
Showing posts from October, 2020

Support the need for the use of analytics and cloud technology within this company.

Support the need for the use of analytics and cloud technology within this company. This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a design document and a revised Gantt chart or project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Large companies have been using the power of business analytics for quite a while now. Your company desires to get in on the action; company executives believe that using advanced data analysis will enable the company to make smarter decisions and improve business performance. Business analytics gives companies the ability to look at past realizations and performance as well as set up new expectations and performance goals. Analytics-as-a-Service is a new delivery model that uses cloud technology to provide busine

The infrastructure which encompasses the network solution and security considerations is a major consideration for your company.

The infrastructure which encompasses the network solution and security considerations is a major consideration for your company. The infrastructure which encompasses the network solution and security considerations is a major consideration for your company. Considering that the company will be expanding from one (1) floor to three (3) floors in the very near future you, as the CIO, are responsible for the design of the infrastructure and security protocols . You have been tasked with designing a network that is stable, redundant, and scalable. In addition, speed and reliability are important considerations. Assumptions should be drawn regarding network usage in relationship to network services and resources. All the established criteria that were set at the onset should be adhered to within your plan. The network solution that is chosen should support the conceived information system and allow for scalability. The network infrastructure will support organizational operations; therefo

A clear discussion of Freud’s, Watson’s or skinner’s theories

A clear discussion of Freud’s, Watson’s or skinner’s theories Research paper A clear discussion of Freud’s, Watson’s or skinner’s theories: Look below for picture file Answer preview to a clear discussion of Freud’s, Watson’s or skinner’s theories APA 1174 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below   The post A clear discussion of Freud’s, Watson’s or skinner’s theories appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Development of a comprehensive strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to go to market

Development of a comprehensive strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to go to market Microsoft Word Strategic Marketing Plan  INTRODUCTION This assignment entails development of a comprehensive strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to “go to market”. A Project Template is provided that allows you to organize your work in increments and see how the sections come together to produce a comprehensive plan. PRODUCT/SERVICE This assignment requires application of concepts learned to build a strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to “go to market”. You will not be allowed to mimic plans or ideas from larger or already “in-place” campaigns. You must develop the business concept in its entirety. Describe the new product or service. Discuss the qualities that make this product/service new to the marketplace and the rationale for your decision to pursue the concept. Be sure to pick a product or servi

Discuss your Core Strategy and make sure to connect it to your Mission & Objectives

Discuss your Core Strategy and make sure to connect it to your Mission & Objectives PPT Explanation (Product) Flavored Alkaline Water APA Format INTRODUCTION This assignment entails development of a comprehensive strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to “go to market”. A Project Template is provided that allows you to organize your work in increments and see how the sections come together to produce a comprehensive plan. PRODUCT/SERVICE This assignment requires application of concepts learned to build a strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to “go to market”. You will not be allowed to mimic plans or ideas from larger or already “in-place” campaigns. You must develop the business concept in its entirety. Describe the new product or service. Discuss the qualities that make this product/service new to the marketplace and the rationale for your decision to pursue the concept. Be sure to pick a product or service tha

What factors put Mr. Douglas at greater risk of developing pressure ulcers

What factors put Mr. Douglas at greater risk of developing pressure ulcers Instructions: Read the Case Study 18-1 in Chapter 18 of the textbook. Peter Douglas is a 77-year-old nursing home resident with congestive heart failure and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. He is alert and oriented times three and needs maximum assistance with all mobility needs. He was recently admitted to the nursing home after a 6-week hospitalization for pneumonia and congestive heart failure. When he was admitted to the nursing home, the nurse admitting Mr. Douglas documented that he had a pressure ulcer on his sacrum. She described this pressure ulcer as measuring 3 cm by 5 cm by 0 cm. The wound bed presented with 100% yellow necrotic tissue, a moderate amount of drainage, and a foul odor. He was underweight, and his albumin level was 2. He was admitted to the nursing home for physical therapy to provide a program to improve strength, balance, and mobility after his long hospital stay. A nutritiona

Discuss some of the health implications that this man may be facing.

Discuss some of the health implications that this man may be facing. An elderly gentleman is admitted to the hospital with an MRSA infection. It is soon discovered that the Staphylococcus is resistant to many different antibiotics. Unfortunately, this is discovered only after he is given a usual treatment regimen which is interrupted at the third dose to start him on some Vancomycin. Once the Vancomycin is finished, the gentleman develops a UTI (urinary tract infection) to which he is treated for. Having put the gentleman on a usual antibiotic to treat the UTI, the same scenario plays out and the initial antibiotic is stopped, and he is put on one that will treat the resistant bacteria. Instructions: Read the scenario above. Answer the following questions: (Please give a rationale for all of your answers) Due to this scenario playing out twice during the same stay, discuss some of the health implications that this man may be facing. What other conditions or health problems migh

Write a paper discussing People with severe mental illness and disasters: planning, challenges, and consequences..

Write a paper discussing People with severe mental illness and disasters: planning, challenges, and consequences.. I would like you to write a paper discussing People with severe mental illness and disasters : planning, challenges, and consequences. instructions: 1- use primary sources 2- the paper is 8 pages (without the abstract and reference pages) 3- minimum 8 references 4- please follow the following outline: Abstract – An overview of the paper topic, importance of the topic etc. Begin your abstract with “The purpose of this discussion is to…” · Targeted topics – Sample paper subheadings, major areas to be covered in your paper. Use bullets to help separate each subheading. · Selected references – cite at least three at this point (but will need to cite more in final paper). Also, see “Annotated Bibliography” below. · Expected conclusions – what you expect at this point, recognizing that your final conclusions may be different; expect to discuss the difference(s) i

Write a report to the management of the organisation chosen in the first assessment.

Write a report to the management of the organisation chosen in the first assessment. As a sustainability consultant, you need to write a report to the management of the organisation chosen in the first assessment. The aim of the report is to help management progress their own impact and become a more sustainable business, and ultimately drive change toward a sustainable world. You will need to set out recommendations, inspired by the strategic proactivity and sustaining corporation phases of the Dunphy phases model how the organisation can progress this further. These recommendations should be based on using the organisation’s strengths (minimum of 2 strengths) and overcoming its weaknesses (minimum of 2 weaknesses). You should build a logical narrative with a focus on a strong persuasive style. Write your report to the management team (tailoring your language as well as the content presented to them consistently). You can assume that the management team is not familiar with the

Review the below case study on issues related to sharing consumers’ confidential information.

Review the below case study on issues related to sharing consumers’ confidential information. Remember, you must cite and reference sources. Your answer must be a minimum of 2 full pages in length following APA guidelines. Review the below case study on issues related to sharing consumers’ confidential information. What is EFF’s mission statement ? Explain in detail, privacy issues related to the case study. Identify the U.S. citizen privacy law violations in the case study and the implications of those violations have on privacy and confidential information. Answer preview to review the below case study on issues related to sharing consumers’ confidential information. APA 806 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Review the below case study on issues related to sharing consumers’ confidential inf

Using assessments that are developmentally and social and emotional development

Using assessments that are developmentally and social and emotional development Using assessments that are developmentally and social and emotional development Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling. Assignment 1: Write a 1750 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer the questions for each bullet point. There should be separate sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Essay: A developmental assessment for children under age 3 is an attempt to assess various aspects of the child’s func

What does it mean to say that managers should maximize shareholder wealth subject to ethical constraints

What does it mean to say that managers should maximize shareholder wealth subject to ethical constraints 6. ESSAY QUESTION: What does it mean to say that managers should maximize shareholder wealth “subject to ethical constraints”? What ethical considerations might enter into decisions that result in cash flow and stock price effects that are less than they might otherwise have been? 7. ESSAY QUESTION: The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 limits, but does not prohibit, corporate insiders from trading in their own firm’s shares. What ethical issues might arise when a corporate insider wants to buy or sell shares in the firm where he or she works? 8. ESSAY QUESTION: Do some reading in periodicals and/or on the Internet to find out more about the Sarbanes-Oxley Act’s provisions for companies. Select one of those provisions, and indicate why you think financial statements will be more trust-worthy if company financial executives implement this provision of SOX. 9. ESSAY QUESTION:

Provide a research paper to company leadership detailing your choice of IDPS in comparison to the available IDPS types.

Provide a research paper to company leadership detailing your choice of IDPS in comparison to the available IDPS types. Mahtnarg Manufacturing is purchasing an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) due to recent attacks on similar companies. As the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) you have been tasks to review the potential IDPS types and provide a research paper to company leadership detailing your choice of IDPS in comparison to the available IDPS types. Prepare  a 450 word paper that fully discusses the topic questions The paper is consistent with APA guidelines. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Answer preview to provide a research paper to company leadership detailing your choice of IDPS in comparison to the available IDPS types. APA 485 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Provide a research paper to company leadership detailing your choice of IDP

Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years. Assignment 3: Presentation: “Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years” Due Week 10 and worth 250 points In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years. Faculty Note: For students taking this course online, if there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, the student is allowed to use the notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what they would say if actually presenting / narrating. Write an eight (8) slide presentation in which you: 1.Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation. 2.Presentation should include your choice of the five (

What treatment plan would you consider utilizing current evidence based practice guidelines

What treatment plan would you consider utilizing current evidence based practice guidelines A sixty-year-old baker presents to your clinic, complaining of increasing shortness of breath and nonproductive cough over the last month. She feels like she can’t do as much activity as she used to do without becoming tired. She even has to sleep upright in her recliner at night to be able to breathe comfortably. She denies any chest pain, nausea, or sweating. Her past medical history is significant for high blood pressure and coronary artery disease. She had a hysterectomy in her 40s for heavy vaginal bleeding. She is married and is retiring from the local bakery soon. She denies any tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. Her mother died of a stroke, and her father died from prostate cancer. She denies any recent upper respiratory illness, and she has had no other symptoms. On examination, she is in no acute distress. Her blood pressure is 160/100, and her pulse is 100. She is afebrile, and her resp

Complete a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation that depicts the role of business etiquette in organizational success.

Complete a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation that depicts the role of business etiquette in organizational success. You will complete a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation that depicts the role of business etiquette in organizational success . It will be designed to link various constructs of business etiquette with various organizational outcomes. Examples of this are showing how dress code reflects positively or negatively on the organization’s image or how proper administration of customer meetings portrays a professional corporate image. The PowerPoint must include a title slide and a reference slide. The Business Etiquette PowerPoint assignment must include 5 citations. All citations must be in current APA format. business_etiquette_powerpoint_instructions Answer preview to complete a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation that depicts the role of business etiquette in organizational success. 8 slides Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the

Explain in your own words the difference between business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning

Explain in your own words the difference between business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning QUESTION ONE Expanding on what you’ve learned since Week 2 when a similar question was posed, explain in your own words the difference between business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning, and where you believe these two processes differ and overlap. Take a position on whether BC or DR can survive without the other. Use a real-world example to support your position. QUESTION TWO From the e-Activity, determine what you believe is the most critical component of BCP from FEMA’s implementation / suggestions for the BCP process. Justify your answer. Determine whether or not you believe the BCP process would be successful without proper BIA processes being conducted. Explain why or why not. E-ACTIVITY: Review the updated contingency planning guide at . Be prepared to discuss. QUESTION 3 Compare

Research paper about Hair dryer for ET class five pages 3 resources

Research paper about Hair dryer for ET class five pages 3 resources Research paper about Hair dryer for ET class five pages 3 resources This research is about ET 110- introduction Basic Electronics . The subject is Hair Dryer. Resources from 3 pages MLA format. Answer preview to research paper about Hair dryer for ET class five pages 3 resources MLA 1652 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Research paper about Hair dryer for ET class five pages 3 resources appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession

In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession The previous assignments focused on domestic matters in US history. This last assignment explores America’s international role in recent decades. By the mid-20th century, the United States had become the dominant force in international relations. Some have argued that the United States’ military functions as the world’s “police.” This assignment covers the manner in which this shift occurred and the consequences the United States faces as a result of its status as “policeman of the world.” One can identify early steps this direction well before World War II, but in this paper focus on the period from the 1940s to the present. Take one of the positions as suggested below, draw from the sources listed, and present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position. Possible position—in each case you can take the pro or con position: The Ame