
Showing posts from September, 2021

Explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care.

Explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care. Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following: In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care. In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it. In 750-1,000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview: What is ultimate reality? What is the nature of the universe? What is a human being? What is knowledge? What is your basis of ethics? What is the purpose of your existence? Remember to support your reflection with the topic study materials.   While APA style is not required for the body of this assignmen

Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness.

Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Evaluate your community or state (FLORIDA)  disaster response plan. Ensure you: Identify nursing roles and responsibilities during each phase of disaster management . Consider: Planning Preparedness Response Recovery Evaluate your community or state\’s plan for preparedness and disaster management: Does it include provisions for each phase of preparedness and disaster planning? Does it clearly account for community needs? Does the plan include evidence of thought beyond the written report? Is there evidence of a record-keeping system for resources, treatment, and identification of victims? Are there redundancies built into the plan if one option fails? Are backup plans in place? Analyze your community or state\’s plan for addressing mass casualty situations.   Cite at least 1 peer-re

Pick a proposed rule from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Federal Policy Guidance.

Pick a proposed rule from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Federal Policy Guidance. Discussion Topic Resource: Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: Pick a proposed rule from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Federal Policy Guidance. Are there any cultural sensitivities that need to be considered due to the notice, rule, or proposed rule? Should all cultures be given equal consideration in health care policies ? What aspects of culture should be given consideration in the healthcare industry? Read and respond to at least two of your classmates\’ discussion posts. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback or suggestions. Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Answer preview to pick a proposed rule from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Federal Policy Guidance. APA 264 words Get instant access to the full solution from  you

Describe the impact of discrimination on individuals of multiracial backgrounds.

Describe the impact of discrimination on individuals of multiracial backgrounds. Assignment: Multiracial Discrimination Dalmage (2013) writes,”Parents and teachers should be aware of the unique forms of discrimination faced by multiracial children and the White supremacist system in which discrimination flourishes\” (p. 101). As social workers, we should be aware of our own understanding of what it means to be multiracial in society. This awareness includes a review of our own potential biases that might exist. We need to challenge our own personal ideas about how we categorize individuals and those assumptions that follow along with those categories. Rather, we must respect our client\’s experience as a multiracial person in the world, beginning with asking him or her how they would define themselves when completing an intake or assessment form. Further, a social worker must be aware of the many forms of racism and prejudice a person with a multiracial background might experience. A

Post your explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of the dyadic relationship in LMX Theory

Post your explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of the dyadic relationship in LMX Theory The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership is different from the other theories and approaches you have studied so far. You have studied approaches and theories that focus on the leader. You have also studied approaches and theories that focus on the context or situation between the leader and the subordinate. LMX Theory sees leadership as a process that focuses on the interactions between leaders and subordinates. Transformational Leadership is different again, in that it studies leaders who are able to inspire subordinates to accomplish great things. Transformational leaders are seen as leaders who create a clear and shared vision, who empower subordinates to meet high standards, develop trust, and are change agents. For this Discussion, consider the dyadic relationship in LMX Theory. Consider any similarities between LMX Theory and Transformational Leadership . By Day 3 Po

The pros and cons of the use of confidential informants in the investigation and prosecution of organized crime.

The pros and cons of the use of confidential informants in the investigation and prosecution of organized crime. Using the Whitey Bulger case as an example, discuss, as a team, the pros and cons of the use of confidential informants in the investigation and prosecution of organized crime . Address the following in your discussion: The motivations of the informant The need to protect the informant The need to control the informantAny other benefits or problems connected with the use of confidential informants Answer preview to the pros and cons of the use of confidential informants in the investigation and prosecution of organized crime. APA 643 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post The pros and cons of the use of confidential informants in the investigation and prosecution of organized crime. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team

Summative classroom assessments not only measure students’ learning but also affect students’ learning.

Summative classroom assessments not only measure students’ learning but also affect students’ learning. Essay Question: Summative classroom assessments not only measure students’ learning but also affect students’ learning. In three paragraphs, describe three different ways in which summative assessments might affect learning . Include: Introduction Body Conclusion Cite/Reference:Educational Psychology: Developing Learners Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Eric M. Anderman & Lynley Anderman, 2017Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-134-02726-5 Answer preview to summative classroom assessments not only measure students’ learning but also affect students’ learning. APA 581 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Summative classroom assessments not only measure students’ learning but also affect students’ learning. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team

Evaluate a company’s performance and financial position through a comparison to industry data.

Evaluate a company’s performance and financial position through a comparison to industry data. The purpose of this assignment is to employ accounting principles and relevant business practices to evaluate a company’s performance and financial position through a comparison to industry data. Locate the Critical Thinking CT 10.4 problem at the end of Chapter 10 in the textbook. This will serve as the structure for your assignment. Begin by choosing two competing publicly traded companies from the list below. Coca-Cola and PepsiCoWalmart and TargetNike and AdidasFor the pair of companies selected, you will need to use each company’s stock symbol to locate the liquidity, solvency, and profitability ratios on the MSN Money website. As part of your research, you will need to identify each company’s stock symbol for the American market. Review the competing companies’ ratios provided at the MSN Money website  . Navigate to My Watchlist and ent

Behaviorist theories share a number of common underlying assumptions

Behaviorist theories share a number of common underlying assumptions Essay Question: Behaviorist theories share a number of common underlying assumptions. Describe three assumptions that behaviorists make and the implication of each one for classroom practice. Include: Introduction Body Conclusion Cite/Reference: Educational Psychology: Developing Learners Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Eric M. Anderman & Lynley Anderman, 2017Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-134-02726-5 Answer preview to behaviorist theories share a number of common underlying assumptions APA 489 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Behaviorist theories share a number of common underlying assumptions appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO

How do individual and group decision processes aid or impede business decision making

How do individual and group decision processes aid or impede business decision making A critical skill at the doctoral level is the ability to conduct scholarly research guided by clearly articulated research questions that address a specific issue or problem. For this literature review, your research will be guided by the following three Research Questions: 1.      How do individual and group decision processes aid or impede business decision making? 2.      What are the newest directions and developments in the process of strategy development and execution? 3.      How can my academic discipline (DBA Program Cognate), as a function within the organization, impact the process of business strategy development and execution? The first two questions are explored from a broad business perspective, while the third question gives you the opportunity to change your frame of reference to your specific cognate in the DBA Program. The purpose of this research project is for you to create

How is a literature review different from an academic research paper

How is a literature review different from an academic research paper The purpose of this research project is for you to create a scholarly piece of graduate-level research and writing, which conforms to current APA format. Competency in the current APA format is required of all Business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the Graduate Faculty and the administration.   INSTRUCTIONS You will research and write a literature review on a topic relevant to your course. You will have approximately 7 modules to research and write the paper. At the beginning of Module 2: Week 2, your instructor will provide a list of approved topics for this assignment. Be sure to check the Announcement page and your email for the approved topics. Simply select a topic, and then begin working on the project. Do not “recycle” any work from any previous courses you have taken. Your research paper will be a comprehensive thematic review of the scholarly literature related to your to

Choose any company with 100 or more employees and apply the following Model of Strategic HR Management

Choose any company with 100 or more employees and apply the following Model of Strategic HR Management Choose any company with 100 or more employees and apply the following Model of Strategic HR Management as a means of investigating and assessing the strategic HR practices of the firm. Company Will be Atlantic Housing Foundation. You can find out more about the company here.   Source: Mello, J. A. (2019). Strategic human resource management (5th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.   INSTRUCTIONS There are three steps to this Strategic HR Audit Assignment:   1.      Quiz: Strategic HR Audit: Company Choice 2.      Strategic HR Audit: Paper Assignment 3.      Strategic HR Audit: Presentation AssignmentPlease see the instructions for each part below:   Quiz: Strategic HR Audit: Company ChoiceThe purpose of this quiz is to propose a topic for the Strategic HR Audit Assignment. In one essay question on the quiz, submit the name of your company choice f

You are to make the transformation to become George Washington who has just been elected

You are to make the transformation to become George Washington who has just been elected You are to read the text chapters, lecture,module information on his domestic and foreign policies and watch the George Washington videos. You are to make the transformation to become George Washington who has just been elected. You are going to show you he created the present system of government by making a series of administrative decisions that became traditions of government. You are also going to describe what he thought about the formation of political parties. You are going to show how he worked with Hamilton on setting up economic policies. Finally you are going to describe in his second term his foreign policy. Finally you will comment on whether Washington could be elected president today. You are to comments on at least two students with their opinions of Washington being elected today.     Answer preview to you are to make the transformation to become George Washington who has

Write a 250-500 word reflection regarding your observations.

Write a 250-500 word reflection regarding your observations. Clinical Field Experience A: Listening , Speaking, and Vocabulary Strategies Observe at least one grade K-12 classroom with ELLs. Focus your observations on the strategies utilized to develop listening, speaking, and vocabulary. Discuss with your mentor teacher strategies they employ to differentiate instruction and assessment to meet the learning needs of all students.   Write a 250-500 word reflection regarding your observations. Your reflection should include an example of the effective use of a strategy within each of the following domains: Listening Speaking Vocabulary development   How could these strategies be differentiated to accommodate ELLs at various levels of English language proficiency? APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. Answer preview to write a 250-500 word reflection regarding your observations. APA 271 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourh

Prevention is much cheaper than external failure

Prevention is much cheaper than external failure “ Prevention is much cheaper than external failure. ” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Answer preview to prevention is much cheaper than external failure APA 271 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Prevention is much cheaper than external failure appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Language is comprised of interconnected components. 

Language is comprised of interconnected components. Instructional Strategies for ELLs – Part 1 Language is comprised of interconnected components. Teachers engage ELLs in speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities to reinforce all areas of English language development and to better assess their progress.   For this assignment, select a grade level K-12, and complete Part 1 of the \\\”Instructional Strategies for ELLs\\\” template. Identify and summarize research-based instructional strategies to address listening, speaking, and vocabulary development with ELLs at each of the following proficiency levels: pre-emergent, emergent, basic, low intermediate, and high intermediate. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected. Answer preview to language is comprised of interconnected components. APA 326 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below

What are the benefits or strengths of the Christian worldview as it relates to human value and dignity

What are the benefits or strengths of the Christian worldview as it relates to human value and dignity In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of the Christian worldview, including the main topics you have covered up to this point. You will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the gospel (nature of God, nature of humanity, nature of Jesus, and restoration) and reflect on implications for the Christian worldview.   Write a 1,500-2,000-word essay using at least four resources. The four resources need to include at least two course resources (textbook, topic overviews, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one resource regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.   Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper. Present the gospel essentials (nature of God, nature of humanity, natur

Research a health care organization or network that spans several states within the United States

Research a health care organization or network that spans several states within the United States Health Organization Evaluation Research a health care organization or network that spans several states within the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.). Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade. Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following: Describe the health care organization or network. Rubric criteria: Health care organization or network is clearly and accurately described. Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings. Rubric criteria: Assessment of overall organizational readiness is described in detail. Degree of organizational readiness is established. Strong evidence and rationale support the assessment. Prepare a strategic pl

Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness.

Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Evaluate Texas’ disaster response plan. Ensure you: 1)  Identify nursing roles and responsibilities during each phase of disaster management . Consider: ~  Planning ~  Preparedness ~  Response ~  Recovery 2)  Evaluate Texas\\\’s plan for preparedness and disaster management: ~  Does it include provisions for each phase of preparedness and disaster planning? ~  Does it clearly account for community needs? ~  Does the plan include evidence of thought beyond the written report? ~  Is there evidence of a record-keeping system for resources, treatment, and identification of victims? ~  Are there redundancies built into the plan if one option fails? Are backup plans in place? 3) Analyze your community or state\\\’s plan for addressing mass casualty situations. Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed a

Explore the Center for Preparedness and Response section from the CDC to learn about the resources available to public health officials

Explore the Center for Preparedness and Response section from the CDC to learn about the resources available to public health officials Explore the Center for Preparedness and Response section from the CDC to learn about the resources available to public health officials in the event of emergency or disaster. Read the Are We Prepared? page section from the CDC for national standards, reports, capabilities, and strategies for improvement in community preparedness and response. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: How would/could you apply this information as a community health nurse ? Answer preview to explore the Center for Preparedness and Response section from the CDC to learn about the resources available to public health officials APA 222 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Explore the Center for Preparedness and Response section from the CDC to learn about the resources a

Calculate the current ratio and quick ratio for the latest two years

Calculate the current ratio and quick ratio for the latest two years Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 9 in the course textbook, Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits . Using the same company and annual reports that you chose for your Week 1 – Discussion Forum, Reading and Using the Annual Report Case Study, Calculate the current ratio and quick ratio for the latest two years, obtain the industry average ratios from IBISWorld, and analyze the results. The IBISWorld database is accessible through the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. This database contains industry reports and market research on more than 1,300 United States industries. The reports provide key data, financial ratios, and benchmarks, plus industry forecasts. IBISWorld’s Data Wizard tool allows comparisons between a chosen company and industry best practices. If needed, review the Industry Wizard – Industry Product tutorial on how to use t