
Showing posts from August, 2018

Case Study 3: Missed Opportunities

Case Study 3: Missed Opportunities Read the case study titled “Missed Opportunities”, located in the online course shell. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Examine the pros and cons from the perspective of Crestview Hospital of the placement of its new billboard directly adjacent to Briarwood Medical Center. Interpret the reaction of customers and other community stakeholders to the billboard postings. Use competitive marketing entry strategies to suggest the action that Briarwood Hospital should undertake to counter the messages in the new Crestview Hospital Billboard postings. Recommend the marketing communication strategy or strategies that both Crestview and Briarwood Hospitals should employ. Justify why the Governing Board of both hospitals should take a proactive role in promoting and implementing effective marketing strategies . Assess the value of the various marketing research tool(s) that Briarwood and Crestview hospital could use to promote effective

You are a contract project manager for a wholesale flowers distribution company

You are a contract project manager for a wholesale flowers distribution company “ Managing Performance ” In 600 words or more using a minimum of (2) reliable sources You are a contract project manager for a wholesale flowers distribution company. Your project involves developing a website for the company to allow retailers to place their flower orders online. You decide to perform root cause analysis to determine the cost of the migration . Share your finding and recommendation either it is a good to migrate to the new systems or need to have old system. Justify your response Discuss methodical, detailed analysis as useful tools   …………………Answer preview…………………………… Most of the business organizations are migrating from their old ways of doing things to the new ways. The push for migration is caused by various factors and as well spearheaded by a number of phenomena. Technological inventions and innovations are one phenomenon that is greatly contributing to the migration………………………

Define intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.

Define intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Define intrinsic and extrinsic rewards . Identify job simplification, job enlargement, job enrichment as alternatives to job design. Define job characteristics and explain their role in Job Characteristics model . Identify the characteristics of various types of work arrangements.   ……………………………….Answer preview…………………… Employers or organizations normally strive to improve their performances through rewarding their employees either intrinsically or extrinsically. Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are some of the common systems of rewards which are widely employed by the modern organization. Rewards are what drives individuals to do things………………….. APA 435 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Define intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER

What factors would cause you to initiate follow-up contacts with one or more group members after group termination

What factors would cause you to initiate follow-up contacts with one or more group members after group termination Lisa Jones What factors would cause you to initiate follow-up contacts with one or more group members after group termination ? What would be the purpose of such contacts? Some group members may be excellent candidates of other groups after group termination, and that can benefit from having the experience of a successful client and or facilitator for other groups (Corey, 2015; Marmarosh, Markin, & Spiegel, 2013). Using recovering individuals in a successful group of recovery can help to share their own story and experiences in how they were able to recover and help to co-facilitate supportive recovering groups, another would be to have networking with them as far as a phone number to call in case of relapse or other, having new found friendship with sobriety and others that are working in recovery. Some individuals may want to continue going to other recovery group

As your group grows and considers how to generate new members, you also need to consider how new members will be selected

As your group grows and considers how to generate new members, you also need to consider how new members will be selected As your group grows and considers how to generate new members, you also need to consider how new members will be selected. When determining which new members to add, it is suggest you follow a screening process to ensure they are a good fit for the group. Develop a set of screening questions and criteria that you, as the group leader, will use to choose the members of the group. Begin with demographics questions (name, age, address, presenting issue, etc.) There should be a minimum of 10 screening questions, not including the demographics questions. Write a 500-750-word paper that describes the criteria that you as the leader will use to choose the members for the group. Include the screening questions in your paper. Use a minimum of three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook to support the findings. Prepare this assignment according to the

The brochure has to be on Treatment for adult addicts

The brochure has to be on Treatment for adult addicts The brochure has to be on Treatment for adult addicts Assignment #3: Group Design Part Two: Brochure (Obj. 4.3) In many instances, it may be necessary to advertise your group as a method to draw in new members. For this assignment, you need to develop a brochure (one page front and back with graphics and descriptions) that will “sell” your group as indicated in Group Design Part One to the public. The brochure should be written to apply to a wide variety of people as it should be available in various locations around your community (e.g., schools, doctor’s offices, human services offices, restaurants, agencies serving the population of the group). Complete this assignment in Microsoft Word. To design your brochure, use the templates in Microsoft Office Publisher or any alternative word processing program. If you do not have these programs, you can use the online template resources on the Word Automation website. Omit/delete it

Develop a brochure (one page front and back with graphics and descriptions) that will “sell” your group

Develop a brochure (one page front and back with graphics and descriptions) that will “sell” your group In many instances, it may be necessary to advertise your group as a method to draw in new members. For this assignment, you need to develop a brochure (one page front and back with graphics and descriptions) that will “sell” your group as indicated in Group Design Part One to the public. The brochure should be written to apply to a wide variety of people as it should be available in various locations around your community (e.g., schools, doctor’s offices, human services offices, restaurants, agencies serving the population of the group). Complete this assignment in Microsoft Word. To design your brochure, use the templates in Microsoft Office Publisher or any alternative word processing program. If you do not have these programs, you can use the online template resources on the Word Automation website. Omit/delete items on templates that do not pertain to assignment criterion. K

Writing about why monitoring toddlers and technology is important in a Personal voice perspective

Writing about why monitoring toddlers and technology is important in a Personal voice perspective Your going to be writing about why monitoring toddlers and technology is important in a Personal voice perspective In the personal essay, you learned how to write with a strong personal voice . In the informative essay, you learned how to write objectively and support your points with credible sources to inform the audience. Now in your final assignment, you will combine these writing techniques to write a stance essay. A stance essay takes a position on a topic and argues and supports that position with evidence. Consider your topic: What possible positions/arguments are there? What position resonates with you? (Which position do you believe is correct?) What are your main points? What are the counterpoints? Are you ready to dispute them? Do you have enough evidence to effectively support your argument? For the stance essay, your personal voice (your perspective) should come th

Apply a conflict resolution or problem solving method to a sample conflict scenario

Apply a conflict resolution or problem solving method to a sample conflict scenario In this assignment, you are going to apply a conflict resolution or problem solving method to a sample conflict scenario. Read the following sample conflict scenario: In monitoring goals for an individual education program (IEP) for a student with disabilities, the special education teacher notices that the general education teacher is not utilizing the accommodations and modifications outlined in the student’s IEP. When approached, the general education teacher states that the accommodations and modifications are implemented as needed, and finds that they are ineffective. Based on this topic’s readings, select a model for conflict resolution or problem solving that you will use to resolve this conflict. In a 500-750-word response action plan, apply your chosen action plan model to resolve the sample conflict. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, l

Importance of psychoeducational groups in the school setting

IMPORTANCE of psychoeducational groups in the school setting In the text (in Chapter 1 on hard copy page 4) you read about the importance of psychoeducational groups in the school setting . Summarize (do NOT use quotes) that information here and add any additional information or thoughts to the topic chapter_1_pg_4 ………………………….Answer preview……………………………. Groups have particular advantages for school counselling such as dealing with students’ personal, vocational, educational or social problems. Elementary school counsellors design psychoeducational as well as therapeutic groups to help students. Groups at a high school level are aimed at helping students who have been victims…………………… APA 596 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Importance of psychoeducational groups in the school setting appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CL

The Essential Concepts of Purchasing and Supply Management

The Essential Concepts of Purchasing and Supply Management Role of Purchasing 1 Honey In the Navy, purchasing and procurement branch is their own entity. For example, in order to properly plan the budget for the next fiscal year, an annual procurement budget must be established. In order to provide an accurate request, the procurement branch must submit an itemized listing of the following year’s missions. Budget allowance are allocated based on the mission and approved materials to properly support the mission. This budget allocation for purchasing also include the costs to purchase products from approved vendors. Further research show that procurement play an important role in the global supply chain strategy. It is important to know where materials can be purchased at a lower cost. Along with purchasing materials for production, it is vital for ensuring quality materials are being used in production. The goal is “getting the lowest possible price”, (CSCMP, Tate. W. 2014), but

Under what circumstances might it be beneficial to design a group in which both children and their parents would participate

Under what circumstances might it be beneficial to design a group in which both children and their parents would participate Under what circumstances might it be beneficial to design a group in which both children and their parents would participate? What special issues might arise in such a group, and how would you manage them?   ……………………….Answer preview……………………… Groups that combine the parents and the children in one platform are majors mostly known as the parent support groups. In cases when you bring the parents and children on one platform, several considerations ought to be taken Care of. When starting such groups some of the reasons that would initiate them…………………………….. APA 349 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Under what circumstances might it be beneficial to design a group in which both children and their parents would participate appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions .

Identify the critical requirements of the audit for your chosen organization

Identify the critical requirements of the audit for your chosen organization The audit planning process directly affects the quality of the outcome. A proper plan ensures that resources are focused on the right areas and that potential problems are identified early. A successful audit first outlines the objectives of the audit, the procedures that will be followed, and the required resources. Choose an organization you are familiar with and develop an eight to ten page IT infrastructure audit for compliance in which you Define the following items for an organization you are familiar with: Scope Goals and objectives Frequency of the audit Duration of the audit Identify the critical requirements of the audit for your chosen organization and explain why you consider them to be critical requirements. Choose privacy laws that apply to the organization, and suggest who is responsible for privacy within the organization. Develop a plan for assessing IT security for your chosen orga

How would each religion interpret the nature of George’s malady and suffering

How would each religion interpret the nature of George’s malady and suffering The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and acceptance of a diversity of faith expressions. The purpose of this paper is to complete a comparative ethical analysis of George’s situation and decision from the perspective of two worldviews or religions: Christianity and a second religion of your choosing. For the second faith, choose a faith that is unfamiliar to you. Examples of faiths to choose from include Sikh, Baha’i, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc. In your comparative analysis, address all of the worldview questions in detail for Christianity and your selected faith. Refer to Chapter 2 of Called to Care for the list of questions. Once you have outlined the worldview of each religion, begin your ethical analysis from each perspective. In a minimum of 1,500-2,000 words, provide an ethical analysis based upon th

Give a brief and outline on Getting older: changes in the mind and body

Give a brief and outline on Getting older: changes in the mind and body Give a brief and outline on Getting older: changes in the mind and body. How would facilitate a group using this topic? ………………..Answer preview…………………… In facilitating a group that works on this topic, I would divide the group into four categories. The four categories will be awarded the topic in categories of twos. The first two groups will be given the subtopic of physicals chan…………….. APA 252 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  by clicking the purchase button below The post Give a brief and outline on Getting older: changes in the mind and body appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Develop a consolidated financial projection of revenue, pretax income, and cash flow for the overall business

Develop a consolidated financial projection of revenue, pretax income, and cash flow for the overall business Financial impact. This section should discuss the project’s most likely financial implications and the consolidated financial projection with and without the project. Be sure to: Project the incremental, annual, and cumulative cash benefits and outflows associated with the proposed expansion for the next seven to 10 years, using a spreadsheet to support your narrative. Be sure to justify your assumptions and methodology based on sound microeconomic and financial principles. For example, what assumptions have you made about demand, price, volume, capital purchase costs, incremental hiring, and so on? Develop a consolidated financial projection of revenue, pretax income, and cash flow for the overall business, over that same number of years, both with and without the proposed investment. Use a spreadsheet or other relevant presentation vehicle to support your narrative, bein

Raging Bull is a film that touches on multiple themes and also film techniques

Raging Bull is a film that touches on multiple themes and also film techniques… Read “Urban Meyer Will Be Home for Dinner” (351), “End Game” (87) and “Marathon Man” (224) Q1. There are several different stories under consideration this week. Select one story and focus on the complexity of ONE major character by discussing ONE virtue (from this week’s notes) and ONE vice (also from the class notes) which that character displays. Describe at least two instances where the virtue is apparent and do the same for the vice. 250 words Q2. Raging Bull is a film that touches on multiple themes and also film techniques . In your discussion this week,choose one aspect from the course (from aspects of the hero’s journey to hubris and everything in between) and reflect on that aspect as reflected/developed in Raging Bull. 200 words      …………………Answer preview…………………….. Urban Meyer explains that investing in leadership and culture develop

Discuss two examples of project conflicts as well as how to recognize it and how to resolve it

Discuss two examples of project conflicts as well as how to recognize it and how to resolve it One of the reasons for project failure is project conflict . Some conflicts could be resolved with relative ease. However, some conflicts are not always resolved optimally. Discuss two examples of project conflicts as well as how to recognize it and how to resolve it. What are some examples of project conflicts that are not always resolved optimally? What are some examples of project conflicts that must be disclosed to upper management and why?     ………………………..Answer preview…………………….. Projects are carried out by team members who have different roles, personalities and sense of priorities. The project manager should therefore anticipate potential conflicts among the members and resolve them for the benefit of the project. This is because, when conflicts are not resolved, tasks slow down, members resign…………………………… APA 819 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhome

Which type of security (data, network, or physical) usually represents the weakest link for organizations experiencing breaches

Which type of security (data, network, or physical) usually represents the weakest link for organizations experiencing breaches Read the article titled “ Securing the Cloud for the Enterprise ”. What do YOU believe to be the two (2) most important security considerations related to cloud deployments, and explain the main reasons why you believe such considerations to be the most important. Which type of security (data, network, or physical) usually represents the weakest link for organizations experiencing breaches? Need post in APA format. Each post need 500 words.     ………………………….Answer preview………………….. With continued growth and expansion of cloud deployments, many organizations have realized the importance of taking data security into considerations. Although many people have secured their data within the private network, things are different when data is secured into the cloud……………………… APA 1192 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomeworksolutions  b

Why are the particular animals in these tales suited for their larger lesson

Why are the particular animals in these tales suited for their larger lesson Aesop’s Fables, “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”: Compare the animals in this fable with the animal in “The Fox and the Grapes.” Why do fables depend on animals for their primary characters? Why are the particular animals in these tales suited for their larger lessons? Length: Written response to the questions should be an essay of three or more full pages, PLUS the Works Cited page (4 minimum).     …………………..Answer preview…………………. Aesop’s fable “The Town Mouse and The County Mouse” is a story that illustrates how two mice eat a meal in different environments and how they react to the two situations. Aesop’s Fable, ‘The Fox and The Grapes’ is a story about a fox that tries to get grapes hanging on a branch and after several unsuccessful trials…………………………… APA 1038 words Get instant access to the full solution from  yourhomework

Read the case study titled “Stopping Outshopping”, located in the online course shell

Case Study 2: Stopping Outshopping Read the case study titled “Stopping Outshopping”, located in the online course shell. Then, use the Internet or Strayer databases to research similar marketing strategies in the health care industry. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Based on the textbook’s summary of Timothy’s philosophy of continually striving for excellence, determine whether or not Scarlet Hospital was prepared to compete with the establishment in Salem even before the highway improvement mandated such an upgrade in delivery health care services. Examine the potential lessons that the “Stopping Outshopping” case could teach health care executives about complacency. Evaluate the potential value of Michael Porter’s Five Forces analysis and SWOT Analysis for effective decision making, in its ability to help Scarlet Hospital protect its market share and thus decrease the chance of losing patients to other institutions in Salem. Appraise the value of the Bala

What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood

What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood ? Though the body of literature addressing sexual orientation, including heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, is far from complete, the literature continues to grow. Your awareness of this literature helps inform your social work practice as you address the needs of clients with a variety of sexual orientations. For this Assignment, conduct your own research to identify at least one journal article that addresses sexual orientation. Select an article that you find especially relevant to you in your role as a social worker. Submit a 2- to 4-page paper that includes the following: A summary of your findings regarding sexual orientation and its impact on life-span development, including findings from the resources and from the journal article(s) you se

You have been hired as a consultant to your chosen organization, and you have been called in by the CEO 

You have been hired as a consultant to your chosen organization, and you have been called in by the CEO You have been hired as a consultant to your chosen organization, and you have been called in by the CEO of the organization to conduct a presentation to the upper level and mid-level managers. The CEO would like you to provide your best recommendations on what their organization can do to become more successful at effectively using and managing their information and business information systems. Utilizing the above scenario, prepare a 10- to 12-slide final presentation (excluding title slide and reference slide). You must provide narrative and the speaker note section at the bottom of each slide so that the reader can follow along better. Your speaker notes should include your rationale and assumptions that pertain to your slide. You also need to have a minimum of 6–8 citations and references to support your direction. Note: You may elect to include additional slides as part of an

What ethical considerations are important to research

What ethical considerations are important to research Researchers must protect participants and be aware of appropriate methods for obtaining information. What ethical considerations are important to research? In about 2 pages, write an analysis of the ethical concerns in the 3 diverse psychological research studies below. Be sure to include a paragraph of overall ethical consideration. This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references: see Rasmussen’s APA guide in the Resources tab, or by clicking  here . Prior to submitting your paper, be sure you proofread your work to check your spelling and grammar. If you use any outside sources, please cite those sources in APA citation format. Haslam, S. A., & Reicher, S. D. (2012).  Contesting the ‘nature’ of conformity: What Milgram and Zimbardo’s studies really show . Plos Biology, 10(11), doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001426 Larsen, K. S. (1974).  Conformity i