
Showing posts from February, 2022

Advanced practice nursing in all specialties is guided by codes of ethics

Advanced practice nursing in all specialties is guided by codes of ethics Advanced practice nursing in all specialties is guided by codes of ethics that put the care, rights, duty, health, and safety of the patient first and foremost. PMHNP practice is also guided by ethical codes specifically for psychiatry. These ethical codes are  frameworks to guide clinical decision-making; they are generally not prescriptive. They also represent the aspirational ideals for the profession. Laws, on the other hand, dictate the requirements that must be followed. In this way, legal codes may be thought to represent the minimum standards of care, and ethics represent the highest goals for care. For this Discussion, you select a topic that has both legal and ethical implications for PMHNP practice and then perform a literature review on the topic. Your goal will be to identify the most salient legal and ethical facets of the issue for PMHNP practice, and also how these facets differ in the care of

Explain the impact of childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect may have on criminal behavior.

Explain the impact of childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect may have on criminal behavior. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Week 3 Final Comprehensive Case Report Topic and Outline assignment and your discussions in Weeks 1, 3, and 4 that pertain to this Final Paper. These discussions are attached in one word file and the case report is on another. For the Final Paper, you will take on the role of a death penalty mitigation expert hired by the defense attorney to work as a sentencing advocate on behalf of the client/defendant. Based upon the chosen case from the attached list (TED BUNDY), you will create a comprehensive case study report arguing against the death penalty for your client (the perpetrator). This report will contain an analysis of the psychological factors that may have contributed to the commission of the crimes in the chosen case study and how these psychological factors should be considered a basis for a prison sentence less than the death penalt

Identify and describe the theory/modality you have selected

Identify and describe the theory/modality you have selected The theories /modalities you can select from are mindfulness OR family therapy (please select one). In addition to an introduction and conclusion, the outline you should use for the discussion papers is as follows: 1. Theory/Modality: Identify and describe the theory/modality you have selected, including historical figures in its development and key elements of the theory. Explain it as if the reader has never heard of this before.2. Laura\’s Intervention: Describe the specific steps of how a social work practitioner would use this model to intervene with Laura. Be as detailed as possible about which of Laura\’s concerns would be addressed and what the social worker would do to apply this theory/modality to help Laura.3. Analysis: Summarize the strengths and limitations of this approach. Which aspects of the model would be most helpful, and why (or why not)? Use the literature to support your statements regarding the stren

Choose two modes of transportation

Choose two modes of transportation Choose two modes of transportation (i.e. water, pipe, highway, rail, air) Discuss what you think will be the biggest challenge for that mode of transportation in the next 15 years and why? Use relevant information from class or from articles/publications. If you use a publication to help discuss your point, you MUST include the link to that source in the discussion board Requirements: see Answer preview to  choose two modes of transportation APA 695 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below   The post Choose two modes of transportation appeared first on . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

From real national/international market, select any type of strategic alliance between two firms

From real national/international market, select any type of strategic alliance between two firms From real national/international market , select any type of strategic alliance between two firms and answer the following questions: 1.Briefly introduce your chosen firms, partners of the strategic alliance (industry, nationality, size, market position…). ( 1Mark)- Max 150 words 2.What is the type of strategic alliance used by your chosen firms? Explain its different reasons. ( 1Mark) 3.What is the method used by the firms to manage their cultures after alliance? underline the pros and cons of this method. ( 1 Mark) 4.Is this strategic alliance successful? Justify. ( 1 Mark) 5.What recommendations can you give for the managers of these firms to improve their competitiveness ? (1 mark) Note.  All references used should be listed by the end of your analysis, using the APA style. attachment 1 Answer preview to  from real national/international market, select any type of strategic al

Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved

Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved As an advanced practice nurse prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives every day. Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of your position. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm.” It is important that you are aware of current professional, legal, and ethical standards for advanced practice nurses with prescriptive authority. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the treatment plans and administration/prescribing of drugs is in accordance with the regulations of the state in which you practice. Understanding how these regulations may affect the prescribing of certain drugs in different states may have a significant impact on your patient’s treatment plan. In this Assignment, you explore ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately re

What are the fundamental ethical dilemmas faced by Volkswagen’s managers and how communication was part of it

What are the fundamental ethical dilemmas faced by Volkswagen’s managers and how communication was part of it Volkswagen had a major push to sell diesel cars in the US, backed by a huge marketing campaign trumpeting its cars\’ low emissions, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discovered in 2014 that Volkswagen had deliberately installed cheating software in more than 500,000 diesel passenger cars sold in the United States. The software allowed the cars’ computers to sense when the vehicles were being tested for harmful emissions and to switch, undetected, to a driving mode that artificially reduced nitrogen oxide or NOx (linked to smog and lung cancer) so the cars could pass the test. Once back on the road, the computers adjusted the driving mode again, permitting drivers to experience the power and mileage the company was touting while allowing some cars to emit as much as 40 times the volume of pollutants permitted by law. Volkswagen had done the same in more than 10 million

Describe management, organization, and leadership in relation to criminal justice organizations.

Describe management, organization, and leadership in relation to criminal justice organizations. In this unit, we learned about management, organizational structures , and open and closed systems. Write an essay in which you expand on the following topics. Describe management, organization, and leadership in relation to criminal justice organizations. What are the main differences between management and leadership? How do managers and leaders have different roles in criminal justice organizations, and what can their impact be? Explain the differences between closed and open systems. Where would a closed or open system model be a good fit in the criminal justice system? Your response must be at least two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, and include at least one outside source. Be sure that you include an introduction to your essay. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA ci

Conduct research on a minimum of two potential job positions within your desired career field.

Conduct research on a minimum of two potential job positions within your desired career field. FYI my desired career field is maternal child and ER department. I live in San Diego, CA The purpose of this assignment is to conduct research on potential job opportunities in your desired career field and determine the importance of tailoring a resume? and cover letter for that specific job position. On average a resume? and cover letter have less than 10 seconds to make an impression and provide an opportunity for the applicant to move on to the interviewing process. Therefore, securing employment often hinges on creating an effective resume? and cover letter that aligns with the required job skills and experience. Conduct research on a minimum of two potential job positions within your desired career field. Reflect in 250-500 words on the following questions regarding the specific organizations as well as the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to obtain these positions. Provid

Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal, the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources.

Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal, the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal , the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. Develop a process to evaluate the intervention if it were implemented. Write a 150-250 word summary of the evaluation plan that will be used to evaluate your intervention. The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan. APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. Answer preview to review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal, the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. APA 339 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal, the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. appeared first on . Assignment s

What do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates

What do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates What do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates? Do you foresee a time in the near future when virtually no couples will remain married to each other throughout their lives? use at least 3 citations from Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century Wayne Weiten, Dana S. Dunn, and Elizabeth Yost Hammer, 2018 Cengage Learning 350-500 words APA format Answer preview to what do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates APA 595 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post What do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates appeared first on . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET T

Psychologists agree that it is important to choose an occupation that is compatible with our own personality

Psychologists agree that it is important to choose an occupation that is compatible with our own personality Psychologists agree that it is important to choose an occupation that is compatible with our own personality , particularly our dominant traits and values. In thinking about your own personality characteristics, what kinds of jobs do you think you would be most satisfied with? Explain. use at least 3 citations from Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century Wayne Weiten, Dana S. Dunn, and Elizabeth Yost Hammer, 2018Cengage Learning350-500 words APA format Answer preview to  psychologists agree that it is important to choose an occupation that is compatible with our own personality APA 641 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Psychologists agree that it is important to choose an occupation that is compatible with our own personality appeared first on . Ass

Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients

Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal # 6 Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice. This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s). This would reflect onthis past week’s assignments, I was engaged in 5 panel interviews for a ICU/CCU nurse manager, patient experience meeting on process development to improve services in the ER. Attended a Foundation Gala to raise money on helping the needy community.

What are the key differences between regulation and accreditation

What are the key differences between regulation and accreditation Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What are the key differences between regulation and accreditation ? What accreditation standards and regulations are most commonly cited or used in your practice setting or one that you\’re most interested in working? Requirements: 175 words min Answer preview to what are the key differences between regulation and accreditation Order_85750 APA 284 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post What are the key differences between regulation and accreditation appeared first on . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Define and describe total cost of ownership

Define and describe total cost of ownership This is a required assignment worth 75 points (75-points/1000-points). Assignment must be submitted by the due date. No late assignments are allowed. Please discuss the following topics and provide substantive comments to at least two other posts. Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 75-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer. The discussion questions this week are from Chapter\’s 16-20 (Jamsa, 2013). Chapter 16 topics: Define and describe total cost of ownership. List at least 10 items to consider when determining a data center’s total cost of ownership. Define and describe a capital expense. How are capital expenses different from operational expenses? Define and describe economies of scale and provide a cloud-based example. Define and describe “right sizing” as it pertains to cloud computing . Define Moore’s law and discus how it might influence cloud migration . Given company revenu

Why are physicians less likely to accept new Medicaid patients than those with private insurance coverage

Why are physicians less likely to accept new Medicaid patients than those with private insurance coverage In this week\’s lecture, we discussed how health care is priced in the United States. Watch the video below and answer the following questions. Q1: Why are physicians less likely to accept new Medicaid patients than those with private insurance coverage? (100 words) Q2: What could be the potential solution to this access issue? (Hint: here is a good article on this topic:  ) Link to video: (100 words)   Answer preview to why are physicians less likely to accept new Medicaid patients than those with private insurance coverage. APA 257 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Why are physicians less likely to accept new Medicaid patients than those with private insurance coverage

The role genetics plays in the disease.

The role genetics plays in the disease. Scenario 1: A 16-year-old boy comes to clinic with chief complaint of sore throat for 3 days. Denies fever or chills. PMH negative for recurrent colds, influenza, ear infections or pneumonias. NKDA or food allergies. Physical exam reveals temp of 99.6 F, pulse 78 and regular with respirations of 18. HEENT normal with exception of reddened posterior pharynx with white exudate on tonsils that are enlarged to 3+. Positive anterior and posterior cervical adenopathy. Rapid strep test performed in office was positive. His HCP wrote a prescription for amoxicillin 500 mg po q 12 hours x 10 days disp #20. He took the first capsule when he got home and immediately complained of swelling of his tongue and lips, difficulty breathing with audible wheezing. 911 was called and he was taken to the hospital, where he received emergency treatment for his allergic reaction. Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include

Review the Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide on comprehensive, integrated psychiatric assessment.

Review the Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide on comprehensive, integrated psychiatric assessment. Child and Adolescent Assessment Many assessment principles are the same for children and adults; however, unlike with adults/older adults, where consent for participation in the assessment comes from the actual client, with children it is the parents or guardians who must make the decision for treatment. Issues of confidentiality, privacy, and consent must be addressed. When working with children, it is not only important to be able to connect with the pediatric patient, but also to be able to collaborate effectively with the caregivers, other family members, teachers, and school counselors/psychologists, all of whom will be able to provide important context and details to aid in your assessment and treatment plans. Some children/adolescents may be more difficult to assess than adults, as they can be less psychologically minded. That is, they have less insights

Explain how experience shapes one’s attitude toward cultural diversity. 

Explain how experience shapes one’s attitude toward cultural diversity. Explain how experience shapes one’s attitude toward cultural diversity . Give examples. Answer preview to explain how experience shapes one’s attitude toward cultural diversity. APA 252 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Explain how experience shapes one’s attitude toward cultural diversity.  appeared first on . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Write a paper in which you explain components of emergency management multiagency interoperability

Write a paper in which you explain components of emergency management multiagency interoperability Assignment Details: \”10 Things to Know About FirstNet-Technology-Police\” , Oct 05, 2018 Write a paper in which you explain components of emergency management multiagency interoperability, communication, and infrastructure needs for multiagency preparedness. In your paper: Analyze the relationship between law enforcement agencies and emergency response interoperability. Describe communication elements that are critical to the success of multiagency interoperability, particularly as it relates to 3 modes: radio, video, and computer. Identify challenges to communication between federal, tribal, state, and local law enforcement agencies/emergency responders. For example: Frequencies that need to be used nationwide in interoperability Phones that can transition into radio Multi-communication devices Answer preview to write a paper in which you explain components of emerg

Complete the literature review for your capstone project.

Complete the literature review for your capstone project. Complete the literature review for your capstone project. The literature review should be an orderly, cohesive, well-sequenced narrative related to the problem under investigation using scholarly work. The entire literature review should be organized in themes or categories of the capstone study. Subheadings should be used to identify each of the themes or categories. Subheadings help organize the material into shorter, more easily comprehensible blocks of information for the reader. Transitions from one theme or category to another should be smooth and appropriate. The literature for your capstone study should include a majority of scholarly, peer-reviewed source materials from within the past 5 years. It is acceptable, however, to include some seminal works. Information from non-reviewed sources may be useful for background information, but non-peer-reviewed sources may contain serious errors or provide only summary informa

Topic: Healthcare Recruitment & Staffing

Topic: Healthcare Recruitment & Staffing Topic: Healthcare Recruitment & Staffing The PowerPoint and recording link will be submitted in the team assignment section Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes, in which you address the following: Potential topics groups can select are (select one): APA FORMAT Please the sources must be no older then six years Requirements: 15 slides Answer preview to topic: Healthcare Recruitment & Staffing 18 slides Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Topic: Healthcare Recruitment & Staffing appeared first on . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Write 3-4.double space page essay on self communication growth

Write 3-4.double space page essay on self communication growth Write 3-4.double space page essay on self communication growth in Arial and MLA format talk about how your communication was bad and how you improved it in your home, in your work place and other setting of your choice using non verbal communication, verbal, emotional and conflict management. Be sure to detail prior ineffective communication methods, what you learned, and how you have specifically implemented that new knowledge. Requirements: 3-4 For a book reference you can use interplay by Ronald b Adler 1. Typed, double-spaced, Arial or Helvetica 12 pt, MLA format 2. 3 full pages minimum, not to exceed 41?2 3. You will evaluate your communication growth in three specific settings: a) In your workplace b) Your family/home (REQUIRED) c) One other setting/circumstance of your choosing 4. Be sure to detail prior ineffective communication methods, what you learned, and how you have specifically implemented that n

Summarize the threats and challenges you have identified within the current strategic plan.

Summarize the threats and challenges you have identified within the current strategic plan. Using your approved strategic plan from the Wk 2 – Strategic Plan Research assignment, complete the following: Create a 5- to 7- slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes and visuals on each slide, that will sell your identified improvements to the strategic plan, based on your Wk 4 analysis. Include the following: Summarize the threats and challenges you have identified within the current strategic plan . Determine how to execute the strategic initiatives in order to address the threats and challenges. Explain proposed process improvements. Assess whether additional resources are needed. Describe how resources should be used in the application of the strategic plan. Utilize KPIs to justify the financial investment and to measure the success of the proposed improvements to the strategic plan. Justify your recommendations based on anticipated Return on Investment (R