HRM in Perspective and Important EEO Implications.

HRM in Perspective and Important EEO Implications.

HRM in Perspective and Important EEO Implications. apa. 6 pages

After exploring the role of Human Resource Management and its various requirements, it’s now time to demonstrate that you can apply these concepts in your own chosen industry or career path! You may consider researching how other organizations have managed these core HRM policies, practices and procedures. Specifically, consider what you have learned over this first few chapters and write an essay that explores in detail:

How strategic planning and HR planning work together in your industry or career path

Steps that managers in your industry or career path should take to ensure alignment with EEO requirements and best practices

Your recommended approach for conducting a job analysis of a common job in your industry or career path

any specific implications for job design in your industry or career path

A few career paths worth considering to choose from can be engineering related, business, or any industry that best fits the assignment.

This assignment should include at least 6 pages of double-spaced content in 12-point Times New Roman font, summarizing your key learnings and how they are relevant in your industry or career path. Written assignments require application of content from the textbook and any other learning materials provided in the course, as well as your own independent research (especially around industry-specific aspects of the assignment).

Your paper should be formatted and written in the style dictated by the American Psychological Association (APA) 6.0 Style guidelines. You will need a Title Page and a References Page in the correct formats.

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HRM in Perspective and Important EEO Implications.

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