Human needs to build a bridge in your meetings

Human needs to build a bridge in your meetings

Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Create a 600-800 words:

You are a counselor in a rural area. Your supervisor asks you to visit the home of a child who has become violent. The mother states that the father is a strict disciplinarian. He uses a belt to whip the kids when they do not do what is expected of them, even if it is trivial. She supports the father because she tells you that is what a dutiful wife does. She is afraid to question her husband because of his violent tendencies, and he is the family’s only means of financial support.

Given the information for this family’s case, discuss the following in your response:

  • What cultural differences and similarities do you share with this family, and what might you need to learn more about to gain an understanding of the family’s situation so you can appropriately assist its members?
  • Include your cultural vantage point in this explanation.
  • How would you use what you know about human needs to build a bridge in your meetings with this particular family?

Answer Preview for Human needs to build a bridge in your meetings

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