
Showing posts from November, 2018

4 page literary essay over ayiti roxane gay

4 page literary essay over ayiti roxane gay 4 page literary essay over ayiti roxane gay Introduction- attention grabber, thesis, what body paragraphs will be about. Multiple paragraphs within the body paragraphs. Body’s will be about setting, characters, and the theme. conclusion paragraph use quoted evidence within the book using page numbers work cited page use 3-4 quoted evidence …………………….Answer preview…………………….. Roxanne Gay does a good job at clearly showing the readers what Haiti is all about, thus helping to rid the stereotypical thoughts off of the country, and its blood. She shows an honest side to the country, both good, and bad. It is a good way of showing the difference truth, and lies; fiction, and facts. She manages to tell these truths through various stories told within the book, while still managing to touch on the various…………………… APA 1278 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below  

What was the perceived need and mission of Homeboy Industries when Father Boyle founded it

What was the perceived need and mission of Homeboy Industries when Father Boyle founded it read the case study attached main questions to answer in this paper “must read the case study attached” 1. What was the perceived need and mission of Homeboy Industries when Father Boyle founded it? 2. Why did he choose a social enterprise   model to develop the organization? 3. What were some of the biggest challenges Father Greg faced in the early days of Homeboy? 4. How has Homeboy evolved in its mission and its organizational structure over time? 5. Is the organization more or less effective today in both its services to gang members and the products and services that drive revenue opportunities? Why? Readings: attached files and those links    1.… 2. ted talk additional notes: For the Home Boy Industries case study, you must also submit a written analysis of this specific case a

Randomly selected human resource policy as it relates to the hospitality industry and write a paper

Randomly selected h uman resource policy  as it relates to the hospitality industry and write a paper Assignment:HRM Final Project—Students will be working individually to complete an in-depth analysis of a randomly selected human resource policy as it relates to the hospitality industry . A written report of findings will be expected. Assignment Instructions: Each student will be responsible for researching a specific HR related policy, this topic should be chosen by the student. This paper will detail the foundation of why this policy (or the basis of the current event) is in place, how it came to be, how it is currently implemented in the workplace, and offer suggestions for change going forward. Additionally, the student should detail how this particular policy is impactful to the hospitality industry specifically. Paper Guidelines: double spaced 1 – times new roman font of 12 pt 1″ margins 7-8 page paper (minimum word count of 2,100, should include cover page, content, and r

Discuss how attending different types of institutions can impact a student’s academic and career outcomes.

Discuss how attending different types of institutions can impact a student’s academic and career outcomes. Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences . Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the prompt provided for each forum. Each thread must be at least 400 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge, including at least 2 in-text citations with full references listed at the end of the post. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to the threads of at least 2 classmates. Each reply must be at least 200 words and include at least 1 in-text citation. Topic: Academic and Career Outcomes Discuss how attending different types of institutions can impact a student’s academic and career outcomes. Does it matter where students attend college? Are postsecondary institutions responsible to ensure that students complete a degree, accumulate little or no debt, and enter a job that with a high paying salary? What is the Christian

Analyze Junk Van’s business processes.

Analyze Junk Van’s business processes. Read the 1-888-Junk-Van case (in your Harvard Course Pack) Analyze Junk Van’s business processes . Choose one and radically redesign it (this can be submitted as a set of diagrams or steps). Be clear which process you are redesigning. How does it currently work and why is the current way problematic? Why is your redesigned way better? This assignment must be submitted in Word or PDF format. junk_van_rubric van_junk_case   ……………………Answer preview……………………….. 1-888-Junk-Van is a waste, or trash removal business, which has seen great change brought to the industry, with the lives of its customers made easier, since they get to outsource for the waste removal services. Like any other business…………………… APA 2462 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Analyze Junk Van’s business processes. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Reso

Nowadays passwords are not stored in clear text but as hash values

Nowadays passwords are not stored in clear text but as hash values Nowadays passwords are not stored in clear text but as hash values . Your task is to find techniques to receive the original password out of a hash value. Describe the different tools/possibilities you find. What are the common techniques for password-cracking? What techniques exist to avoid cracking ? Finally, you have to generate an own password-hash and crack it. …………………..Answer preview………………………….. The original password can be generated from a hash through the continuous generation of hashes from passwords, so that one is able to find the hash that matches well with the right password. Passwords can be easily cracked through various means. The first is from a hash through use of brute force…………. APA 217 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Nowadays passwords are not stored in clear text but as hash values appeared first on

Select any topic of their choice relating to families.

Select any topic of their choice relating to families. The topic is:  fatherless families Students will research and include 3 different documents in an annotated bibliography. Select any topic of their choice relating to families. For each source, students must cite the book, article or document using APA Style of Reference and write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article. Include one or more sentences that (a) evaluate the authority or background of the author, (b) comment on the intended audience, (c) compare or contrast this work with other you have cited, or (d) explain how this work illuminates your bibliography topic. All sources must be current (within the past 2 years).     ……………Answer preview……………………………… This book identifies the effect that conception of children through donors has on adolescents, who then become part of fatherless families. It provides details about the feelings, and thoughts that these adolescents have

Write a 2 pages paper about how to measuring the impact of social media strategies

Write a 2 pages paper about how to measuring the impact of social media strategies Write a 2 pages paper about how to measuring the impact of social media strategies focus on PAID STRATEGIES ONLY at least 5 Academic references needed     …………………………Answer preview………………………… Paid ads are not only beneficial to a person through the following that one may get to acquire in the process, but they are, also effective when it comes to acquiring a return on investment (ROI). The returns that result may come in the form of button clicks…………………………………………………. APA 754 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Write a 2 pages paper about how to measuring the impact of social media strategies appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING E

The Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

The Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Part C of the IDEA, the Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities, includes a component called Child Find. How does this program in your state locate, identify, and refer young children with disabilities and their families who are in need of early intervention? Identify this program in your state and describe the activities and the services it offers young children with disabilities and their families. Please support your activity with related web sites and Youtube videos. Please describe the content of these web sites and Youtube videos   ………………………..Answer preview………………… The Child Find Program makes it possible for referrals to be made to the state, on the children who are thought to be in need of special education, as well as services that are in relation to this. The children are found out from those who are school-going, those who are home-schooled, homeless, migrants………………

Analyze the limits that the Stark Amendment applies to doctors in healthcare mergers

Analyze the limits that the Stark Amendment applies to doctors in healthcare mergers Stark Amendment Analyze the limits that the Stark Amendment applies to doctors in healthcare mergers and acquisitions involving their medical practice . List the possible legal actions a hospital may face if found violating the Stark Amendment. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words.   ………………………Answer preview…………………….. The Stark Law is a set of rulings that forbid physician self-referrals to an entity providing designated health services (DHS) for Medicare and Medicaid services if the physicians have financial benefits that could accrue from the entity. This paper will discuss the limitations that the Stark Amendment………………… APA 569 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Analyze

What is it about the Sexual Revolution that would merit that evaluation

What is it about the Sexual Revolution that would merit that evaluation The Sexual Revolution ” It’s clearly going to be impossible to appreciate what Mary Eberstadt is up to in Adam and Eve After the Pill, without appreciating how she understands the whole idea of “the Sexual Revolution”. More than the World Wars , more than nuclear power, more than decolonization – more than anything else – it’s supposed to be the most important event of our age. ?       ………………………….Answer preview………………………… Sexual revolution is considered an important milestone in human history. Separating sex from the biblical purpose of creation, Adam and Eve After the Pill by Mary Eberstadt align with the ideology that sexual revolution has raised widespread discontent. The evidence from a ray of publications in the book highlights negative………. APA 382 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post What is it about the Sexual Re

Compose an analytical essay that describes a problem you have faced in your professional career

Compose an analytical essay that describes a problem you have faced in your professional career Description compose an analytical essay of between 500 and 875 words (2 to 3 pages) that describes a problem you have faced in your professional career or your educational journey . Write an essay in which you describe the problem, tell how you addressed it, and evaluate your attempted solution. Be sure to explain why your attempted solution worked or did not work to solve your professional or academic problem. Remember to present a strong thesis statement in your introduction with relevant supporting details throughout the body. Include transitions to connect ideas in a logical format. A comprehensive conclusion should restate the thesis and end with an effective general statement about the problem/solution. Remember to present a strong thesis statement in your introduction with relevant supporting details throughout the body. Include transitions to connect ideas in a logical format. E

Which of the following best describes you at your place of work

Which of the following best describes you at your place of work Which of the following best describes you at your place of work:  director , navigator, caretaker,  coach , interpreter or nurturer? Please use DIRECTOR as current quality; in addition to COACH trait that I aspire to add to my current “Image” Detail the reasons behind your selections. What strengths do you have that can help you to develop these qualities? How do you know? Be specific and provide detailed examples to support your major points. Question responses should be at least 250 words in length. Just Note Quick background info on me which may help with this assignment. I worked for a major telecom company for 15 years in Sr. Management role so when using an example please try to relate it to this experience. Thx!       …………………………Answer preview………………… The qualities that best describe me at the workplace is “director” and “coach.” I have acted as a senior manager in a Telkom company for 15 years; the leaders

Evaluate research as the basis for decision-making to improve outcomes through translation into evidence-based practice.

Evaluate research as the basis for decision-making to improve outcomes through translation into evidence-based practice. For this discussion, you are asked to review the student learning outcomes for this course and discuss how you met these outcomes. The intention here is to provide you an opportunity to “reflect” on the learning achieved during this term and how you successfully met these learning outcomes. If you do not feel you successfully met the objective, discuss your plans to successfully complete the objective in the future. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: Critically analyze current practice to formulate researchable problems. Evaluate research as the basis for decision-making to improve outcomes through translation into evidence-based practice. Synthesize an understanding of the research process through development of a proposal to address a nursing problem or focus area identified in nursing practice. Investigate ethical issues related

How readily do you feel terrorists can acquire nuclear weapons

How readily do you feel terrorists can acquire nuclear weapons DB: How readily do you feel terrorists can acquire nuclear weapons ? DB: In what ways are radiological weapons similar to chemical weapons ? – In what ways do radiological weapons differ from biological weapons? – Do these differences matter in terms of how states (or terrorists) view their potential usefulness? – Why would a terrorist group use a radiological weapon? – How might a terrorist group acquire a radiological weapon? – What do we need to know about effectively responding to a radiological attack? 3 paragraphs bun_nuclear_terr_testimony_08 ……………………Answer preview……………………. I feel that terrorist can readily access nuclear weapons from many HEU centers around the world. The article (Bunn, 2008) connotes that nuclear weapons and their ingredients are stored in hundreds of buildings around the world some with wanting security. Cases of night watchman and chain-link fence……………… APA 483 words Get instant access

Write a one-paragraph letter to your client summarizing the team’s decision

Write a one-paragraph letter to your client summarizing the team’s decision You are a caseworker for a dialysis center providing resources and support for patients with end stage renal disease. You are preparing paperwork for one of your clients who is undergoing the screening process for a kidney transplant. You and your team must decide if your client is a good candidate for a transplant. Your supervisors note that your client has a history of alcoholism and substance abuse and that this history could disqualify your client’s transplant candidacy. You disagree with your supervisor and suggest that the client’s substance abuse is no longer a problem. The team, however, ultimately disagrees and denies approval for your client’s transplant. You are upset and angry with your supervisor. You now must share’s the team’s decision with your client. You know he will be upset and will most likely become verbally agitated. You are not looking forward to meeting with your client. In a 2-page

Describe a situation from your personal life where you have been exposed to a toxic work environment.

Describe a situation from your personal life where you have been exposed to a toxic work environment. conflicts of interest This week you have reviewed behaviors and elements that constitute toxic work environments. We have also examined conflicts of interest. In a 1-2 page paper, address the following: Describe a situation from your personal life where you have been exposed to a toxic work environment . What was it like? How did you feel? Finally, give examples of conflicts of interests that you have personally witnessed. What happened? Did others recognize the behavior as a conflicting interest? Be specific. Give examples. Be sure to proofread your paper and check for spelling and grammatical errors. …………………….Answer preview…………………… While working as a sales team supervisor for a property company, I experienced challenges with my team owing to divided attention and prioritizing personal business during work hours. Some of the team members were running side businesses like

Explain the importance of identifying and differentiating order qualifiers and order winners

Explain the importance of identifying and differentiating order qualifiers and order winners No less than 150 words, explain the importance of identifying and differentiating order qualifiers and order winners .   ……………………………Answer preview………………….. Orders qualifiers refer to the competitiveness where the level of performance has to achieve a particular standard for the customers to consider the products or services of the business. On the other hand, order winners are competitive advantages like high quality, reliability or product design which enable the business’ products………………………….. APA 215 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Explain the importance of identifying and differentiating order qualifiers and order winners appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GE

Write measurable goals and objectives for the following provided scenarios

Write measurable goals and objectives for the following provided scenarios Destruction of property . In a 1 page paper, write measurable goals and objectives for the following provided scenarios: Example: Joey is a 10-year-old boy with physical outbursts. Measurable goals: Will implement 2 -3 coping strategies when feeling angry Will have 2 or less explosive outbursts within the next 30 days with 0 incidences of destruction of property. Gerry is a 15-year-old boy who is skipping some of his classes and receiving failing grades. Marisol is a 33-year-old female who experiences 2-3 panic attacks a week with physical symptoms include vomiting, dizziness, numbness and tingling in her extremities. Roger is a 41-year-old male who is unemployed and needs food and financial assistance for his family. Laura is a 78-year-old female with hypertension. She falls frequently and struggles with mobility.   …………………………………Answer preview…………………………. Objectives Analyze the root-cause issue

Compose an analytical essay of between 500 and 875 words (2 to 3 pages) that uses cause/effect as an organizing pattern

Compose an analytical essay of between 500 and 875 words (2 to 3 pages) that uses cause/effect as an organizing pattern Compose an analytical essay of between 500 and 875 words (2 to 3 pages) that uses cause/effect as an organizing pattern . Remember to present a strong thesis statement in your introduction with relevant supporting details throughout the body. Include transitions to connect ideas in a logical format. A comprehensive conclusion should restate the thesis and end with an effective general statement about the topic. Click the following link for a few topic suggestions. If you do not want to write about any of these topics, you may select your own topic. Remember to present a strong thesis statement in your introduction with relevant supporting details throughout the body. Include transitions to connect ideas in a logical format. End with a comprehensive conclusion restating the thesis. Review the online writing sites as needed. Before submitting your work, please pro

Do you agree with Mr. Moore’s portrayal of health care in the United States

Do you agree with Mr. Moore’s portrayal of health care in the United States Watch the Michael Moore film  Sicko . You can rent it or watch it at the Medical Campus Library (you may also be able to check out a copy from the public library). Then answer the following question: Do you agree with Mr. Moore’s portrayal of health care in the United States? Why or why not? Please be specific and use your own examples as appropriate. Your response should be 50 – 100 words.   …………………Answer preview………………. I do not agree with Mr. Moore’s portrayal of the health care system in Sicko (Moore, 2007) because it seems one-sided. The stories in the documentary are told from the victim’s point of view with little to no evaluation…………………………….. APA 121 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below   The post Do you agree with Mr. Moore’s portrayal of health care in the United States appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions

Discuss ways that children can control aspects of their own safety

Discuss ways that children can control aspects of their own safety Discussion question- ech Read Chapters 18 and 19 in Health , Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child. The goal of safety education is to help children, in a non-frightening way, develop awareness about safety and ways to ensure they stay safe. Discuss ways that children can control aspects of their own safety (for example, safe play). ……………………..Answer preview…………………….. Children are at a higher risk of abduction, abuse, assault, and injuries even when under the care of their families. While most injuries are self-inflicted through risky play, relative or even teachers can turn into molesters abusing or assaulting the child. On the other side, children have higher food safety…………………….. APA 572 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Discuss ways that children can control aspects of their own safety appeared first on Yourhomewor

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies and court systems on business transactions and dispute resolution. . ………………….Answer preview…………………… Businesses are not immune to conflicts; it is, therefore, vital to understand both local and international policies, regulations and law implications through the dispute settlement episode. As part of the authority, decisions, and actions of the regulatory agencies and court systems influence businesses’ dispute settlement………………………. APA 635 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team .

Consider the various types of secondary data collection methods and how they are used in community health

Consider the various types of secondary data collection methods and how they are used in community health Secondary data collection allows you, as a health educator , to analyze data that have previously been collected. Thus, it alleviates the process of developing data collection tools and collecting data. In addition, you can also utilize secondary data to complement primary data. Secondary data collection is also less expensive and less time-consuming than primary data collection. As a health educator, you will often have to depend on secondary data for community health needs assessments. Therefore, it is important for you to understand how to use secondary data collection methods. For this Discussion, select one case study from this week’s resources. Then consider the various types of secondary data collection methods and how they are used in community health needs assessments. Then consider how the community in your selected case study could benefit from secondary data collecti

A psychiatrist’s experiences of chaplaincy and conceptualizing trans-personal model of mindfulness.

A psychiatrist’s experiences of chaplaincy and conceptualizing trans-personal model of mindfulness. In a manmade disaster, such as a pesticide poisoning, spiritual issues can be difficult on individuals, communities and health care providers . I specifically chose to discuss pesticide poisoning because it is something that can likely happen in the community that I choose to serve and live in. Bakersfield, California is an agricultural community that is surrounded by fields of fruits and vegetables. Back in May 2017, more than 50 agricultural workers were sickened when exposed to pesticides while working in a cabbage field near Bakersfield, California (Seda, 2017). This was just one of many documented pesticide poisoning incidents that has occurred in this community. The long-term effects of pesticide exposure are what can be overwhelming spiritually on the individuals. For the individuals directly affected, long term pesticide poisoning incidents has been linked to the development of