Network Addressing and Security

Network Addressing and Security In this section, address each of the following. IP Addressing:
A. Watch How to Subnet a Network Video provided in Content -> Project Instructions
o Review the Network Address Template provided in Content -> Project Instructions -> Project Templates for Parts 1 - 3
o Complete the subnet chart provided at the end of the document. Security
B. Select each of the firewall types to implement, describe network or host-based placement, and configuration details; and justify each of the decisions.
o Students should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.
C. Select an IDS, IPS, or both for the network and justify your decision.
o Students should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.
D. Define a DMZ implementation and justify the decision.
E. Select physical security measures for each of the new academic buildings and justify the decision.
o Students should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.
F. Select additional network security measures to be implemented and justify the decision. They should include:
o How you will protect against social engineering attacks, and justify your decision.
o How you will protect against faculty or students willingly, or unwillingly introducing malware onto the network, and justify your decision.
o What secure protocols you will require for faculty and students to use while accessing resources internal, or external to the network, and justify your decision.
G. Make explicit that ....... will not be liable for any problems arising from personal use of devices in the two buildings.


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