“Business Responsibility and Sustainability ; Assignment Brief The Task The focus”

“Business Responsibility and Sustainability ;
Assignment Brief
The Task
The focus of this assignment is the critical evaluation of business responsibility and sustainability related topics.
Your task is to select ONE of the following topics and write a critical essay of 2000 words (maximum word limit will be + 10% of 2000 words).
Managing CSR in global companies is complex and requires an integrated approach. Critically evaluate this statement.
After you have selected the topic which you want to review you need to do the following:
Critically review its conceptualisation by using related academic and practitioner literature.
Discuss the practice-based implications of the selected topic for the operations of business organisations
Specific Guidelines
The assignment should be written in an essay format and should contain the following:
A brief overview of no more than 100 words which highlights the topic selected (these 100 words in the overview are not counted towards the 2000 word limit)
Critical review of topic (see guidance below)
A reference list (A minimum of 10 references have to be used ranging from journal articles practitioner articles text books and online materials) the words in the list of references are not counted towards the 2000 word limit)
Your critical review of topic should contain the following:-
1. Review of Literature you need to engage in a detailed and comprehensive review of academic and practitioner literature related to the selected topic. This should be indicated by using references and in-text citations within the essay. Use of literature beyond those suggested in your module reading list is expected.
2. Critical analysis of the topic you must examine the topic critically by identifying either an argument for or against it or by analysing diverse connotations of the topic. This critical analysis should be most evident in the discussion of the practice-based implications of the topic to business organisations.
Performance indicators Your essay will be graded accordingly to the following criteria.
Criteria/ Grade Marginal Fail
(F) < 40% Bare Pass (D) 40 49% Competent Pass (C) 50 59% Good Pass (B) 60-69% Excellent Pass (A) 70%+ Depth of understanding (40%) Key aspects of the topic/s have been ignored or not addressed. Aspects which have been addressed shows a clear lack of understanding in relation to the topic/s The work is somewhat conversant with the topic/s but it fails to demonstrate an overall understanding effectively. The work indicates an adequate understanding of the topic demonstrated in a logical coherent and lucid manner. The work shows a comprehensive understanding of the topic/s demonstrated in a logical coherent and lucid manner. The work shows an impressive original and reasoned understanding of the topic/s as well as its relevance to practice Reading (Sources) (15%) There is no evidence of reading around the subject topic/s There is little evidence of reading around the subject topic/s There is some limited but relevant reading around the subject topic/s. The work demonstrates the ability to appraise critically the theory and literature from a variety of sources developing own ideas in the process. Justifies own ideas using a wide range of relevant and current sources including theoretical and practice-based literature which has been thoroughly analysed applied and tested. Interpretation and critical appraisal (15%) The work has no evidence of critical and reflexive analysis. The work lacks critical and reflexive analysis. The work demonstrates the application of some critical and reflexive analysis. There is clear evidence of the application of critical and reflexive analysis. The work consistently demonstrates the application of highly critical and reflexive analysis. Argumentation (Conclusions) (10%) Very poor conclusions and argumentation which lacks clarity and is superficial Unsubstantiated conclusions based on anecdotes and generalisations only. Evidence of limited findings and conclusions grounded in theory/literature. Good development shown in summary of arguments based on theory/literature as well as good synthesis. The work provides analytical and clear conclusions well-grounded in literature and shows clear evidence of original concepts. Structure and Presentation (5%) No clear structure and very poor presentation Structure unclear with poor presentation Coherent structure and satisfactory presentation. Structure supports the arguments clearly and presentation is clear and appropriate. Very well structured and it guides the reader through the arguments. Outstanding presentation. Written Expression (5%) Very poor use of language including grammar and spellings making the purpose and meaning of the work very unclear. Poor use of language making the purpose and meaning of the work unclear. Grammar and spelling poorly used. Language is mainly fluent with mostly accurate grammar and spellings. Well written with thoughts and ideas clearly expressed. Grammar and spelling accurate and language fluent Excellently written. Consistently accurate use of grammar and spelling with fluent professional/academic writing. Referencing (10%) Referencing is absent or inaccurate throughout the work. Major inconsistencies and inaccuracies in referencing. Minor inconsistencies and inaccuracies in referencing. Referencing relevant and mostly accurate. Referencing is clear and always correct. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT ? "

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Assignment Brief
The Task
The focus”
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