Mental health

Mental health

2 Pages due 9 pm

At the community mental health center you are assigned to counsel an adult client who has Bipolar Disorder. He is a 48-year-old who also has addiction issues. He is starting to decompensate and beginning to go into a manic phase of his illness. He sleeps less than 2-3 hours per night, engages in risky sexual behaviors, and decreased self-care. He states that he is starting to have auditory hallucinations consistent with Bipolar Disorder with Psychotic Features. He also reports that he has started using drugs again to calm himself down because he couldn’t afford the psychotropic medication due to losing his job and insurance 3 months ago. He further tells you that years ago he managed his symptoms the best when he was in group therapy but could not remember the type of group he was in.

After referring this client to the psychiatrist for an urgent medication evaluation due to decompensation, bring this case to the next staff meeting to discuss with the team, explaining your initial counseling plan, initial concerns, and back up plans for this patient. Include a 1-3 sentence response to all of the following:

1-2 initial concerns for this patient

1 initial goal and objective to plan for this patient

1 goal and objective as a back-up plan for this patient

Include 1-3 sentence responses to all of the following:

Which 1 of the following group therapies would you start with to assist this client most effectively?

Dual Diagnosis Group

Psycho-educational Groups

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Give 1-2 reasons why you would utilize your chosen group.

Provide a description of at least 2 benefits and 1 drawback that therapy provides


………………………..Answer preview………………………..

Bipolar disorder is a condition that is prevalent amongst adults, with the patients experiencing extreme emotional moments. The disease is characterized by radical variations in moods, from states of exaggerated ecstasy or irritability to periods of depression. It may also take the definition of periods of extreme mania alternating between spasms of depression. Patients are known to fluctuate between engaging in acts that depict complete disregard for their safety and actions that exhibit wanton tendencies of carelessness…………………….


673 words

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