
Showing posts from August, 2019

How an element of a sonic technique adds to the meaning of the poem

How an element of a sonic technique adds to the meaning of the poem Hip Hop Ghazal by Patricia Smith Choose how an element of a sonic technique or a form of poetry adds to the meaning of the poem 2 paragraphs 4-5 sentences Answer preview to how an element of a sonic technique adds to the meaning of the poem APA 296 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post How an element of a sonic technique adds to the meaning of the poem appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Trends and issues in nursing

Trends and issues in nursing Trends and issues in nursing , discussion Identify the educational preparation and role(s) of the clinical nurse leader (CNL) designation. Give an example of how the CNL influences direct patient care whether in a hospital or out in the community. Answer preview to trends and issues in nursing APA 306 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Trends and issues in nursing appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Trends and issues in today’s health care

Trends and issues in today’s health care Discussion, trends and issues in today’s health care Identify advocacy strategies that you can use to create change in your current workplace. Answer preview to trends and issues in today’s health care APA 305 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Trends and issues in today’s health care appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Person’s attitudes toward violence

Person’s attitudes toward violence Discussion about (Violence and Abuse) As mentioned in chapter four, visual media can influence a person’s attitudes toward violence . Choose a violent movie or television show that you watched recently. What impact, if any, did it have on your feelings about violence? Did those feelings cause you to act out in any way? Answer preview to person’s attitudes toward violence APA 356 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Person’s attitudes toward violence appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS

How does majority rule both support best and worst ideas of society

How does majority rule both support best and worst ideas of society Democracy has its flaws yet people desire representative government. How does majority rule both support best and worst ideas of society? Give at least one example of each (the best and worst) in your post. (200 words) You are required to make at least one post that responds to your classmates’ posts. In your reply, you need to address specific points made by your classmate(s) within their post and ask a follow up question to promote more thought and discussion on the topic. Your discussion posts should be reflective, thoughtful, meaningful, and free of spelling and grammar errors. Due dates for your initial and response posts can be found by checking the  Course Syllabus and  Course Calendar . Need Help? Click here for complete discussion forum instructions. Majority rule is the principle that the greatest number of votes should exercise the greatest power. Majority rule supports the best ideas of society by

Select two different types of volcanoes

Select two different types of volcanoes Select two different types of volcanoes in two different locations of the World, and compare and contrast them in term of the origin and impact on the area? Most people think that volcanoes have negative effects, based on your readings, list at least three (3) positive effects of volcanoes?   Answer preview to select two different types of volcanoes APA 493 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Select two different types of volcanoes appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Competitive Review of HARBS

Competitive Review of HARBS Brand Position in Market: Competitive Review of HARBS Write following 7 points of HARBS’s competitive review: 1.Detailed Analysis of Product Category 2.Analyze the Key Competitive Players 3.Competitive Landscape: Brands/Pricing/Benefits/ 4.Brand Positioning within the competitive arena and product category 5.SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats 6.Consumer Trends: What is the consumer mindset 7.Key competitive new products and new product opportunities Read the brand strategy HARBS I uploaded before you write. The paper is to determine HARBS’s brand position in the market. brand_strategy_harbs Answer preview to competitive review of HARBS APA 602 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Competitive Review of HARBS appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORD

Summarize a definition of alternative education schools

Summarize a definition of alternative education schools Define Alternate Education Alternatives to traditional schools are often defined by the elements that make them effective. Whether they are called alternative, charter, magnet, or something else, such schools come in a wide array of configurations and organizational models. Read  Alternative Schools: The State of the Art  (Raywid, 1994) to identify types of alternative schools in the U.S. View  If Students Designed Their Own Schools  (Tsai, 2013) to see an example of what an innovative alternative to traditional school looks like. Summarize a definition of alternative education schools. Read pages 1-8 (Chalker, edition 2006). Consider these questions in your post: What elements or qualities make an alternative school different from a traditional school? What do alternative schools and traditional schools have in common? Note: This discussion is not a political conversation or debate, but rather an analysis of alternative

Whether to start over or turn around troubled schools

Whether to start over or turn around troubled schools One argument in education circles today is whether to start over or turn around troubled schools. What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting over when creating a new school design compared with turning around an existing school? Using your Week 1 Thinking Map, include a real-life example of an alternative education school or program that represents your perspective on the best way to develop or turn around a new kind of school. Be sure to extend the conversation. Think about the model you and your group will construct. How would this conversation apply to your alternative education school or program? Note: No peer responses are required for this discussion, but please read your groupmates’ posts and consider them as you formally decide as a group what kind of school or program you will propose. Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies, other research, and experiences. Cite and reference your s

Create a new innovative alternative education school or program

Create a new innovative alternative education school or program Consider the reasons some students are unsuccessful in traditional schools. If you could create a new innovative alternative education school or program, what would it look like? What setting or delivery model would you use? What would the students need the most? Working with your group this week, you will create a thinking map of the new innovative alternative education school or program. Select a setting, type, and delivery model for your alternative education school or program. Develop a thinking map that outlines the need for an alternative education school or program by addressing the following for your selected school or program: Provide the following information on your thinking map. Why is the alternative education school or program being designed and constructed? Who will be affected by the new innovative alternative education school or program? What are the goals of the alternative education school or pr

The four parts of the Christian biblical narrative

The four parts of the Christian biblical narrative What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative? Explain in detail each part of the narrative above and analyze the implications. Answer preview to the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative APA 429 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post The four parts of the Christian biblical narrative appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

What differentiates a current liability from a long-term liability

What differentiates a current liability from a long-term liability Main Discussion #1. What differentiates a current liability from a long-term liability? Share at least two examples of each. What are the differences in accounting for these two types of liabilities? Professor #2. Why is unearned revenue a liability and not asset? Student Responses #3. Current liabilities are any items in which the payment for such things is due within one year or operating cycle. This very simply follows a twelve month calendar and a few examples of current liabilities would be sales tax payable, interest payable, income taxes payable, or bank account overdrafts. A long term liability is any item that has a due date of one year or greater. A few example of long term liabilities would be bonds payable, long term notes payable, capital leases, or pension liabilities. In regards to the accounting for these two items they are both reported on the balance sheet separately and the reason why these tw

US History – Clearly and accurately supplies profession

US History – Clearly and accurately supplies profession US History – Clearly and accurately supplies profession, political position, economic position. diplomatic position, and preferred political leader . Identifies correctly the law (Alien and Sedition Act or Kentucky Resolutions) supported by that party and provides correct information about it. Present three paragraphs consisting of six sentences for each paragraph. The first paragraph should explain, as specifically you can, what your profession is in the 1790s and why you choose your party.  The second paragraph provides a specific political position you take as a member of that party, with explanation. The third paragraph provides a specific economic position you take as a member of that party, with explanation. The fourth paragraph provides a specific diplomatic position you take as a member of that party, with explanation. You will explain here which European nation you support, with explanation.  In a final sentence ident

New product strategy and marketing launch plan for HARBS

New product strategy and marketing launch plan for HARBS Write the following points for HARBS’s new product strategy and marketing launch plan: Positioning Key points of differentiation Target Audience Key Product Attributes (why it’s better than its competitors, key selling points) Consumer Research to support launch plans (should have a research plan, ex a focus group) Distribution/Channel Strategy, Promotional Plan, PR Strategy, Advertising (you should write both social media and in-store) 3 Year Long Term vision for the brand (change artist every year, change museum for their cooperation, now HARBS’s main consumers are Asian, after this new four seasons new cake, will have more American consumer.) harbs_new_product Answer preview to new product strategy and marketing launch plan for HARBS APA 1072 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post New product strategy and marketing launch plan

What accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries  

What accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries What accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries as independent nation-states? Is there something peculiar about Africa that delayed its drive for independence ? Why has the Arab-Israeli conflict been so persistent? What religious and cultural factors have contributed to the persistent state of unrest in the Middle East and, in particular, in what some people refer to as the Holy Land? Answer preview to what accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries APA 367 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post What accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries   appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO P

Gauging and measuring public opinion

Gauging and measuring public opinion How useful do you think that polls are in gauging and measuring public opinion ? Do you think there is a viable alternative to their use? No extra material just answer the question on APA format and not to lengthy maybe less than 200 words Answer preview to gauging and measuring public opinion APA 208 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Gauging and measuring public opinion appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Inflammatory bowel disease and urinary obstruction

Inflammatory bowel disease and urinary obstruction Inflammatory bowel disease and urinary obstruction Review the cases study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA format and include 2 scholarly references. Answer both case studies on the same document .There are no requirements regarding the number of words or pages inflammatory_bowel_disease_case_study_4_summer_2019 urinary_obstruction_case_study_3_summer_2019_ Answer preview to inflammatory bowel disease and urinary obstruction APA 705 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Inflammatory bowel disease and urinary obstruction appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Explain how values and politics shape health policy

Explain how values and politics shape health policy Overview This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to practice influencing policy by communicating with a legislator about a current health problem. The letter should be in block format for a business letter, the letter may be more than one page. You do need to support with evidence. Cite your sources and include a reference page at the end of your letter. Follow the assignment directions and review the rubric. You can view samples for formatting a business letter on the following link: In addition some helpful links on how to formulate a letter to your legislator may be found Follow the steps below to write a letter advocating for change, go to for an example: Select a current health problem that is being debated at the national and/or state level (e.g., the proliferation of

Discuss best practices for hiring top talent

Discuss best practices for hiring top talent 5 slides on “Discuss best practices for hiring top talent and the process for developing top talent from within the organization ” Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section, 2 references and in-text citations Answer preview to discuss best practices for hiring top talent 7 slides Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Discuss best practices for hiring top talent appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM