Principle of Utilitarianism

Principle of Utilitarianism

1 Page single spaced due 1 am

Choose a contemporary moral issue in our society and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve and be in favor of this moral issue. You must pick a moral issue that you strongly agree with and apply the utilitarian claims to back up your arguments. In addition, you must apply Bentham’s Felicific Calculus. The paper must be done in MLA format with a minimum of 500 words (quotes are not included in the word count). You must read Chapter 2 and watch the Week 3 Lectures before you do this paper. You must use at least 3 sources from LIRN, in our library. This assignment is due on September 17TH. Not applying Utilitarianism or the Felicific Calculus results in an automatic F. Utilitarianism is the ethical theory that the moral worth of an action is only determined by its contribution to overall utility . It is thus a form of consequentialism , meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome-the ends justifies the means.



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Euthanasia refers to the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain. The British House of Lords select committee on medical ethics defines euthanasia as “the deliberate intervention that is undertaken with the express intention of ending a life to relieve intractable suffering.” It all started when a family member was involved in a road accident that left her severely injured and in a coma. After a prolonged stay in the hospital, the patient was declared brain dead. Science said she could not recover any of her functions (Rachel & Rachel, 2015). But faith and belief made the family members…………………………….


678 words

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