
Showing posts from July, 2018

What is the connection between failed (now referred to as fragile) states and terrorism and other forms of political violence

What is the connection between failed (now referred to as fragile) states and terrorism and other forms of political violence Read the articles, “ Conceptualising State Collapse: An Institutionalist Approach ,” by Lambach and Johais (2015), and “ Globalization, Terrorism and the State “  by Demir and Varlik (2015), which are required reading for this week. Respond to the following: What is the connection between failed (now referred to as fragile) states and terrorism and other forms of political violence? Provide an example of a failed/fragile state that is associated with terrorism. In addition to terrorism and other forms of political violence , what other problems are generally associated with failed/fragile states? What can, or should, the international community do to address this issue? globalization._terrorism_and_the_state conceptualising_state_collapse._an_institutionalist_approach   ……………………….Answer preview………………… International terrorism and failed states are fun

Why is the brand behind its competitors? Provide evidence, both financial and behavioral. Evidence may include consumer attitude

Why is the brand behind its competitors? Provide evidence, both financial and behavioral. Evidence may include consumer attitude For this part of the Consulting Project , you are required to critique the brand  (the brand is Pepsi blue by PepsiCo)  by providing the following information (750-1,000 words). Address the following: Why is the brand behind its competitors? Provide evidence, both financial and behavioral. Evidence may include consumer attitude toward the brand, customer loyalty (repeat purchases and/or referrals), and negative word-of-mouth. Develop and issue a survey questionnaire to provide support for your critique. Respondents should be from the target market for the specific brand under study. (See Chapter 16 in the textbook for guidance in preparing an attitude scale survey instrument). In view of the brand’s marketing strategy , what consumer behavior issues do you propose are influencing the brand’s performance? How do reference groups, social class, culture and

Evaluate the fairness of different laws for public and private sector employees

Evaluate the fairness of different laws for public and private sector employees Read the Focus on Ethics  : The Ethics of the At-Will Doctrine in Chapter 7 of Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Then, write a 2-4-page paper Answer the following questions: What are other ethical dilemmas in the at-will doctrine? Which argument is credible: that of the doctrine’s critics or its supporters? What limitations other than those outlined in the textbook should be imposed on the doctrine to make it more ethical and, therefore, fairer? Evaluate the fairness of different laws for public and private sector employees (at-will employment versus just cause standards of employment). ethics_of_the_at_will_doctrine ……………………..Answer preview……………………… One thing that every employee wants to get from their job is security. However, employees at-will doctrine lack job security because a company has the right to terminate their employment at any time, for good cause, for no cause or without being

You recently attended a conference for your company on Diversity and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

You recently attended a conference for your company on Diversity and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions You recently attended a conference for your company on Diversity and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. As part of the initiative on going to the conference, you are to prepare a report on what you learned to incorporate into the company. Make sure you address the following questions in your report: Introduce Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. Discuss how the 6 cultural dimensions impact the workplace. Determine what strategies you can do in order to successfully manage the different cultural dimensions . Remember this is a global company based in the US. Conclude your report. …………………Answer preview……………………. Hofstede’s cultural dimension was developed by Geert Hofstede in an attempt to describe measurable aspects of culture in order to describe the impact of a society’s culture on the values of its members. This theory evaluated the relationship between those values and the behavior of

You are writing a white paper for jail staff on the origins of addictions, alcoholism and chemical dependency.

You are writing a white paper for jail staff on the origins of addictions, alcoholism and chemical dependency. You are writing a white paper for jail staff on the origins of addictions, alcoholism and chemical dependency . This is part of the staff training requirement to be sensitive to the needs of the population that they serve. Assignment Guidelines Address the following in 4–5 pages Briefly describe and summarize the following with regard to the origins of addictions, alcoholism, and chemical dependency: Genetic Predisposition Environmental Issues Psychological Theories Other (select one other theory or explanation for addiction) Next, answer the questions with regard to the four types of explanations listed above: How much research exists for the explanations of the origins of addiction, alcoholism, and chemical dependency? Explain. Consider studies conducted in both laboratories as well as social settings. Based on the research you have examined, what seems to be th

How is it ethical to promise money or other compensation to students for studying hard

How is it ethical to promise money or other compensation to students for studying hard Read the Focus on Ethics: Ethics of Motivation and Strategies in Chapter 9 of Industrial/ Organizational Psychology . Then, write a 2-4-page paper aJO Answer the following questions: Although there were some legal ramifications for what Hooters did, were the actions toward the waitresses also unethical? Were the waitresses lied to? If so, is lying to employees unethical? What about the motivating strategy of allowing employees to rip the shirts of other employees off? Is humiliating employees ethical? How is it ethical to promise money or other compensation to students for studying hard? What if the losing students actually studied harder than the winner, but the winner only did well because he/she happened to be brighter? How would giving that student the money be fair to the students who studied harder? The motivation techniques had the desired results by increasing sales or decreasing the

Multilateralism, such as the United Nations, is the most promising route to solving global issues

Multilateralism, such as the United Nations, is the most promising route to solving global issues Multilateralism, such as the United Nations, is the most promising route to solving global issues . For purposes of this discussion, let us make an assumption that the primary goal of the international system is to preserve peace and security. This does not eliminate other goals, but without peace and security, we have trouble moving on to those goals. Play the role of a foreign policy advisor to the President. Respond to the following: What are your recommendations concerning multilateralism? Specifically, how do you view the United Nations in this mix of international politics? Refer in your response to perspectives about multilateralism from the Heritage Foundation found at: ,  as well as the articles, “ Re-balancing the G-20 from Efficiency to Legitimacy: The 3G Coalition and the Practice of Global Gove

Use the strategic analysis as a method of organizing and evaluating case information

Use the strategic analysis as a method of organizing and evaluating case information Use the strategic analysis as a method of organizing and evaluating case information Prompt: Review the corporate strategy of AB Electrolux: found here: As the social and demographic trends continue to evolve so do the opportunities afforded to Electrolux. The most significant demographic shift globally is the growing middle class in Asia, which includes families with incomes between US$6,000 and US$30,000. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be 3 billion more people in the global middle class than there were in 2013.(Ernst & Young, 2013) Correlated with rising incomes worldwide, homeownership has also increased at a substantial rate giving rise to increased demand for consumer durables such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. (Electrolux, 2013) Electrolux (2013) Electrolux 2013 Annual Report. Retrieved from  http://group.el

What is meant by the term “national interest,” and what are the dangers of using national interest as a rationale for nation-state behavior

What is meant by the term “national interest,” and what are the dangers of using national interest as a rationale for nation-state behavior What is meant by the term “ national interest ,” and what are the dangers of using national interest as a rationale for nation-state behavior? Requirements: Write a formal essay 2-3 pages in length, complete with citations from at least two outside academic sources from the CSU-Global Library to support your findings. Cite these on a separate page at the end of the essay and include a title page at the beginning.   ……………………Answer preview………………………. National interests is a term used commonly to refer to the goals and aspirations set by country in order to target its cultural, military or economic aspects that play an important role in the growth and prosperity of a nation. It is an important domain that involves formulation of rules and policies that guide the affairs and activities………………………. APA 732 words Get instant access to the full

Discuss a Popular or Literary Representation of Your Country Case Study

Discuss a Popular or Literary Representation of Your Country Case Study Discuss a Popular or Literary Representation of Your Country Case Study find a film or URL of a website about your country Backstory information when choosing film or URL: Country: Afghanistan I have chosen to focus on Afghanistan for my portfolio project. One reason is the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development list Afghanistan as first on their list of Least Developed Countries. The second reason is since the U.S. has been involved in trying to stabilize the region for so long it will be interesting to see where the county is in its current state. I found an interview with Ehsan Azari, who is a professor now living in Australia that was born and raised in the capital city of Kabul and also received his engineering degree in the same city. Azari discusses the corrupt politics and how the warlords keep significant influence by offering protection and money to leaders. It will be interesting to inve

What are four common reasons why people begin to use mood altering substances? Explain.

What are four common reasons why people begin to use mood altering substances? Explain. Unit 3 Individual Project Reason for Substance Use You are working in a rehab center for teenagers who tell you that drugs get them through the day because school is boring, their families are dysfunctional, and that they use them because their friends pressure them. Some tell you that their parents, aunts, and uncles gave them their first exposure to marijuana, cocaine, and meth. Others say they just like how some drugs calm them down and others speed them up. Assignment Guidelines Address the following in 4–5 pages: What are four common reasons why people begin to use mood altering substances? Explain. Briefly describe and summarize the four selected reasons. With regard to your selected reasons, answer the following questions: Once started, why do people continue to use mood altering substances? Explain in detail. What are recreational drugs ? Explain. Since teens are most at risk for r

HOSP 1015 – Managing the Hotel Guest Experience

HOSP 1015 – Managing the Hotel Guest Experience HOSP 1015 – Managing the Hotel Guest Experience Term Project The following project will be completed in three sections and will be handed in during the second part of the term. Each Project section is outlined below with the instructions and due dates. For this project you are the hypothetical owner of a 200-room hotel.  You will make several decisions, and will present several parts of your operating plan.  Read the entire project to have an understanding of the project requirements. Project I: Classification, Brand, Location, ADR and Average Wage Rate   You will make the following decisions about your hotel, and present these in a paper.  Format instructions for your paper are at the end of this project document. Classification: Will you be an economy hotel, a limited service hotel, a full service hotel, or a luxury hotel?  Whatever you choose to be, you need to describe your hotel, the services you will offer, and WHY you chose

Information Technology Challenges and Solution in Modern Transportation System

Information Technology Challenges and Solution in Modern Transportation System Research Topic: ”  Information Technology Challenges and Solution in Modern Transportation System”. WEEK-4 WEEK 4 – “TRADITIONAL RESEARCH LITERATURE REVIEW ” (WRITE 5 TO 6 PAGES) “ TRADITIONAL  LITERATURE REVIEW ” PLEASE READ FOLLOWINGS ATTACHED FILES VERY CAREFULLY TO GET A BETTER UNDERSTANDING: Literature Review – eBook.pdf  (511.908 KB) Literature-Reviews-The-Writing-Center.pdf  (141.829 KB) Conducting a Literature Review.pdf  (969.116 KB) Literature Review-Graduate.pdf  (187.241 KB) Literature Reviews Made Easy.pptx  (147.639 KB) Literature Review Watch the video “ Literature Review ” Review the attached Literature Review documents Write a literature review paper on the topic created in week 1. Instructions: Read very carefully Your paper must: Be organized by categories or themes using sub-headings, as needed Include an introduction to the literature A thorough comparison of the lit

There are at least two different positions taken on the question of whether government regulation or laws can facilitate ethical behavior

There are at least two different positions taken on the question of whether government regulation or laws can facilitate ethical behavior Show Me the Regulation? 300 WORDS There are at least two different positions taken on the question of whether government regulation or laws can facilitate ethical behavior . Some take the position that you cannot trust businesses on their own to do what is ethical; therefore, some government intervention in the form of laws and regulations is necessary. On the other hand, some argue that overreaching laws and regulations do not facilitate ethical behavior, and indeed might have the opposite effect. What do you think about the debate and what is your position? Why do you believe your position is sustainable or defensible? Learning Activity #2 When in Malaysia 300 WORDS W.B. Milestone, Inc., a manufacturer of sophisticated computer parts, recently moved the operations of one of its divisions to Malaysia. The Company has hired several hundred work

List and describe the steps of the rational approach to decision making

List and describe the steps of the rational approach to decision MAKING List and describe the steps of the rational approach to decision making . Explain the importance of having a code of ethics in an organization. Discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization.   ……………………………………….Answer preview………………………………………. The ability to make a rational decision especially when faced with a difficult situation is a very important factor. However, in the real world situation, most people tend to prefer solutions that are acceptable and reasonable as opposed to the optimal decision.  The steps involved in making a rational decision are:………………………………………. APA 749 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below  The post List and describe the steps of the rational approach to decision making appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HER

Week 6 discussion deals with BYOD and Mobile Computing. While the two topics are intertwined they also have their own set up issues

Week 6 discussion deals with BYOD and Mobile Computing. While the two topics are intertwined they also have their own set up issues Week 6 discussion deals with BYOD and Mobile Computing. While the two topics are intertwined they also have their own set up issues. Differentiate between BYOD and Mobile Computing . If you had to describe either BYOD or Mobile Computing with one word, what would that one word be? Please explain why that one word expresses your views ………………………Answer preview…………………… BYOD (Bring your own device) also known as BYOT (bring your own technology) or sometimes referred to as consumerization of IT, is a term used when referring to students or employees who bring their personal handset devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones to their place of work in order to increase connectivity………………… APA 318 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below  The post Week 6 discussion deals with B

Briefly describe Volkswagen’s emissions scandal and provide background on the company and automobile industry

Briefly describe Volkswagen’s emissions scandal and provide background on the company and automobile industry A mucky business; the volkswagen scandal. (2015,  Sep 26 ). The Economist, 416, 23-25. Boston, W., & Houston-Waesch, M. (2015,  Oct 15 ). Volkswagen suspends another top engineer; berlin orders recall; transport minister says recall of tainted diesel cars is mandatory. Wall Street Journal (Online). Cremer, A. (2016, April 20). VW to pay each U.S. customer $5,000 to settle dieselgate: Die Welt. Reuters. Retrieved from Danny, Hakim, Kessler, A. M., & Ewing, J. (2015,  Sep 27 ). As VW pushed to be no. 1, ambitions fueled a scandal. New York Times. De Cremer, D., & de Bettignies, H. (2013). PRAGMATIC BUSINESS ETHICS. Business Strategy Review, 24(2), 64-67. Ewing, J. (2016, April 21). Volkswagen Reaches Deal in U.S. Over Emissions Scandal. New York Times. Retrieved from  http://www.nytimes.

Do you think the “free” offers would be more effective than coupons

Do you think the “free” offers would be more effective than coupons FREE OFFERS AND PRICING A survey from MARC Research found that among a variety of holiday specials and shopping tactics , store coupons and free-shipping offers were the two incentives most used by shoppers during the fourth-quarter 2009 holiday-shopping season. Read more: In addition, read the article below on the importance of “free” in online commerce : Based on these articles and other readings you may find, what do you think of the “free” offers used by online retailers or marketer? Do you think the “free” offers would be more effective than coupons? Use some concepts you learned from module 5, as well as other modules to discuss these issues. Note: Please check the Discussion grading rubrics to better understand t

What is the role of storytelling in Alexie’s stories? What kind of authority do they have

What is the role of storytelling in Alexie’s stories? What kind of authority do they have Toni Morrison’s Beloved What do you think Baby Suggs means when she says, “What’d be the point [of moving?]… Not a house in this country ain’t packed to the rafters with some dead Negro’s grief. We lucky this ghost is a baby.” A major theme of the novel is the role of memory—its importance, its power, and its limitations. How do Sethe’s recollections about Sweet Home develop the theme of the power and complexity of memory? Morrison continues to demand that the reader suspend belief in the common sense view of the way the world works when she tells us that “A fully dressed woman walked out of the water.”(p.50) How do you think Morrison wants us to respond to this? Beloved’s devotion to and fascination with Sethe takes the form of an insatiable desire for stories about Sethe’s past. What’s the significance of the story of Seth’s earrings and wedding dress? (pp.58-60) What does this reveal about

Do you believe you can change your social class? What does privilege have to do with social class

Do you believe you can change your social class? What does privilege have to do with social class After reviewing the material and completing the interactive exercise,  The Privilege Walk , has your concept of social class changed or remained the same? Where did you end up? Towards the bottom, middle, or top? Were you surprised at your placement? Not surprised at all? Include in your discussion the differences and similarities between your notion of social class and your understanding of the intersections of social class, race, ethnicity, and gender. How have you gotten to the class you are in today (keep in mind we are born into our social class), and what personal significance does your class location have in your daily life? Do you believe you can change your social class ? What does privilege have to do with social class, broadly, and with your personal experience, specifically? Provide a thoughtful post of 2-3 paragraphs, citing 1-2 scholarly sources.

Develop management techniques to monitor and promote productivity, teamwork, and regulatory compliance in health information management

Develop management techniques to monitor and promote productivity, teamwork, and regulatory compliance in health information management QUALITY & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT & METHODS Competency 7034.1.3: Performance Improvement: Supervision and Management of People – The graduate develops management techniques to monitor and promote productivity, teamwork, and regulatory compliance in a health information management environment. Competency 7034.1.4: Performance Improvement: Talent Development – The graduate develops best practices and procedures to engage employees in professional development, promote employee satisfaction, and maintain appropriate disciplinary structures. Competency 7034.1.5: Performance Improvement: Professional Development in Supervisors – The graduate develops professional skills to prepare for assuming supervisory responsibility. Task 3: Performance Improvement Management Introduction: Health information management professionals may move into positions

Week 7 discussion deals with developing a strategic plan on implementing security controls on a desktop in a large environment

Week 7 discussion deals with developing a strategic plan on implementing security controls on a desktop in a large environment Week 7 discussion deals with developing a strategic plan on implementing security controls on a desktop in a large environment. The federal government has released its cybersecurity initiative and plan where it identified the critical point the government will take to improve its security posture. Please identify what you feel are necessary components of a strategic plan for desktop security. Please explain why the components you identify are necessary and important …………………….Answer preview…………………………… The success or failure of a security plan depends on your ability to cooperate with your service provider on a number of crucial elements. However, a strategic plan is more efficient when a holistic approach that integrated people, technology and process dimensions is adopted. A strategic plan for desktop security should………………………. APA 407 words Get ins

Use institutional theory to explain the behavior of Austria, Hungary, Germany, and Russia in 1914

Use institutional theory to explain the behavior of Austria, Hungary, Germany, and Russia in 1914 It should address ONE of the following prompts, using only lecture notes and Fromkin (Fromkin, David. Europe’s Last Summer: who started the Great War in 1914? Vintage Books. 2005.): 1. Use structural theory to explain the behavior of one major power in 1914. 2. Use institutional theory to explain the behavior of Austria, Hungary, Germany, and Russia in 1914. 3. Explain the security dilemma using WWI data to illustrate it. 4. Use WWI to illustrate the balance of power. 5. Explain the problem or paradox of domestic commitment. lecture_2 lecture_3 lecture_4 lecture_5 lecture_7 lecture_8 lecture_9   ……………………………Answer preview…………………………… Balance of power is the existence of stability amid competing powers whereby power is shared between appropriate entities equally. In international relations, balance of power connotes the equilibrium that exists among alliances or countries to

Differences between leadership and management characteristics and roles in healthcare programs

Differences between leadership and management characteristics and roles in healthcare programs For this discussion question, discuss 2 concepts you have learned over the last 4 modules. What are the concepts? What was something interesting that you learned from these concepts? What is the importance of these concepts to a healthcare organizations? How will you use this new information in your current or future positions as a healthcare administrator? Expectations: To earn maximum credit, the comment should be more than your opinion, and more than a quick “off the top of your head” response. Be sure to support your statements, cite sources properly, cite within the text of your comments, and list your reference(s). The response must be a minimum of 250 words. REQUIRED READING AHRQ. (2002). Improving health care quality. Retrieved from Fields, R. (2011). 5 common

Why Getting rid of the U.S. nuclear arsenal all together is Not feasible in current political environment

Why Getting rid of the U.S. nuclear arsenal all together is Not feasible in current political ENVIRONMENT WMD production should not be increasing or proliferating even within our own nation. By committing to decreasing overall WMD production specifically Nuclear Weapons , the US is sending the world a message that we are not in support of MAD wars in our global future. The nuclear program is by far the largest of our WMD capabilities and limiting it while remaining cognizant of the global deterrence policy would keep the US protected by smart WMD policy while recognizing that increasing larger nuclear weapons just increases the chance of their use however incrementally. Your role in the assignment to: Analyze the following points about the US nuclear program: 1-Why Getting rid of the U.S. nuclear arsenal all together is Not feasible in current political environment ? 2-Why is it not practical to continue to beef up the arsenal hoping the larger weapons will keep the deterrence pol