This is an essay based on the book by John Milton: “The Complete Poetry And Essential Prose of John Milton

This is an essay based on the book by John Milton: “The Complete Poetry And Essential Prose of John Milton

This is an essay based on the book by John Milton: “The Complete Poetry And Essential Prose of John Milton.” Copyright 2007

Overall this passage must be about Eve’s character she is depicted as a weak lady by Milton who is inferior to Adam and that she can be a bit naive or dumb-like. She likes to rest. I will give you four passages that you can use but you can also pick your own but please show me before and make sure to have the correct citations.

Make sure you have access to the book. You will have to pick 4 passages and critique and support the passages through close reading. Focusing on Book 1 to 6 to help you understand and determine Eve’s character. Provide reasons in each case for why the passage is important and for your ranking. Make sure your order is logical as well.

The paper assignment is to pick FOUR passages and (at least 5-6 lines, and one of them should be more). Rank them in order of importance as you see it, providing your reasons in each case (i.e. through your topic sentence) for why the passage is important and for your ranking. Make sure your ranking is logical as well.

The rest of the paper is to support that assessment through close reading. I’ll be expecting extensive and connected discussion of imagery and links among word choices and also among passages.

Your argument should be like “These four passages are most important in our understanding of Eve because…..” I do not expect more of an argument than that, as long as you have clear informative topic sentences governing each passage. You should type out the passages single spaced, following indentation. italics or bold no quotes for the passages.

Overall Eve’s character is depicted as a weak lady by Milton who is inferior to Adam and that she can be a bit naive or dumb-like. She likes to rest. I will give you four passages that you can use but you can also pick your own.

On book IV it speaks a lot about Eve’s character;


She can’t exist without him (Adam)

He for God, she for both God and him

She looks into the water at herself in vain Line 448

She is lying down a lot…

she has “unexperienced thoughts” She needs guidance/ help of knowing herself

Narcissist= falls in love with self line 450 “Found myself reposed.”

She can never be as good as Adam

Eve is sexualized by her beauty and Adam isn’t

She is seen as seductive: ” I first awaked, under a shade on flow’rs.

she can be easily deceived because she doesnt know her own reflection P.399

Satan just looks at the weaker sex to manipulate

Book V

Satan whispers in her ears as a dream “she can be a God too if she eats the fruit.”



…………………….Answer preview……………………

The epic poem “Paradise Lost” by John Milton is regarded as one of the greatest works of the 17th century and an influential and popular piece in the literary history. Paradise Lost details the fall of mankind; Adam and Eve, from the Garden of Eden and presents a different perspective as opposed to the traditional version of the story……………………


1359 words

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