
Showing posts from October, 2019

Police agencies must develop policies for officers which conform to constitutional requirements.

Police agencies must develop policies for officers which conform to constitutional requirements. Week 2 – Assignment Law Enforcement Supreme Court Cases Police agencies must develop policies for officers which conform to constitutional requirements . Three of the leading U.S. Supreme Court opinions guide interactions between police officers and the people that they contact. Three of the most important cases for law enforcement to not violate are Weeks v. United States (1914), Miranda v. Arizona (1966), and Terry v. Ohio (1968). Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read each of the three listed U.S. Supreme Court cases, Miranda v. Arizona ( ) , Terry v. Ohio ( ) and Weeks v. United States ( ) . Law enforcement officers throughout the United States are bound by the Constitution’s intentional limitations on the government’s power. Many people believe that p

Was the stop of the two men by the officers legal with reference to the case of Illinois v. Gates (1983)

Was the stop of the two men by the officers legal with reference to the case of  Illinois v. Gates (1983) Two officers were patrolling a high-crime area of a town known for its high incidence of drug dealing . They noticed a man standing by a car speaking to the driver and passenger. He handed them an object and walked away. According to the officers, when the driver and his passenger spotted the police, they got out of the car quickly and began walking away while glancing back at the officers nervously. The officers stopped the two men and asked them a few questions. During questioning, the officers detected what they believed was the smell of marijuana on the men. The officers then performed a pat-down search and one of them noticed a bulge in the pocket of the driver’s jacket. The bulge felt like a bag of pills, so the officer reached into the man’s jacket and pulled out what was actually a bag of marijuana. The officers arrested the driver and searched the car. They found more

Write out the Central Hudson Test the Judge would apply in determining whether the FAA rule is constitutional

Write out the Central Hudson Test the Judge would apply in determining whether the FAA rule is constitutional Read the following fact pattern and answer the questions. In the aftermath of 9/11 the U.S. Government has implemented all manner of rules and regulations to protect the public from terrorist acts at large events and likely targets. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has adopted such a rule concerning aircraft near large sporting venues. The FAA rule says no aircraft will fly within 3 miles of a “major sporting venue” during a “major sporting event.” Arrowhead Stadium, in Kansas City, Missouri, is a “major sporting venue.” A Kansas City Chief’s football game is a “major sporting event.” Ben owns an aircraft advertising business where he pulls large advertising banners behind his aircraft during major sporting events. Ben has been in business for 15 years and is well known to local FAA officials as a safe pilot and a good businessman. Ben has been paid $10,000 to pull

Debate about the issues of Affirmative Action and Civil Rights

Debate about the issues of Affirmative Action and Civil Rights Description Lets Debate about the issues of ‘Affirmative Action and Civil Rights ‘ Choose your stand based on two disadvantaged groups and suggest if there should be any prospective reform with Affirmative Action and Civil Rights. this is the direction of the paper. Answer preview to debate about the issues of Affirmative Action and Civil Rights APA 312 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Debate about the issues of Affirmative Action and Civil Rights appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM
Write an essay about climate justice and environmental justice. Write an essay about climate justice and environmental justice . 3 full pages essay. 4 paragraphs, one intro, 2 body, and a conclusion. You can find information from the article “short answers to hard questions about climate change” by Justin Gillis. on the last page have work cited MLA format. Answer preview to write an essay about climate justice and environmental justice. APA 995 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERT

What is the impact of the mentally handicapped on the operations of a corrections facility

What is the impact of the mentally handicapped on the operations of a corrections facility The Mentally Handicapped/Ill Inmate A significant number of inmates at all levels of corrections is made up of the mentally handicapped. What is the impact of the mentally handicapped on the operations of a corrections facility , how many are there, what are their crimes ? What is being done to properly treat the mentally handicapped? What legal requirements are in place to ensure proper treatment of the mentally handicapped? What is a proper disposition for a mentally handicapped offender? As one of your references use “The mentally ill offender treatment and crime reduction act of 2004″. Write a 2 page APA style paper. In your paper include a title sheet and 2-3 references. Only one reference may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the online library. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement and the references must be cited in the body of

Describe the impact of workplace bullying on both the victims and the organization

Describe the impact of workplace bullying on both the victims and the organization The Impact of Workplace Bullying Develop a two- to three-page APA- formatted paper that responds to the following: Provide a review of the article. Describe the impact of workplace bullying on both the victims and the organization. Reflect on a time when you may have witnessed workplace bullying . Discuss at least two practices of workplace bullying addressed in the article that were applicable to your scenario. Recommend at least two techniques from the article that management should implement to provide a positive impact on workplace bullying. Support your response with additional information from the textbook or additional research. Your paper must be two to three pages (not including title and reference pages) and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. You must cite two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. week_5_assignment Answer previ

Summarize the philosophical underpinnings of the counseling profession.

Summarize the philosophical underpinnings of the counseling profession. Assignment: The Past, Present, and Future of Counseling The history of the counseling profession is filled with stories of the people and events that helped shape it and make it what it is today. The field has been influenced by multiple historical events, societal needs, and social contexts. The counseling profession continues to evolve through unique approaches and philosophies from the counseling field and from contributions of the American Counseling Association (ACA), American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA), and the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). For this Assignment, you will examine historical contributions to the identity of the mental health counseling profession, you will discuss how this field differs from other helping fields, and you will analyze a future direction in the field and how it might affect you in your professional role. To Prepare: Review Chapter 1 of the

Discuss how a job description is a function of management

Discuss how a job description is a function of management A job description is a useful tool that describes all the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a position. The primary function of this assignment is to increase understanding of the critical elements in a job description and its alignment to the HRM process and to talent acquisition. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the article  Job Worth Doing: Update Descriptions (Links to an external site.) , the guide  Best Practices and Emerging Trends in Recruitment and Selection, (Links to an external site.)  and the web page  Employers (Links to an external site.)  from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). In your paper, Discuss how a job description is a function of management . Consider the following areas of a job description below and explain how these components contribute to an effective performance management system: Tasks Tools and technology Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)

What is an example of an educational theory that you hold about facilitating and learning

What is an example of an educational theory that you hold about facilitating and learning Reflective Facilitator Now, it is your time to show your reflective side. As we learned this week, reflection includes looking through the lens of theoretical literature as well as our autobiographical experiences. Select two questions from the following list and respond to them. Each of your responses should be at least two paragraphs. Include the question as a heading to separate your responses. Some might argue that facilitating is too demanding to expect facilitators to be reflective about their work. What do you think? What things do you do automatically in the classroom/training session without consciously thinking about them? How have your past educational experiences influenced your understanding of yourself as a facilitator? What are some of the key experiences in your life that have had an impact on your current ideas about facilitating and learning? What is an example of a

Reporting Achievement Information to the Public

Reporting Achievement Information to the Public Review and reflect upon one of the three Scenarios presented in Chapter 2 of the  Perfect Assessment System (Stiggins, 2017 p. 16-18) or develop your own workplace scenario. Scenario #1: Mastery Learning and Grade Point Average Scenario #2: Learning Progressions, Targets and Level of Proficiency Scenario #3: Reporting Achievement Information to the Public If you choose Scenario #1, #2 or #3, reflect in four to six paragraphs on (1) the type of assessment, (2) its purpose, (3) target and (4) method of reporting results. Scenario #4: Develop your own workplace assessment  scenario If you choose Scenario #4, reflect in four to six paragraphs on (1) the type of assessment, (2) its purpose, (3) target, (4) method or reporting results and (5) the likely outcome of the scenario. Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Answer preview to reporting achievement information to the public APA 609 w

Identify the certification process to become a victim advocate in the state in which you reside

Identify the certification process to become a victim advocate in the state in which you reside Select one of the following topics: Role of Victim Advocate Victims’ Rights Legislation Create an annotated outline on your selected topic in which you: For the Role of Victim Advocate: Identify the certification process to become a victim advocate in the state in which you reside or in a state with which you are familiar. Describe the function of a victim advocate in a criminal matter involving an adult victim. Contrast the function of a victim advocate in a criminal matter involving an adult victim versus a criminal matter involving a minor victim. Explain how the role of a victim advocate differs from the role of a member of the victim services agency associated with the prosecutor’s office (federal U.S. attorney, state attorneys general offices, or local offices for district attorneys). For the topic of Victims’ Rights Legislation: Provide a brief timeline of victims’ right

Discuss the health literacy issues among a select vulnerable population

Discuss the health literacy issues among a select vulnerable population Discuss the health literacy issues among a select vulnerable population and describe two practices that nurses employ to facilitate a healthy lifestyle . Include a rationale for your choice. The initial posting and the response to peer posting each require one reference  from a peer-reviewed  NURSING   journal less than 5 y/o. The references must be from  different  journal articles. *The initial posting also requires a reference from the course textbook. Professional, governmental, or educational organizations (.org, .gov, or .edu) Answer preview to discuss the health literacy issues among a select vulnerable population APA 393 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Discuss the health literacy issues among a select vulnerable population appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Wr

What is meant by the phrase crimes are statutory offenses

What is meant by the phrase crimes are statutory offenses WHY? Because you are not an authority on the Law and you are not the Source of the Law, therefore you have to refer to resources. These are the Essay Topics:(Min. 100 words EACH Essay, just write a paragraph for each and all questions below) What is meant by the phrase “ crimes are statutory offenses”? Explain Criminal Intent . Choose one of the Constitutional Safeguards and explain how it works. Can a person be prosecuted twice for the same act? Explain fully all issues. What is RICO? Answer preview to what is meant by the phrase crimes are statutory offenses APA 806 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post What is meant by the phrase crimes are statutory offenses appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET

Develop a new Information Security Policy

Develop a new Information Security Policy Need to write a topic about If you were asked by your employer to develop a new Information Security Policy, where would you turn to find resources to build this policy ? List the two most important items you would include in this new policy and explain why you felt these were most important. Answer preview to develop a new Information Security Policy APA 332 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Develop a new Information Security Policy appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Developing quality learning environments is an important consideration for any early childhood educator

Developing quality learning environments is an important consideration for any early childhood educator Developing quality learning environments is an important consideration for any early childhood educator or caregiver. In order to effectively prepare an environment for infants and toddlers, it is important to understand how theory and application come together. As Bullard (2014) states, “examining the theorists and approaches assists us in understanding the historical and philosophical foundations for designing learning environments” (p. 10). For this discussion post, you will describe how one of the following approaches best supports a quality learning environment. Choose one of the following approaches that interest you the most: Montessori Waldorf Vygotsky Reggio Emilia Develop a cohesive and research-based argument in favor of the approach that interests you. Be sure to include the principles that guide your assigned approach with specific focus on learning environments

The importance of using research replication as a component in the improvement of police science

The importance of using research replication as a component in the improvement of police science Evaluating Strategic Impact ” Please respond to the following: Imagine that you are the director of the Department of Justice. You are tasked to implement a new science based strategic approach to policing which will affect every department in the United States. Discuss how you would prevent political and social advocacies from influencing your decision as to the approach that you choose. Support your response. Discuss the importance of using research replication as a component in the improvement of police science. Answer preview to the importance of using research replication as a component in the improvement of police science APA 338 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post The importance of using research replication as a component in the improvement of police science appeared first on Yourhomework

Develop a global ethic over national self-interest and argues that the massive changes in technology

Develop a global ethic over national self-interest and argues that the massive changes in technology Answer a question by watching a video. In his TED talk, Gordon Brown discusses the need to develop a global ethic over national self-interest and argues that the “massive changes in technology ” will lead to more people across the globe interacting with each other and therefore we will better recognize our responsibilities to others. As the events of the past few years have shown, this has not turned out to be the case. Britain is no longer part of the European Union after the so-called “Brexit” vote and across the world existing associations are splintering. Why do you think that even though communication across the globe has increased, countries are becoming more insular and protectionist? word limit 250 video link Answer preview to develop a global ethic over national self-interest and argues t

Discussion Post- Characteristics of Current Labor Relations

Discussion Post- Characteristics of Current Labor Relations Discussion Post- Characteristics of Current Labor Relations In your opinion, which pertinent reasons for the current conditions of union contracts, collective bargaining, and the decline in private sector union membership . Answer preview to discussion post- characteristics of current labor relations APA 326 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Discussion Post- Characteristics of Current Labor Relations appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Develop 20 questions that couples should ask each other prior to marriage or partnership

Develop 20 questions that couples should ask each other prior to marriage or partnership Pre-Marriage Questions and Summary In preparation for this assignment, review the  Prepare/Enrich website,  located in this topic’s materials and read the “About the Assessment” section. In addition, review the Canyon Family Origins Case Study and read the Dennison article. Couples often come to therapy because they have successfully planned a wedding but did not plan the marriage. Important topics such as finances, children, religion, and the living environment are often overlooked or avoided prior to marriage. Based on what you have read, consider what each person who is part of a marriage or partnership should know about his or her partner before committing. Develop 20 questions that couples should ask each other prior to marriage or partnership. Answer each question developed from the perspective of Mr. and Mrs. Canyon. Write a summary of 500-750 words addressing the influence of family

Explain the importance of job analysis and job descriptions to an organization

Explain the importance of job analysis and job descriptions to an organization HR Presentation on Talent Management in a Changing Organization: Part 1 You are an HR analyst for XYZ Corporation, and you have been tasked with the assignment of helping a company through a period of organizational change. Your client, Thoreau Enterprises, recently acquired several other companies in its industry. The organization has gone from being a $1 billion entity to a $15 billion entity as a result of these acquisitions. Though Thoreau Enterprises purchased the others, it was actually the smallest entity of the entire grouping. After meeting with Thoreau Enterprises’ company leadership, your Director, Jacob Wickham, has compiled notes on three main areas that need to be addressed: talent management needs, compensation, and the role of HR to lead change for the new organization. Following is a list of specific concerns that Jacob noted during the initial meeting: There are a number of “legacy” emp

Choose four specific stakeholder organizations and write their slogans or mission statements.

Choose four specific stakeholder organizations and write their slogans or mission statements. DESCRIPTION You will begin by selecting a controversial topic, which you will focus on for the duration of the semester. Then you will identify two stakeholders engaged with the issue who hold different views. Once you have identified your selected issue and two stakeholders, you are ready to answer the guiding questions and respond to the paragraph below the questions to complete this Part 1 Early Draft. Please download these guiding questions and the paragraph response into a Word document, thoroughly answer each question in complete sentences, and upload the document to My Reviewers  by the assigned due date. QUESTIONS/STEPS List at least ten stakeholder groups that have a voice or viewpoint on your topic. Choose four specific stakeholder organizations and write their slogans or mission statements. You can find slogans or mission statements on the organization’s website. Be sure to ci