
Showing posts from May, 2018

Schubert v. August Schubert Wagon Co,Suggs v. Norris and Salmon v. Atkinson, and write about all three cases regarding differences and similarities between them

Schubert v. August Schubert Wagon Co,Suggs v. Norris and Salmon v. Atkinson, and write about all three cases regarding differences and similarities between them Schubert v. August Schubert Wagon Co,Suggs v. Norris and Salmon v. Atkinson, and write about all three cases regarding differences and similarities between them. Your information can include: state court or federal ? what level: trial court, appellate court, state supreme court etc? similarities in people involved (married, dead, estates, probate, employed, female, male, etc)? How were damages determined? Did the “institution of marriage” play a role in either or both? who “won”? Think of more differences or similarities if you can.     ……………………Answer preview……………………….. In this case, the plaintiff, Jessie Schubert sued for recovery of damages for injuries caused due to negligence of the defendant’s company’s driver who was her husband. The defendant’s employee was the president of the company and caused the injuries to th

In a three to five-paragraph essay, please discuss your views on the following questions in regards to racism in America in particular

In a three to five-paragraph essay, please discuss your views on the following questions in regards to racism in America in particular In a three to five-paragraph essay, please discuss your views on the following questions in regards to racism in America in particular, and the world in general. You may reference the videos shown in class, or any other materials you choose to include. This paper should have a reference list of Internet sites, peer-reviewed articles, and or videos used to formulate your discussion. Question:Given what you know about systemic, institutionalized, and internalize racism, what is your opinion as to its existence in America and the world in general? Do you have suggestions as to how racism might be addressed, combated or eradicated in America ? Projecting ten years into the future, what do you see the state of racism being in America?     ……………………Answer preview……………………. Racism is institutionalized, systematic and internalize in the United States in pa

Discuss the three distinct slavery systems in British North Americas in mid-1700s

Discuss the three distinct slavery systems in British North Americas in mid-1700s Discuss the three distinct slavery systems in British North Americas in mid-1700s (Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia, and New England and middle colonies). How did slaves participate in economic development of each of these regions and how did slavery differ from one system to the next? Finally, what changes did free blacks experience in Virginia during this time? some help for that each distinct slavery system should be about are 1. Virgina: Chesapeake (tobacco- based plantation system) 2. South Carolina And Georgia: (Rice based slavery system) and 3. New England and Middle Colonies (non-plantation slavery) ………………..Answer preview…………………. Slavery in British North America in the mid-1700 consisted of three distinct systems in Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia, and New England and the middle colonies. In this easy, the paper discusses the three distinct slavery systems, how the slaves part

What kind of plays do these Theatres do or style of Theatre

What kind of plays do these Theatres do or style of Theatre The Dictionary defines Urban as: ur·ban [ur-buhn] adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or designating a city or town. 2. living in a city. 3. characteristic of or accustomed to cities; citified: an urban type. This definition is a good starting place to understand the background for where these kinds of stories, characters and issues that  Urban Drama  comes from and adresess but, we must look a little deeper and wrestle with the issues and themes of these characters as well, not just location. The location(s), in an abstract sense, is a through line for much of this genre and where these characters reside and live but it is the circumstances, relationships and conflicts that arise out of living in highly populated, lower scale communities suffering from crime, gangs, drugs, blight, and poverty that drive the force of the drama in these stories. The drama and conflict can be quite intense within the scope of this Genre. We a

How does the culture of an organization influence and affect employees, as well as the quality of care provided

How does the culture of an organization influence and affect employees, as well as the quality of care provided How does the culture of an organization influence and affect employees, as well as the quality of care provided? Analyze a position, from the module above, which has left an impression on you which you believe you would incorporate into your personal, current or future, practice (nursing or sociology). Use a scholarly reference to support the position you chose.     ……………………..Answer preview…………………………. An organizational culture denotes to the beliefs, values, policies, and assumptions shared by people in an institution or workplace. These elements govern the conduct of people in the organization and influence their performance and the quality of work they can deliver (Narayana, 2017). For instance, employees in healthcare institutions…………………….. APA 710 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below

Write an informative essay explaining what has caused the English spoken today to be different from the English spoken in earlier centuries.

Write an informative essay explaining what has caused the English spoken today to be different from the English spoken in earlier centuries. Write an informative essay explaining what has caused the English spoken today to be different from the English spoken in earlier centuries.   ……………………Answer preview…………………… The English language, like other languages, has changed over time due to different reasons. Languages change due to the needs of the speakers as new technologies and experiences require them to use new words to communicate effectively based on their situations. Secondly, the English spoken today is different from the one spoken earlier due to experiences from one person to another. Speakers of a language come into contact with others who speak a different one and due to geographical differences; these people speak differently………………………… APA 338 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Wr

Rhetorical Context (Who wrote it or created? Why was it written? What is it trying to do to or for its readers

Rhetorical Context (Who wrote it or created? Why was it written? What is it trying to do to or for its readers Rhetorical Context (Who wrote it or created? Why was it written? What is it trying to do to or for its readers ? What is it? Where does it appear? When was it published? ) Summary (What does the text say? What are its main points? What did you find most interesting?) What are THREE golden lines from the text (quotes that stood out to you most)? Why did they stand out to you? Evaluation (Is the text convincing? Why or why not? What new knowledge did you get from reading this text?) Questioning (What questions do you have about the text? What would you ask the author if you could speak to him or her directly)  part 4 20180409052515the_cuckoo_s_calling_robert_galbraith_j_k_rowling (1) Cuckoos-Calling-by-Robert-Galbraith 6560721 4 pages due 2PM, 6560721 4 pages due 2PM, part 3 6560721 4 pages due 2PM, part 2 Part 1 answer   …………………….Answer preview……………………. Rhetorica

Do functions performed by nurses are more important than those fulfilled by doctors

Do functions performed by nurses are more important than those fulfilled by doctors Topic:  Do functions performed by nurses are more important than those fulfilled by doctors? Length:  2-3 pages (minimum 2 full pages) Format:  The format of a submitted essay should include a cover page, 2-3 pages of text, a reference page (total there should be 4 pages minimum). You should follow APA format. By following APA format, your essay should include: Cover page: running head, title of the essay, name of the institution, your name. Throughout the text, there should be in-text citations (minimum 3 citations published within the last 10 years). Reference page should be formatted according to APA style. Please refer to your Arlov textbook pages 265-267 or website:   …………………….Answer preview………………….. The interaction between nurses and doctors based on the roles and functions performed by these two health professionals continues to get

The following is a classic distributive bargaining scenario, wherein each party is attempting to maximize their gains at the expense of the other

The following is a classic distributive bargaining scenario, wherein each party is attempting to maximize their gains at the expense of the other The following is a classic distributive bargaining scenario, wherein each party is attempting to maximize their gains at the expense of the other. In this situation, Michelle is interested in purchasing a Toyota Highlander. Michelle has two dealerships to choose from (Toyota of Louisville and Green Tree Toyota). Although she has no desire to travel a long distance, there are dealerships in Cincinnati, Ohio and Indianapolis, Indiana that she could represent as alternatives as well. Michelle decides to visit Toyota of Louisville first and finds the vehicle she wants – a 2013 Toyota Highlander. The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) for the vehicle is $29,865, while the factory invoice (the price paid by the dealership for the car) is $27,929. While Michelle only knows the MSRP for the vehicle, the dealer knows both the MSRP and the

Explain in detail the essential functions of political parties in terms of how they contribute to the government

Explain in detail the essential functions of political parties in terms of how they contribute to the government Response Question: Explain in detail the essential functions of political parties in terms of how they contribute to the government as well as what impact they have on citizens. How do they add value to the democratic process? Do you believe political parties are essential to government, or do they actually dilute citizen participation?   ………………………Answer preview………………….. Political parties play crucial roles in democracies and running of governments. Political parties bring people with similar political views or ideologies together. Imperatively, political parties promote the interests of different groups and individual voters. Further, to actualize their ideologies, these parties draw up party programs and allow citizens………………… APA 724 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Explain

Why do you think this idea and these concepts were so important for Nietzsche? What were Nietzsche’s hidden motivations

Why do you think this idea and these concepts were so important for Nietzsche? What were Nietzsche’s hidden motivations It all about textbook A. Content of the text (what the text is about?) 1. What is the basic idea of the text? (0%) 2 What are the key concepts (terms of the text? Find out at two key terms (10%) 3 Evidence: For each concept (term), provide a quote in which the concept has been used (5% B. Context of the text (what were the circumstances of the writing of the text Author Who wrote text? 5. Time: When was the text written? (5%) 6, Place: Where was the text written? (5%) 7. Why do you think this idea and these concepts were so important for Nietzsche? What were Nietzsche’s hidden motivations ? Consider the political, social, economic, and cultural circumstances of e live and when and how did these facts impact his thinking? Provide evidence (50% 8. Audience To whom this text has been written? What was the social class of the audience? This is often hidden You have to fi

What are the challenges you are likely to face and what might make switching to a different shift easier

What are the challenges you are likely to face and what might make switching to a different shift easier Suppose your job requires you to work shifts and that, every four weeks, you will be switched to a different shift. What are the challenges you are likely to face and what might make switching to a different shift easier?   B. Biologically, humans are “preprogrammed” to have one major sleep cycle at night and another short one in mid-afternoon. In some cultures, a Siesta is the norm, while in other cultures, people are expected to remain awake all day. Other cultures may emphasize practices that lead to sleep deprivation, such as working long hours, socializing until late at night, and getting up early in the morning. What attitudes does your culture have toward sleep?   C.  Do you think that seeking altered states of consciousness is “natural”? What altered states does our culture accept? About which states is it ambivalent? What altered states does it clearly reject? How do

This is an essay based on the book by John Milton: “The Complete Poetry And Essential Prose of John Milton

This is an essay based on the book by John Milton: “The Complete Poetry And Essential Prose of John Milton This is an essay based on the book by John Milton: “The Complete Poetry And Essential Prose of John Milton.” Copyright 2007 Overall this passage must be about Eve’s character she is depicted as a weak lady by Milton who is inferior to Adam and that she can be a bit naive or dumb-like. She likes to rest. I will give you four passages that you can use but you can also pick your own but please show me before and make sure to have the correct citations. Make sure you have access to the book. You will have to pick 4 passages and critique and support the passages through close reading. Focusing on Book 1 to 6 to help you understand and determine Eve’s character. Provide reasons in each case for why the passage is important and for your ranking. Make sure your order is logical as well. The paper assignment is to pick FOUR passages and (at least 5-6 lines, and one of them should be m

How can the risk of occurrence of crisis such as 2007-2008 global financial crisis be mitigated in the future

How can the risk of occurrence of crisis such as 2007-2008 global financial crisis be mitigated in the future Case Study: Please review: Declining Cross-Border Capital Flows-Retreat or Reset on page 359 of our text. How can the risk of occurrence of crisis such as 2007-2008 global financial crisis be mitigated in the future? What actions do you think a multinational firm can take to limit the impact of future crisis in the global financial system on the ability of the enterprise to raise capital to pay its short term bills and fund long term investments? APA formatted paper in response to the case study. Students must reference at least 2 sources beyond the course materials. Please provide a concise, cogent argument and include details to support your response ApA format and 3 -4 pages please     ………………………..Answer preview……………………… The 2007 to 2008 global financial crisis offered vital lessons on how nations and multinationals can prepare and mitigate the occurrence of such a s

What are the three kinds of happiness

What are the three kinds of happiness What are the three kinds of happiness (three ways of life)” (315) What is Aristotle’s “Function Argument” (317)? Epictetus What does Epictetus mean by saying “It is not things that upset us but rather ideas about things” (411)? What does he mean by saying “Don’t seek for things to happen as you wish, but wish for things to happen as they do, and you will get on well” (411)? Jaggar What are the “practical goals” and “meta-ethical goal” of feminist ethics (437)? What values does Jaggar see as “male-associated” and as “female-associated” (441)? Baier What are the differences between Lawrence Kholberg’s understanding of “moral maturity” (461f.) and Carol Gilligan’s (462f.)? How does Baier think “male” and “female” insights need should be related? (417) Held How does Held think an ethic of justice and an ethic of care should be related (480)? book:…     ………………………Answer preview…………………

For each of the five types of work listed below, come up with at least one ergonomic hazard for force, contact stress

For each of the five types of work listed below, come up with at least one ergonomic hazard for force, contact stress IEGR 406 Industrial Safety and Health Spring 2018 Assignment V For each of the five types of work listed below, come up with at least one ergonomic hazard for force, contact stress, posture, vibration, and cold. and write the references in APA style if you have a refrences Office work Health care Manufacturing Construction Agriculture       …………………………Answer preview………………… Ergonomic hazards are work aspects that impose a biochemical strain on an employee irrespective of their workplace environment and profession. According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) these risk factors give synergies to work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). OSHA posits……………………… APA 790 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post For each of the five types of work listed

How is the sexual double standard communicated to women and men through contemporary American films

How is the sexual double standard communicated to women and men through contemporary American films Prompt for Topic 8: How is the sexual double standard communicated to women and men through contemporary American films ? What impact does this cultural message have on women’s relationships with their own sexuality, and what impact do you think the message has on relationships between women and men? How do race and social class further shape these experiences?   …………………………….Answer preview……………………. Sexual double standard in America, especially through films, is communicated to vilify women and present them as people who cannot control their sexual urges. However, this portrayal affects their sexuality and their relationship with men, either short for instance through hooking up or long-term commitment through marriage…………………… APA 528 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post How is the sexual double

You are an external consultant. You have received an invitation to submit a capability statement from an organization seeking consulting services

You are an external consultant. You have received an invitation to submit a capability statement from an organization seeking consulting services You are an external consultant . You have received an invitation to submit a capability statement from an organization seeking consulting services in industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology. In essence, you are being asked to demonstrate your ability to apply industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology practices and techniques to each of the four key functions of management— planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Prepare a Microsoft Word document by responding to the following points: Note: Answer in the order given below and start a new section with a heading for each. List the four functions of management and provide an overview of their purpose for the organization. Describe the types of tasks and their purpose as conducted in each managerial function. Provide examples. Describe the specific industrial/organizational (I/O

Discus and analyze whether the perfect competitor is a price maker or price taker and explain why

Discus and analyze whether the perfect competitor is a price maker or price taker and explain why This is an economic assignment. Each question must be answered in the form of a paragraph (5-6 sentences). Please cite all source(s) using MLA formatting on a bibliography page. Question 1: Define Perfect Competition . Question 2: Give 3 general examples of perfect competitors Question 3: Discus and analyze whether the perfect competitor is a price maker or price taker and explain why.     …………………….Answer preview……………………. Perfect competition denotes to a market structure where the level of competition is at its peak. Neo-classical economists advance that perfect competition offers the best possible outcomes for consumers and society. Further, in perfect competition, firms offer homogeneous products and there is freedom of entry and exit………………………. APA 408 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post D

What is the relationship between performance management and continuous quality improvement

What is the relationship between performance management and continuous quality improvement What is the relationship between performance management and continuous quality improvement? Include references APA Style     ………………..Answer preview………………………… Relationship between Performance Management and Quality Improvement Introduction Performance management (PM) is a process focused at assisting an organization to attain its mission and strategic goals by enhancing effective, employee empowerment, and aligning the decision-making process. On its part, quality improvement (QI) aims at the processes that allow an organization to bring its services and products………………. APA 1036 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post What is the relationship between performance management and continuous quality improvement appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team

Assignment 2: Organization and Management of a Health Care Facility

Assignment 2: Organization and Management of a Health Care Facility Assignment 2: Organization and Management of a Health Care Facility Due Week 7 and worth 200 points Your duties at 21st Century Solutions Health Care Hospital require you to interface with many different professionals, including physicians, nurses, and allied professionals in various areas of health care. The facility also has a new information technology management center, which handles all professional staffing solutions within the hospital. As part of the management protocols, the hospital has tasked you with tracking professional certifications, tracking legal issues within the hospital, and providing detailed monthly reports on the general functionality of the health administration department. Note : You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a six to eight (6-8) page   ……………Answer Preview…………… In a healthcare setting, the duties of the admi


Scorecard Analysis: Process Improvement Report To prepare to complete this assignment, review the following materials from the study activity in Unit 8, which are also linked in the Resources: Kaplan and Norton’s 1992 article, “The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance,” from  Harvard Business Review . This Kaplan and Norton framework is a valuable resource for this assignment. Gunduz and Simsek’s 2007 article, “A Strategic Safety Management Framework Through Balanced Scorecard and Quality Function Deployment,” from  Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering . Note that Kaplan and Norton’s 1992 balanced scorecard framework is depicted in Figure 2 of this article. Koumpouros’ 2013 article, “Balanced Scorecard: Application in the General Panarcadian Hospital of Tripolis, Greece,” from  International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance . Behrouzi, Shaharoun, and Ma’aram’s 2014 article, “Applications of the Balanced Scorecard for Strategic Management and Performance Me