Individual Project 3

Individual Project 3

The CEO of Company Alpha, a new startup Internet wholesaler, has hired you as a consultant to develop its new Code of Ethics. The CEO would first like to see samples of other companies’ ethics codes to get an idea of what’s contained in them.

Research a code of ethics from a business organization, hospital, or university, and prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 5–7 slides for the CEO on some data points from the sample ethics code you plan to present.

Include the following data points in your presentation:

  • Source of the Code of Ethics, Purpose, Vision, and Mission Statements outlined in the document
  • Some of the ethics violations or inappropriate conduct unique to that business or document and any inter
  • nal reporting mechanisms
  • Recommended sections of the ethics code to include for Company Alpha’s Code of Ethics
  • Required training or other formal instruction
  • Any other information you feel is relevant to this topic
  • APA Format for references.
  • 5–7 slides Powerpoint Presentation

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