a critique of a materialistic approach to medicine.

For this assignment, write the following paragraphs:

Identify an example of dualism related to the kinesiology profession
Identify a corrective response to that dualism
Identify an example of materialism related to the kinesiology profession
Identify a corrective response to that materialism

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