HOSP 1015 – Managing the Hotel Guest Experience

HOSP 1015 – Managing the Hotel Guest Experience

HOSP 1015 – Managing the Hotel Guest Experience

Term Project

The following project will be completed in three sections and will be handed in during the second part of the term. Each Project section is outlined below with the instructions and due dates.

For this project you are the hypothetical owner of a 200-room hotel.  You will make several decisions, and will present several parts of your operating plan.  Read the entire project to have an understanding of the project requirements.

Project I: Classification, Brand, Location, ADR and Average Wage Rate


You will make the following decisions about your hotel, and present these in a paper.  Format instructions for your paper are at the end of this project document.

Classification: Will you be an economy hotel, a limited service hotel, a full service hotel, or a luxury hotel?  Whatever you choose to be, you need to describe your hotel, the services you will offer, and WHY you chose this.

Brand: You will select an appropriate brand for your hotel, and describe specifically why you chose that brand.

Management: Will you select the Brand to manage your hotel, or an independent management company?  Why will you make that decision?

Location: Where will your hotel be located?  A specific city and state, and an address within this area (Google maps satellite view comes in really handy for this).  Why did you choose to locate here?

Average Daily Rate: You will research the average room rates for similar hotels in the area you select (using Kayak, Expedia, and others).  You need to review at least four seasonal dates and create an average rate for your hotel.  This will be considered your “rack rate”.  In addition create a minimum of 5 special or discounted rates for different markets of guests.

Average Wage Rate: You will need to determine what the minimum wage is for your market (mimimumwage.com).  This information is helpful for building schedules and other financial data.



Project 2:  Management Organization


Create a Management Organizational Chart for your hotel. You must use            the SmartArt graphics in Word to create this chart in your document.

For each position, provide a detailed list (Job Description) of the responsibilities of the job and include the skills required for the job. You will need to do some internet research for this!

Assume that after your management staffing was completed that it was decided by your management company that you will need to eliminate one management position.

Which Management position would you eliminate?

Why that position?(Provide a detailed explanation)

How would you cover the responsibilities of that manager? (Provide a detailed explanation. Keep in mind that the duties may need to be assigned to several other positions)

Project 3:  Developing a weekly schedule


You need to develop a one week schedule for your Housekeeping employees.

Using the Excel spreadsheet that is provided in this week’s assignment(located in ulearn), you will prepare a schedule for the week.

The day-by-day occupied rooms forecast has been given to you for the week.

Using the Staffing guideline, determine how many hours you will need to schedule each day.

You must staff the hours as closely as possible to the staffing guide each day.

Write a professionally formatted memo to your General Manager requesting approval of your schedule for the week.

Note: When using the Excel spreadsheet for parts of your assignment, you will need to insert the relevant parts of the spreadsheet into your Word document by copy/paste function.


…………………..Answer preview……………………..

Located in the evergreen suburbs of New York City, Fina Gates Hotel is a full service hotel that provides wide array of products and services to its guest all in one experience. We offer laundry and shuttle services and we provide well equipped staff to help with your belongings…………………


837 words

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