Vaccinating Vs Non Vaccination

SUBJECT: English

TYPE: Essay (any type)


Your argument essay must have an outside source. That said it is important to distinguish that I am not asking you to write a research paper for this class. I am asking, that you bring in at least ONE outside source and document it well. You will need to decide how much, and what, and why you would bring in the work of others to support your own position. But ONE will fulfill my requirement. Keep in mind that an outside source can be “evidence” in the form of a statistic or other fact, or it could be a quote, an expert’s opinion that you have chosen to support your own. The writing, the reasoning, the arguing, the supporting, needs to be overwhelmingly yours. I will be asking you to document your source or sources in the “Works Cited” Modern Language Association (MLA) format detailed in Rules For Writers. Your argument essay can by in first or third person. But keep this in mind.

There should be a reason behind using first person, that is using “I” in your argument essay. Are you an expert in the subject? Do you have personal experience with the topic that you are bringing into your argument? If not be wary of bringing yourself into the essay. The most likely way to go wrong in this assignment? To simply examine a controversial topic, not to take a stand and make an argument. While it is a strong rhetorical strategy to consider the opposition to your position, to perhaps even mention the opposition as a way of undermining it in your essay, do not give the opposition equal time. You are to take a stand and run with it. Audience is especially important when making an argument. For this essay let’s call the audience the general reader. Picking a topic Propose a solution to a problem Argue that something is right or wrong Argue for a change Argue against an existing situation Support your arguments with reasoning and evidence. You must bring in outside sources for one of the two “argument” essays. A topic involving the facts of history, science or the economy, for example, might necessitate bringing in outside sources. Sample areas of interest Any college course is just as meaningful if done on-line. Requiring humanities courses at the college, including English and history is outdated.

The ban on cigarettes and trans-fats in restaurants, public places The childhood obesity epidemic The juvenile justice system, merit pay for teachers, raising minimum age requirements for getting a credit card, teaching creationism alongside evolution in schools Avoid arguing for greatness: Greatness is hard to prove—this movie was so excellent. Avoid the frivolous Every MWCC student should have an assigned parking spot. Avoid the improvable (I know it’s debatable) the existence of God, a definition of art, the meaning of life Make sure that it is an argument that needs to be made: A College Education should be free to all (well who would really argue against this?) Massachusetts residents should have their taxes raised in order to pay for universally free college (that’s the argument) Every child deserves a loving family (well but of course!) The adoption/foster care system in Massachusetts needs to be reformed. (that’s the argument) Doping is bad for sports (uh duh!!) Drug testing for athletes should begin at the college level. (that’s the argument) MLA GUIDELINES FOR BRINGING IN OUTSIDE SOURCES Please read pages 431-531 sections,53-57 in Diana Hacker’s Rules for Writers. You are required to bring in an outsid sources to support your argument essay. Please follow the guidelines detailed in this section so that your documentation follows the MLA format. Don’t forget that when you use a source, try to make the most of it, to maximize the impact. If we do not know who you are quoting for example, why should we listen? Signal phrases are key to getting the most “bang for your buck.”

SIGNAL PHRASES Quoting an expert—make the most of the “expert” (See Hacker,450-454, section 55c-55d) Integrating Sources “Using Signal Phrases” John Smith says “the current financial crisis is far from over.” Harvard University Professor of Economics, John Smith asserted that “the current financial crisis is far from over.” Be aware of how you sound in the argument essays Please read the “Evaluating Arguments” section in Rules for Writers beginning on pages 403-404, 50d and pages 416-426, 52a-52e Be especially wary that when you are making an argument that your own tone doesn’t serve to undermine you. Can you guess what’s wrong with the following statements? Check out the “Legitimate and unfair emotional appeals section on page 377. Examples: BAD ONES!! “I don’t care about those scrawny animals. Not to mention recent studies show that the care of greyhounds is regulated by the state.” “All these weirdos obsessed with global warming should put their attention to job creation instead of climate exaggeration.” “Why should the government bail out the lazy homeowner who just missed the occasional mortgage payment?” “I’m tired of whiny poor people asking for handouts from the government. Let them enroll in welfare to work program instead to really change their lives.” “In reality, health insurance only costs about a $1000 a year. These same people who complain should not be driving an SUV if they claim health insurance is so costly.”

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